Plano action against amps

Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
Everything is cyclical and like a pendulum. 60, 70’s free love and drugs to 80’s Reagan don’t do drugs compaign to whatever we want to call the 90-2010 where America became less “god like” and world got terrorized, over accessed with the internet, school shootings and the like, it really did historically take a negative dip in our society in general. To the point you have a angry man running the country who treats the office with no integrity but stands blindly behind the Bible with none of its qualities because that whats will get you elected by the Republican Party. He’s just a worse more powerful money hungry and power driver version of the Hipocrites that sit in the church pews on Sunday. Who will be re-elected btw because our world loves angry and drama as they can relate. So oddly and ironically this angry right wing man who is far right as any president in my life time, forget any moderate reasonable minded man to run the country, holding up the Bible to his worshipers who follow him blindly like a Qon in a capital riot, support the agenda that he plays to get elected to appeal to his masses and feed his massive ego to help offset his unmassive penis, we get religious agenda laws placed under this administration he appointed (judges) and the public appointed representatives who know this powerful wealthy angry man with his angry cult following is coming back into office. Understand, It’s not just the south but this pendulum swing starting to swing far the other way in a attempt to correct itself from the society we have today. I just learned yesterday about the 10’s bust of the internet pedofile huge worldwide organization The Womderland Club”. Look it up, sick. So a correction is needed. It will get worse and go farther right before it swings back to somewhere in the middle. And again ironically this is happening in the middle of one of the most immoral men, if not the most immoral, presidents we have ever had in office. If that doesn’t tell you the messed up backwards world we live in now nothing will. Happy Independence Day everyone.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Exactly. I just posted something similar in a different thread. It’s public complaints that start LE activity not reviews on review boards. Originally Posted by Dirkdiggler41
This is not true Sir. If you were on this board (under a different handle/profile name) back when the busts started on Bali, Blue, Number One, JuJu, Luxury, etc nothing was mentioned about public complaints news reports. Those AMPs had been around for years in the same location but what the news reports did mention was the reviews on websites. The acronyms in the websites were mentioned, mamasans were mentioned from the websites, the girls names were mention that were lifted from the websites, details from reviews were mentioned. Some people started to worry about charges being brought up for writing reviews. Do you not think that LE is monitoring websites like these and why do you think they are? If anyone thinks that police ONLY get involved because of public complaints is totally wrong but a public complaint can escalate things and it can start an investigation if the massage location hasn't been on the LE radar. I agree that Karen complaints and news team investigations can get things started of course but Police gather evidence and information from many sources, not just one. The bottom line for everyone is to exercise caution and be vigilant. Don't get complacent, too comfortable or think you know it all. Expect the unexpected. Be aware, study the law and know your rights.
Those AMPs had been around for years in the same location but what the news reports did mention was the reviews on websites. The acronyms in the websites were mentioned, mamasans were mentioned from the websites, the girls names were mention that were lifted from the websites, details from reviews were mentioned. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
Do you have any articles/reports mentioning those things? Because this is the first time I'm hearing that.

Not saying it isn't likely or improbable, I imagine this would be the easiest way to shut things down. If it's true I'm surprised more people haven't posted about it.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Do you have any articles/reports mentioning those things? Because this is the first time I'm hearing that.

Not saying it isn't likely or improbable, I imagine this would be the easiest way to shut things down. If it's true I'm surprised more people haven't posted about it. Originally Posted by LGBBQandT
Read my post again, then again and maybe one more time. Since you joined here in 2022 you wouldn't know anything about what I am talking about because if you were around and active here at that time you wouldn't be asking for articles/reports and such. It's obvious that you are bypassing/ignoring the important information and details in my post. Why is this even a debate? The consensus should be that LE gathers information from multiple sources and sometimes initial (first time) complaints, to start investigations on any illegal activity and that's exactly what I said.
Joddxxx's Avatar
Just saw Red Rose has officially closed their doors in Plano.
Just saw Red Rose has officially closed their doors in Plano. Originally Posted by Joddxxx
Happened some time back.
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
This is not true Sir. If you were on this board (under a different handle/profile name) back when the busts started on Bali, Blue, Number One, JuJu, Luxury, etc nothing was mentioned about public complaints news reports. Those AMPs had been around for years in the same location but what the news reports did mention was the reviews on websites. The acronyms in the websites were mentioned, mamasans were mentioned from the websites, the girls names were mention that were lifted from the websites, details from reviews were mentioned. Some people started to worry about charges being brought up for writing reviews. Do you not think that LE is monitoring websites like these and why do you think they are? If anyone thinks that police ONLY get involved because of public complaints is totally wrong but a public complaint can escalate things and it can start an investigation if the massage location hasn't been on the LE radar. I agree that Karen complaints and news team investigations can get things started of course but Police gather evidence and information from many sources, not just one. The bottom line for everyone is to exercise caution and be vigilant. Don't get complacent, too comfortable or think you know it all. Expect the unexpected. Be aware, study the law and know your rights. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
Good reminder and perspective about the big AMP bust, you are 100 percent correct about LE monitoring the boards. People put things in private tags thinking that they can’t see but you know how easy it to post fake reviews and get premium access, the LE are reading those as well. The facts still remains they can’t hit everyone and they know it. When they shut one down it just pops up somewhere else or even in same spot under a different name. They know it’s not going away realistically. It’s called the oldest profession for a reason. So I’m not denying LE doesn’t monitor the boards but adding a little perspective to say that public complaints are where the focus will go, not because spa A is reviewed 100 times more than Spa B. From time to time a large scale effort like a special task force will be put together to take a big swing at it and is successful in shutting down and curtailing activity for a period of time. The raid in question was successful as the AMP scene is a shadow of it former self. They saw that and still applying more pressure than usual in attempt to keep it down as much as possible. That’s where we are at now in my humble uniformed opinion. Much like this board the amp scene in big d has seen better days.
Just saw Red Rose has officially closed their doors in Plano. Originally Posted by Joddxxx

When one subamp close, 2 will take its place. There are so many subamps around. Red Rose has lost its luster years ago. I am surprised anyone even visit.

I am curious if there are asian or latina apt amp in operation in DFW? Its more of a IYKYK type situation.
Read my post again, then again and maybe one more time. Since you joined here in 2022 you wouldn't know anything about what I am talking about because if you were around and active here at that time you wouldn't be asking for articles/reports and such. It's obvious that you are bypassing/ignoring the important information and details in my post. Why is this even a debate? The consensus should be that LE gathers information from multiple sources and sometimes initial (first time) complaints, to start investigations on any illegal activity and that's exactly what I said. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
Woah dude, chill out. Ok let me re-read your post again.

. . . nothing was mentioned about public complaints news reports . . . what the news reports did mention was the reviews on websites. The acronyms in the websites were mentioned, mamasans were mentioned from the websites, the girls names were mention that were lifted from the websites, details from reviews were mentioned . . . Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
Oh so it seems that you claim several times that news reports mention specific details only known by those websites or these forums. Care to share some of these reports?

This is not a debate, you've made some claims, and I'm asking you for your sources. No need to get so defensive.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Woah dude, chill out. Ok let me re-read your post again.

Oh so it seems that you claim several times that news reports mention specific details only known by those websites or these forums. Care to share some of these reports?

This is not a debate, you've made some claims, and I'm asking you for your sources. No need to get so defensive. Originally Posted by LGBBQandT
I guess you don't want to do some research for yourself and I'm not going to do it for you. We can agree to disagree and that's ok.

I hope that Texas doesn't follow Oklahoma as far as making it illegal to write online reviews in regards to service. It might be the next move for Texas and it wouldn't surprise me. That's the reason why there isn't an Oklahoma section on this website. ECCIE got rid of it and I'm sure if Texas did this it would be over for Texas on this website too.

In 2023, 21 OK Stat § 1040.57 was passed to make it illegal to publish reviews of prostitution-related services on websites that facilitate, encourage, or promote sexual contact for a fee.
I guess you don't want to do some research for yourself and I'm not going to do it for you. We can agree to disagree and that's ok.

I hope that Texas doesn't follow Oklahoma as far as making it illegal to write online reviews in regards to service... Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
No, I have done my own research and have found nothing of the sort of what you proclaim in your original post. You refuse to provide any support for your claims and portray this as a "disagreement". I don't disagree with you, I just haven't seen what you're referring to.

Go ahead and keep deflecting though.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Oh so it seems that you claim several times that news reports mention specific details only known by those websites or these forums. Care to share some of these reports?
The closing of Bali (original), Jade, Blue, Number One, Red Rose (original), Luxury, and more, definitely predate your membership date. What you should be familiar with is the Wellness Center in Plano last November. The stories, and actual filing, show you what Mental was referencing, i.e. Reviews have consequences, or at least, can become Exhibits in Legal Actions.

Two (of many) News stories about the Wellness Center action.

Facebook Users' Commenting on the Plano action.

The filed Petition against Wellness Center.

Hope that helps y'all, and, Bless your Heart.
The closing of Bali (original), Jade, Blue, Number One, Red Rose (original), Luxury, and more, definitely predate your membership date. What you should be familiar with is the Wellness Center in Plano last November. The stories, and actual filing, show you what Mental was referencing, i.e. Reviews have consequences, or at least, can become Exhibits in Legal Actions.

Two (of many) News stories about the Wellness Center action.

Facebook Users' Commenting on the Plano action.

The filed Petition against Wellness Center.

Hope that helps y'all, and, Bless your Heart. Originally Posted by TexomaCowboy
Wow, this is good stuff. Thank you for sharing. I can't believe I can see some of those referenced reviews still
",Plano police arrested Tiffany Song for indecent assault"

Yes officer you seen it. I was just lying thar getting a nice relaxing rundown. They don't do massage here that's illegal. Then all of a sudden she grabs MC Hammer and just puts a whoopin on him, like he owes her money.

Pretty sure that's how that law gets broken.
In the last month Arlington has shut down 3 massage businesses for prostituion