Is it me?

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Always bring some.....
I understand completely barney. I stumbled across aspd over a year ago...lurked and lurked...finally I half heartedly messaged this one girl who spurned me as a newbie. I didn't like it so I joined P411 which i used once in well over a year and didnt rejoin. So I have been a member of apsd and now this place and have seen exactly one woman. I think some men want more than just sex, its a connection and thats hard for women to give when its also a business. A connection where yes its fantasy but its reality at least for a time, a short time. A relationship where there's no pressure, just a man and an understanding woman.

One aspect of this section, diamonds and tuxedos, and in the old aspd, HDH, is you can read a woman's posts, and project, maybe incorrectly, a connection and imagine how it would be and take a chance.
Marcus is proof that reading and comprehension are two different entities entirely.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Marcus is proof that reading and comprehension are two different entities entirely. Originally Posted by barneyrubble
Would you care to explain that?
Sure. The whole problem with getting the condoms is that I am married. Going to a hotel is risky business. But going into a pharmacy, selecting some condoms, standing in line to pay for them--which means running the risk, however slim, of running into someone who knows me. A married man buying condoms? Got some splaining to do, Lucy.

That's what I said in the original post. My comment was that all you saw was that I needed condoms without reading the reason why buying them was risky.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
All guys should bring condoms. Have someone else get them if you can't.
You live in a town of 600? Stop on the way to the appointment. If you can't figure this out then I can't help you.
why snipe
I didn't ask you to help me. You asked, I explained. Even though, as I said, if you had any comprehension skills the answer was in the original post.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Good luck to you.
Well, ATL, I could have come across as nervous because I was a bit nervous. But both ladies gave me enough space to calibrate myself so that I wasn't hyperventilating.

Now that you have mentioned my demeanor, I wonder if they picked up on the fact that I was disappointed almost from the moment each opened the door. Both ladies had websites which depicted sexily-dressed women. Wearing high heels, lingerie or sexy dresses. Yet each opened the door as if they had spent less than 5 minutes prepping for my arrival. They were both clean, I assume. But one was in sweat pants and a Tee shirt (no makeup), the other in what I would describe more as underwear than lingerie (no makeup). You know, I know that between the two of us, I am more excited about the session, but I would like my delusion to last as long as possible.

Which brings me to what might be my last question? if the website depicts a lady dressed to thrill, shouldn't she be dressed that way for my arrival? Is it ok to ask/tell a provider how you would like them dressed? I don't mean to be inconsiderate, but this is MY fantasy.

This probably sounds like a bunch of whining. I'm not. I am old enough to know that no matter how hard people may try, there is never a guarantee that good chemistry will exist. Now, if I ask my mom, she says I am one good looking devil. But I've been rejected a time or two in the real world so that I recognize I am not everyone's idea of a dreamboat.

But I am a gentleman, clean and polite, if a tad bent.

Thanks for the soapbox. Originally Posted by barneyrubble
See, that’s just plain unprofessional. I don’t know how other ladies do it, but I get up at 7:30 – well my alarm clock goes off – and I dress as if I was going to my old corporate job: cloths, hair and makeup sin perfume (Oh, how I miss it!!!!). It is much easier to be professional if I appear professional particularly in this industry.

I answer the door in my professional, street cloths. Especially if it’s a new friend, I don’t open the door mostly nude like on my website. First of all, a new friend that I don’t have that chemistry with would be a bit set back I’d think. We don’t know each other that well. But, after we get to know each other AND it is the chemistry that we have, nude wearing something sexy is hot. Secondly, I have an enclosed porch with tons of windows.
ed_mustafa's Avatar
I don’t open the door mostly nude like on my website. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Sure. The whole problem with getting the condoms Originally Posted by barneyrubble
The problem is you were asked to get them. In my opinion, you should never be asked to buy them.

I'm not quite as organized as Olivia but I agree with her 100%
atlcomedy's Avatar
The problem is you were asked to get them. In my opinion, you should never be asked to buy them.
Originally Posted by Ansley
The question of whether the guy should "plan ahead" is debatable. Certainly in the "civie" world it is a shared responsibilty, but in the P4P world, anywhere along the spectrum - street walker to Diamond - it just goes without saying she should be ready...

...I mean if you go see your doctor, he has his stethoscope (spelling?); a handyman brings his hammer; your CPA, her calculator or spreadsheet...even if they don't use them they have them. (& no I'm not suggesting BBFS, just that pros are prepared for a professional appointment)

.... she was staying in a budget-type hotel. Strike one! But I can handle it. Get to the hotel and call for room number. Several people standing around outside staring at me (I'm probably paranoid-but not liking it.) Strike Two! Call the lady for specific room number, she asks if i mind hitting a pharmacy to pick up some raincoats. . Originally Posted by barneyrubble
These aren't just the clues a bad session is ahead of you and think with the big head...these are warning signs for a ripoff...particularly if there are friends, especially like hell...

Dude, where are you finding your "ladies"? Here (eccie)? TER? City Vibe? CL? Originally Posted by ed_mustafa
atlcomedy's Avatar
The problem is you were asked to get them. In my opinion, you should never be asked to buy them.
Originally Posted by Ansley
& furthermore: what's the deal? Is she just lazy? Or is she trying to save a couple bucks? & there is nothing wrong with that, I mean dimes turn into dollars, but in this case she can go to the local Planned Parenthood or clinic & get these things for FREE by the purseful...
Maybe the last five guys depleted her supply.