Is out of retirment until the babies here

I would kindly remind you ladies that it is very bad form to judge another woman's hustle.

If you look at the rape/sexual assault statistics alone, just simply interacting with men, at any level, puts all of us women at risk. (sorry, no offense guys). Not only ourselves, but our children, extended families, jobs/achievements, etc - and that's just at a default level.

Add to that that you engage in an alternative lifestyle that, by its associated stigma, increases your risk...and so you would sit on such high haunches, on a hooker-board no less, and attempt to school another woman on risk? Seriously?

Each of us individually judge for our own selves what level of risk we are willing to take on. If you don't think a particular act is in your own best interest, then just don't engage in it yourselves.

If you are not up on the actual risks of the bbbj, (as opposed to assumptions and speculations) and how to properly mitigate the few that there are, I can share some links with you.

And you'd be surprised at how many women free-style, and how successful they are at it. I don't do it. I wouldn't even know where to begin, and the prospect of it would intimidate me. But kudos to the women who can pull it off, and provide for their families.

As for her pregnancy, what damage are you referring to? Sexual activity, as long as it is protected, is very healthy to a pregnancy. It keeps the muscles toned and improves labor, particularly when orgasm is achieved. (except for the last month, it can cause early-labor)

It seems that you ladies are judging based on opinion, conjecture and superstition - and while you are entitled to HAVE an opinion, and express it - it is most inappropriate to judge another person for a lifestyle you engage in yourself. That is not a right that you have - the laws of karma assure that.

As a mother of girls, grandmother of girls, and having worked so hard to raise them to have no shame about their bodies, nor their sexuality, and educating them on all the various risks, and how to mitigate them, observing you claw all over this girl like rabid cats hits ME where it hurts.

Ladies, we are in this together. Please be kind to one another. We already have enough stigma from the outside. We don't need to inflict it upon each other. Originally Posted by Solitaire
So it's also ok for the OP to threaten harm on us providers also ?
Solitaire's Avatar
So it's also ok for the OP to threaten harm on us providers also ? Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
I don't know what interactions you two have had before this thread, and I'm not privy to whatever colorful, escalated, email interaction may be going on in its aftermath. What I do see is you spewing venom at this girl straight out the gate. How else did you expect that to go? Warm hugs? Invitation to tea?

Once you jump all over someone like that, with no provocation, it stops becoming a matter of right or wrong, people will react to how you treat them.

We tend to receive what we put out there.
I don't know what interactions you two have had before this thread, and I'm not privy to whatever colorful, escalated, email interaction may be going on in its aftermath. What I do see is you spewing venom at this girl straight out the gate. How else did you expect that to go? Warm hugs? Invitation to tea?

Once you jump all over someone like that, with no provocation, it stops becoming a matter of right or wrong, people will react to how you treat them.

We tend to receive what we put out there. Originally Posted by Solitaire
I don't expect trash to exceed high expectations..

Like you said you don't know what has been said or what is going on so really you can't make a assumption of what you feel like is going on... Go see her then make sure her pimp doesn't rob you
This place never fails to disappoint, lol