Why would this provider lie about seeing me?

1. Providers deal with remembering clients like lawyers do and like hairstylists do. It's a hazard and a potential risk to every business that is done on a personal level. If you don't think it is beyond being possible, then check yourself for bias, please.
2. Did any of you catch where she said it is her business, and....
That is a statement made by someone who is contienteous enough to have thought out what she offers and gets offended by misrepresentation. The exact effect she feared is now taking hold. Namely the throngs want to mix tongues and be whispered sweet nothings to.
I got caught in this thread and stayed because my own BS detector, unlike most of yours, respectfully, said this was the likeliest of events: He really did make up for his own means the entire review; or maybe he saw her and embellished, and she didn't remember him originally, but then checked and verified that maybe it was a real meeting.
It stretches credulity to think he was the one paramour who cracked the code and swept her to GFE w/o her being able to stop, and the boyfriend/whatever is now up in arms.
I am 2000 miles away. I think from each of their actions actions that her one mistake was in saying originally that she never saw him. Take that out and see the story for what might really be going on. I think this is about someone who is rational protecting what they do for a living. The truth is there. And with regard to her threatening bodily damage, the email proof requested by the Moderator is also there.
Please report it to the community and clear this person for their businesses sake. I also want to see the dude held accountable for messing with another's business, if that was the case. I don't want people doing that to me. Neither should all of you.
My first question is: why bring back to life a thread that has died of natural causes over 6 months ago? For someone 2000 miles away?

Who are you, the hobby police? Also hobby jury and judge? How arogant of you to make a determination on so little proof. And then to think your judgment is so important. I suggest go back to being silent.
Sorry to bother you. I assume the banned dude's action might be affecting the provider still, six months downstream. I hope not. I saw her side and stated so.
The anonymity brings out the beer goggles in folks. I'll now keep quiet for you.
pyramider's Avatar
About time you shut your yap. You should have posted when the thread started, not six months later.
Will do, and yes.
I didn't see the time lag, or I wouldn't have posted.