DAMAGE CONTROL before the s*** hits the fan

TexTushHog's Avatar
Glad to here the car is back where it belongs with minimal damage!!
Guess Who ???

Just posted in The Weekend Lineup
lol i was looking for this thread just about to say the same thing
Knowing she is being tried by the good folks of this community, she has offered up no defense in her own behalf. Maybe she knows folks she entertained can place her at the same location the auto was found, Maybe in a moment of loss of control things got confusing and out of hand and once done there was no return. Maybe she is remorseful about what took place and wishes it would just go away. Maybe she's on that long slide to what ever resides at the bottom . Whatever I will put a smile on my face, chalk it up to a life lesson learned and move forward, all the while knowing what little I lost is nothing in comparasion to her loss.
Well said - However, it does not justify the atrocious recent actions!
I will vouch for ya' babe...good as gold in my eyes. And I guess we both know
who did it. Sorry for your troubles...wish you luck.
One of the metroplex police depts found my auto, contacted me and have since released it to me. By some stroke of luck it wasn't wrecked, stripped, or shipped out of country. The perps ran it out of gas and left it in a low rent motel lot complete with their trash and left over crap they were smoking Originally Posted by chelsea simms
Chelsea, you might ask the police if they checked/sniffed it with one of their specially trained dogs, just to be sure it's clean and there are no surprises hiding in it somewhere. If not, it would be a good idea to ask them so to do. Better than finding out unexpectedly some night at a random checkpoint.
  • Chloe
  • 07-12-2011, 12:26 AM
Chelsea, I have connected and trusted a provider before that fell into the "forbidden topic" and I suffered for it. Bottom line is I really want to make sure you know your eventual decision to decide that good is at the core of most of us and you know what you would have done in her spot and what she did was NOT it.

Not your fault on ANY level that you did a genuinely good deed and was taken advantage of . . .karma will take care of the rest so keep being the caring individual you are and screw all the guys and gals that try to make you be different due to their actions and afflictions.
MacTheKnife's Avatar
Glad to "hear" the car is back where it belongs with minimal damage!!

You have handled this with your usual style and grace.

I sure hope you did not lose dat hat.
Dittychaser's Avatar
Knowing she is being tried by the good folks of this community, she has offered up no defense in her own behalf. Maybe she knows folks she entertained can place her at the same location the auto was found, Maybe in a moment of loss of control things got confusing and out of hand and once done there was no return. Maybe she is remorseful about what took place and wishes it would just go away. Maybe she's on that long slide to what ever resides at the bottom . Whatever I will put a smile on my face, chalk it up to a life lesson learned and move forward, all the while knowing what little I lost is nothing in comparasion to her loss. Originally Posted by chelsea simms
The high road you are taking is unfortunately one that is not taken enough. Props to you. You are much the better person for not letting bitterness consume you and for her to live on in your head.
I have seen and met Chelsea at a couple of socials and like most was impressed with her beauty and charm. Alas she violates rule #1 "she can't be younger than my daughter". This unfortunate episode has given me a new view of Chelsea, a clam maturity and wisdom beyond her years may make me go to rule #2 "ignore rule #1".
I love a mature clam!
Boltfan's Avatar

I think this suggestion here is a FANTASTIC idea. Taking the high road is commendable to be sure but please protect yourself. If they "left something behind" in their frenzy you really don't want that becoming an issue.

Chelsea, you might ask the police if they checked/sniffed it with one of their specially trained dogs, just to be sure it's clean and there are no surprises hiding in it somewhere. If not, it would be a good idea to ask them so to do. Better than finding out unexpectedly some night at a random checkpoint.
-fk9 Originally Posted by fireknights9
I love a mature clam! Originally Posted by slowmover
LMAO, I remember in Korea, known as the land of the morning calm, a buddy had one of those silk jackets that read land of the morning clam.
damn girl that really sucks.. this is kinda why i try to stay to myself, because as one girl put it, ITS A CUT THROAT BUSINESS OUT HERE.... i understand u have a good heart and that girl was goin thru some things, but u still have to remember that shes looking out for herself before anything, and some people simply CANT be trusted. good luck on getting everything back in order and hopefully this chick will get whats coming to her cuz that was realllly eff'd up!!!