Providers and capitalism

Reeltalk, I am curious which northeastern state was the site of your birth and upbringing. There is no way you are a Texan. You see, in Texas we believe in the individual. We do not need the government to to hold our hand, to pick us up when we fall, or to keep us from hurting ourself. We are a right to work, right to bear arms, "don't care how they do it back east", haven for the modern entrepreneur, old oil money, wave the American flag and to hell with those commie bastards state of individuals. You are a socialist at best and yes, that is a dirty word. You are why there is a state income tax "back east" and economic failure in California. You won't find many to agree with you here bacause most who post here are Texans. Please take a moment to read the Constitution, the document that is our basis of law. The document those you support in Congress pretty much ignore so that they can perpetuate their power and control the weak-minded. Originally Posted by mmcqtx
I'm a Texan, born and raised, and agree with every word he's written. None of those attacking him have substantively addressed anything that he's posted up. Instead, we get the usual ad hominem attacks as exemplified by this post. "Yer a yankee, socialist, American-hating, California-luvin' commie." Laughable.
LovingKayla's Avatar
but I am saying - STOP DREAMING!!

The sad irony is - although there are many women here who love being humped by us big, greasy, hairy, bad-breathed strangers day in and day out - there are also many that are only here as a result of the dregs of Capitalism.

- the most worthless part or parts of something. Originally Posted by Reeltalk
I must respectfully disagree with just about everything here except for the dictionary.

Always dream. Always hope. Always try. If I had not personally done all three to the 10th power, I would have been swollowed alive the last couple years.

I also must disagree with the dregs of capitalism being compared to the girls in the hobby in the same thread as it's being compared with walmart. Walmart is one hellofa demon and we would probably agree on walmart... However I believe that providers represent the truest form of capitalism. They capitalize on pussy... their personal pussy. Now the fact that there are, of course, providers that are in it just for the buck any way they can get it out of your pocket... even by nefarious means, shouldn't group us all.

I believe we should make it or fail on our own merits. If it's legal for a woman to murder her baby, then it damn well should be legal for me to do what I please with my body (as long as it hurts no one) to make it in this country. (

I've read the thread and I have to admit, I agree with DFWtraveler, etc. I don't agree with either side being cutting and demeaning. That is the very reason we can never agree on anything.

So... we have come to the knowledge that capitalism is good as long as it's not used to build a business on slave labor. That about cover it? Both sides?
Amen. Media, culture, education, and science all want us to believe that govt is the answer bc they get a lot of their cash from govt/us. I would trust a CEO 100x more than a politician. In general the try to improve to make more money for shareholders. Politicians are not graded on action/ efficiency etc.
I must respectfully disagree with just about everything here except for the dictionary.

Always dream. Always hope. Always try. If I had not personally done all three to the 10th power, I would have been swollowed alive the last couple years.

I also must disagree with the dregs of capitalism being compared to the girls in the hobby in the same thread as it's being compared with walmart. Walmart is one hellofa demon and we would probably agree on walmart... However I believe that providers represent the truest form of capitalism. They capitalize on pussy... their personal pussy. Now the fact that there are, of course, providers that are in it just for the buck any way they can get it out of your pocket... even by nefarious means, shouldn't group us all. Originally Posted by SoftPlaceToLand
With all due respect Softy - never have my words been taken more out of context. Ok, maybe they have - many here beat you to it in the name of preserving that good 'ol Capitalism (even if it means lower wages, no jobs at all, and no health insurance). Must be a southern thang. Anyway - anyone with a decent amount of reasoning (not that you don't possess any), can deduce that my comment - "STOP DREAMING!!", is totally taken out of context by you if you believe the converse is to "always dream".

This statement - "That's why President Obama scared me during his campaign with his "widening the middle class" bit. In a capitalist system, we are all given equal (well MOSTLY equal) liberties to get the education, or to seek the knowledge, and/or hone the skills necessary to create our own outcomes in life." - is obviously the dreaming I was referring to. I will bet you my hobby license that more than 80% of us are within or below this middle-class, with substantially most falling in the class struggling to make it to middle-class.

So it is beyond me when someone disagrees or worse - complains about a presidential move/effort to create more opportunities to advance to such a class. (Key word being advance. From the same latin root as advantage, or to have an advantage)

Furthermore, with regard to the "girls in this hobby", I in no way compared to the dregs of Capitalism. Only that they have been impacted by it. And just to be even more clear - the dregs I spoke of was simply a reference to all those things today's Capitalism (American Capitalism) cause, that I initially cited (exploitation of labor, illegal lobbying, price fixing, price gouging, unfair wages, overblown tariffs, illegal outsourcing, and "conflict of interest" contract granting).

And do you really want to debate the fact that with all the good Capitalism does (Capitalism by your definition), does it not also eliminate portions of the labor market which affects career choices? Such as choosing to be a provider due to having fewer options? Is that even a serious topic to debate?

Regarding your comment - " . . . shouldn't group us all . . ."
Never did I group all providers together in any context. I purposely and carefully chose the words, "many" and "some".

"I'm a capitalist from waaaay back."
- Maybe that explains why you're still holding on and dreaming about and promoting a system that no longer exists - at least not in its original form.

Unless this hobby is legalized countrywide - it can never truly be Capitalistic. How can you operate in a free market without true access to the entire market? You think you have true and complete access? Then run an ad on television, the Dallas News, or any mainstream media outlet. I know - it's a bit absurd, but so is the dreamy notion that this hobby or providers represent the truest form of Capitalism, in a system whereby one can be jailed for operating out of such notion.

I will say it again - "Know many millionaire pimps/providers in this so-called Capitalist economy?"

I leave you with this conundrum of a question - If this hobby were actually legalized in the sense that every woman in America could sell her pussy for any price she so pleased - do you think the cost of pussy would remain the same, skyrocket, or drop?

The answer to that would be one that truly is the result of guess what . . . CAPITALISM. So . . . remain the same, skyrocket, or drop?
Sorry Softy - but I honestly don't think you'd want to see the Capitalism you so easily defend, in it's truest, current American Capitalistic form.

Oh and BTW - born and bred Texan. Just one without eyes wide shut.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I do know several very rich providers. Shoot one of my best friends made 1.2 mil last year alone.. in a recession!

I do apologize if I took your words out of context.

The system I'm defending has been working for me for almost a decade. Now, it's not all cherries and grapes but it works.

I don't think we will agree on things like health care or this president, but the core belief in capitalism I think we do.

People should make it or break it on their own merit. Pay their fair share (a set % for everyone.) And of course prostitution should be legal. How bout we focus on the things we can agree on.

And I really didn't mean to take your words out of context, I think I just saw the words stop dreaming and I ran with them. My bad.
No worries Softy. I think you're a sweetheart. I must admit . . . I understood your intent and just where you where coming from concerning dreaming and completely agree. Just had to clarify the context of my own comment. Great post from a wonderful woman.
timothe's Avatar
There is also a "checks and balance" for the politicians, it's called - the vote. Originally Posted by Reeltalk
Actually, politicians are elected...bureaucrats are appointed or hired.

Now Reeltalk, care to answer my question?
I just have one question.

Why do so many people believe that politicians/bureaucrats motivated by self-interest are more benevolent than CEOs/entepreneurs motivated by self-interest? Originally Posted by timothe
Ok Timothe - I'll give it a try. First off, I agree that politians are not necessarily the ones in that group of people showing us the most love. However it's been my observation that many politian's motivations have more to do with power, which explain why many spend millions for positions that only pay thousands - exceptions are businessmen who turn politician - which leads us to the next group. Your CEOs.

Their motivation? The mullah. In excesss - it's called greed. The love of money (not to be confused with the necessity of it) has been the root cause of more suffering and deaths than anyone can ever count.

How many people do you think die each hour of each day due to not being able to annually afford a $2000 - $20,000 medication that only cost a drug company less than $20 (per bottle) to produce? Or the decision to withhold for years - the truth about nicotine and tens or hundreds of other poisonous toxins in cigarettes? Your very benevolent CEOs make decisions like that.

And we call ourselves human beings.
As my grandmother would say, "It is a shame before GOD".

I hope this answers your question.
PODarkness's Avatar
For some reason people tend to associate anything that is good for business as capitalism, and anything that is good for the people (bless their black flabby little hearts) as NOT capitalism. The truth is, a free market keeps things balanced by considering what is deserved, and what is good for either side is irrelevant.

Government works on the opposite premise.

Government plays both sides of the fence (there are actually way more than two), first by helping the masses in some way, and then by helping business in another, but both actions are a corruption of the free market.

The government gets their power by being able to shift the balance of good fortune back and forth at will. They trade these shifts for money, and they trade em for votes, but trying to find the natural balance of the free market is the last thing on their mind. Their only concern is praying they don't make the system oscillate out of control, because the economy will collapse, and their power will collapse with it.

People point to this system's failures, and say "See? Capitalism doesn't work", or as the girl in the OP put it, "Capitalism is evil!"

It's not capitalism they are pointing at. It's just dressed up to look that way from a distance. The truth is, free market capitalism is only a theory, and has never been tried long enough to see if it's as good as it looks on paper.

You had me at balanced . . . then lost me at deserved.
I kid, I kid. Very good take on the C-word with an interestingly insightful point of view.
timothe's Avatar
....How many people do you think die each hour of each day due to not being able to annually afford a $2000 - $20,000 medication that only cost a drug company less than $20 (per bottle) to produce? Or the decision to withhold for years - the truth about nicotine and tens or hundreds of other poisonous toxins in cigarettes? Your very benevolent CEOs make decisions like that.

And we call ourselves human beings.
As my grandmother would say, "It is a shame before GOD".

I hope this answers your question. Originally Posted by Reeltalk
Thanks for answering my question, but I think you have Capitalism mixed up with Anarchy. Nobody ever said there was no need for Federal Government to play arbiter when people who don't have a voice get the shaft. (although I contend that the community will oftentimes be more helpful than a government policy in helping the downtrodden.)

I..and many others like me, believe that Federal Government is not capable of helping the masses and their role should be limited to that of arbiter. This health insurance mandates, no subsidies to energy companies or foreign countries, no prescription drug programs or federal intervention into the school system.

The 10th amendment is the most wonderful Bill of Rights in that it gives each state the right to govern itself which in turn serves a petri dish for other states. I encourage anyone who believes the only way for the poor to be cared for to move to a state like CA where the government is in agreement with you. But not here. We like our government to stay out of the way.
Sorry to keep resuscitating this ol' thread - but I just got emailed a video link (below), from a Eccie member and it would be sinful to keep this information to myself concerning this topic of Capitalism and how many of us are at odds about how it should be defined - yet, we are so enormously effected by it in ways we don't realize.

Please watch it in its entirety. The video is absolutely mind-blowing and disturbing. I would love for anyone here to give me reasons to discount it's contents. I'd much rather believe the Pro-Capitalistic rhetoric espoused here instead, which would allow me to sleep without sedatives or a steady diet of Cannabis.

The most defining description of true American Capitalism comes in at 38:50 (38min./50sec.) of the video - for those of us with short attention spans or just wanting to cut to the heart/truth of it all.

However - this video is well worth viewing in its entirety. I dare any of you to do so and still hold to your same beliefs.