Reviews ?

FishGuy13's Avatar
Hmm, glad I found this thread. I admit I tend to stick my foot in my mouth more than I care to admit. Before I found this site I put a few reviews up on TER and the it seemed the value of the free time & over all value offered vs my time to write it just was not worth it. I'd like to only write a review if it seems to help add new information or really stood out, but have kinda grown used to the full access. I was denied Free Access for my one of my reviews b/c it lacked enough information in ROS. I did not agree and sent a PM to 2 mods and was told I could e-mail the one who rejected it with an edit of a better ROS section if I wanted.
I have decided to just let it stand, b/c it does not really add any new information.
.. My question for the ladies is would you rather even vague BCD activies listed in ROS or how and where should that be handled & what do you like to see on P411?
.. The same questions for the guys? I don't care if it is graphic or not as lone as I get enough of the info I am looking for. I have no idea what to put in the bio section of P411 and who really reads it?
.. I guess I just figured the ladies ask/tell the same info we are looking for and just dealt with it as a part of the hobby.
i'm with you on this one OP, I don't post reviews even of many women I have been with cuz I prefer keeping what happened betweened myself and a lady to be between us...

i don't like putting a lady between 4 to speak...

i am the same IRL...