Porn Star Stormy Daniels & Donald Trump Coverup

You conveniently leave out the sentence before he said “grab ‘em by the pussy”. He said “they let you do it. You can do anything “

Bill on he other hand had sex with an employee of his which would get any boss fired from any company. Not to mention he exposed himself to potential blackmail. Then he lied under oath. And let’s not forget the woman he raped and paid a settlement too Originally Posted by txexetoo
Just because he said “ they let you do it, you can do anything “ doesn’t mean they were ok with it, that’s just his opinion. I’m sure Harvey Weinstein, and Steve Wynn thought the same thing and look at how it’s turning out. As for your Bill Clinton comparison, that was 20 years ago and he paid the price for his actions. And when it comes to lying, nobody can top our current POTUS, he’s just avoided being questioned under oath.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-15-2018, 05:41 PM
Trump is the biggest trick in the U.S. with all that money and power, he pays well too, Lawyer is gonna come out looking like a dumb ass at the end.
CG2014's Avatar
She tried to run for U.S. Senate? REALLY?
  • eyefo
  • 02-16-2018, 09:18 AM
Trump was elected to fix stuff, which he's doing.
I don't care if he fucks a different hooker everyday as long as he fixes what the the anti-American retard Obama did.

Big tax cuts, ISIS almost gone, business rebounding, low unemployment... etc.

Big Macks and Pussy for lunch... what could be more American
texassapper's Avatar
Only Reagan shooting Commies while riding on a Velociraptor! Fuck YEAH!
Oops...and the hits just keep coming for Shithole-in-Chief:

At what point does Melania say enough? She could rake in millions and go back to fucking a real man, haaaaaa ha ha!
Trump was elected to fix stuff, which he's doing.
I don't care if he fucks a different hooker everyday as long as he fixes what the the anti-American retard Obama did.

Big tax cuts, ISIS almost gone, business rebounding, low unemployment... etc.

Big Macks and Pussy for lunch... what could be more American Originally Posted by eyefo

GiovaniDosSantos's Avatar
ISIS almost gone Originally Posted by eyefo
CG2014's Avatar
Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal took money to suck dick and fuck?

I am absolutely fucking disgusted and appalled and shocked!

Shocked, I tell you.

Playboy Playmates are supposed to be down to earth wholesome young women that other women look up to as feminist role models.

They are proof that women can be naked with their legs wide open in the pages of a magazine for all the world to see and at the same time still be strong and independent.

This world is going to hell in a handbasket when a woman can't even give up some cat to a guy without the guy wanting to treat her like a prostitute by giving her money when all she is doing is asserting her femininity.

Remember the line in Pretty Woman:

Edward Lewis: I never treated you like a prostitute.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Well, he only paid her the first time, after that he told her Mexico was going to pay for it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
The most telling thing about the newest gal isn't that he treated her like a whore, it's that 1) she was a Republican; and 2) she left him for making racist comments.

In unrelated news, the mail order bride didn't ride with cadet bone spur in the helicopter to the AF1 for their weekly golfing vacation this afternoon. She was carried in a motorcade separately.
And when it comes to lying, nobody can top our current POS, he’s just avoided being questioned under oath. Originally Posted by Golden Man
Trump was elected to fix stuff, which he's doing.
I don't care if he fucks a different hooker everyday as long as he fixes what the the anti-American retard Obama did.

Big tax cuts, ISIS almost gone, business rebounding, low unemployment... etc.

Big Macks and Pussy for lunch... what could be more American Originally Posted by eyefo
It would be nice to some day have an intellectual debate with republicans, but you all are unarmed and live in an alternate universe filled with hypocrisy, lies, and childish name calling.

You say you don't care, but you would if he was a democrat. You certainly care that Bill had consensual sex, you bring it up 20 years after his presidency. If it was on the other side, you'd have your pitchforks and bibles ready (while on a whore board).

You talk about Trump's jobs created, but Obama created more jobs per average year in office than Trump. Think about that. As great as 2017 was, Obama had 8 of those. More jobs were created in 2016 than 2017, for example. You talk about the unemployment rate, which went down at a lower rate than when Obama was in offfice (and the rate was not real according to Republicans then).

You were screaming about the debt when Obama was in office. Now it doesn't matter.

Personally, I like the corporate cuts.But the individual cuts are 95% for the 1%, and it's either going to cost us in services or in the form of a higher deficit. Probably the latter because you all being fiscally responsible is one of the biggest lies out there.

Your president is responsible for the school deaths. The second thing he signed in office was reversing the Obama legislation that prevented mentally ill people from getting guns, but now he doesn't blame the guns, he blames a mentally ill individual. He's responsible for Las Vegas. These gun crimes are out of control, yet your leader focuses on the two deaths by the undocumented. BTW, the one in California was innocent because he was over-charged. Probably at least in part due to Drumpf's comments.

You say it doesn't matter whether he gets side pussy. I agree. But when he says he can grab them by the pussy because he's famous and it doesn't matter, then 19 women says it mattered to them, I can only believe them and say he sexually assaulted them. How you can deduce otherwise is beyond me. 19 women lying more than the biggest liar in our lifetime?

Now, can you tell me how Obama is "anti-American" with a logical explanation? By supporting dreamers who are probably more American than you, only know this country, and generally are productive people? Besides, how is coward cadet bone spurs, who has yet to visit the military, an authority of what is American? There is no more treasonous act than dodging the draft when your country calls upon you.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 02-20-2018, 01:55 PM
You talk about Trump's jobs created, but Obama created more jobs per average year in office than Trump. Think about that. As great as 2017 was, Obama had 8 of those. More jobs were created in 2016 than 2017, for example. You talk about the unemployment rate, which went down at a lower rate than when Obama was in office (and the rate was not real according to Republicans then). Originally Posted by Barrymccockinner
You're talking about the unemployment rate. What did President Obama personally do for unemployment? President Trump has personally unemployed multiple key members of the White House for the benefit of our great nation.

And, on a side note, why is this in Coed instead of the Sandbox?
TheWanderer's Avatar
Porn star Stormy Daniels announced this week that she'll whirl into Dallas-Fort Worth in April as part of her "Make America Horny Again" tour. The name of the tour, which will take the adult-film star to Bucks Wild in Dallas-Fort Worth on two nights, is yet another twist on Trump's campaign slogan.