Dallas Weatherman Resigns Over Facebook Comment

playerplano's Avatar
Racism is alive and well in America and police brutality is also a fact but in many of the most public cases the people WOULD be alive if they had complied with the police. Make a case later for false arrest but be alive to do it !

Racial profiling is rough ( I'm a 50 yo white man so not so much for me ) but it has a basis in fact. Who commits more crime ? Who blows up more stuff ? That's who needs to be suspect - just common sense. Why are the poorest part of our cities the highest crime areas ? If people in lower economic areas ( regardless of color ) would stop robbing each other a lot of this would stop.
A news story about a weatherman who made a comment that could or could not be racist you're asking for thoughts and you commented on them and from your opinion. Which is very clear to me so yeah I'd say you're the race baiter if you're going to start throwing that out there
Blackmale. I didn't mean to oversimplify. I know that young black men get profiled and many times it is unfair. My point is that in the M. Brown case if he had just not resisted he would still be alive. In the case in Baltimore this week that woman would be alive if she would have just followed instructions. Baton Rouge-the guy would be alive if he had complied. Minn. Jury is still out on that one. Freddy Gray not sure but a Black Judge aquitted all 6 officers. Trayvon Martin--no reason that boy should have died but if he was beating Zimmerman (an Hispanic) IDK. The guy selling loose cigs in NYC resisted arrest. Surely you can see my point. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
I see your point but you don't know if Michael Brown would still be alive? There's a video after video showing police officers not only abusing power. Breaking the law themselves. You cannot defend every single thing we see on video of cops abusing their power whether it be black or white they do it to everyone. I'm not black and I'm not a man but I have eyes and I can see it for myself
Everybody talks about AA is too sensitive and everybody has to be so PC but I see a lot of people were really getting upset about this whole black lives matter I'm not black it doesn't bother me one bit the only people I see bitching about it and moaning about it, in my opinion are just plain hypocritical
That's like me saying all the guys that have ripped me off have been white which actually they have. Only people I really see as pedophiles on TV anyway have been really mostly White, schools shootings as well. I wouldn't start a string about that because I think it's completely stupid for lack of a better word to assume that all won races this and all One race is that
albundy's Avatar
I just prefer to see racism out in the open. Nobody has openly agreed, so I guess the racists here are too cowardly to admit this is how they feel, or they're merely incredibly fucking stupid and deny the reality of the world we live in....

.......Sorry mods for using the n-word. Guess I should have said thug like the weatherman. It was worth the points. Originally Posted by Lahk
Yeah, pretty sensitive and politically correct for a hooker board. I had originally posted a meme from Blazing Saddles. The "Make a move and the ----- get's it!" scene. Apparently, I offended poor Randalls's delicate sensibilities and, as usual, he went crying to "Momma" about it. Oh well.
I've never associated the word thug with a race. We have plenty of white and hispanic thugs running around.

Political correctness in this country is completely out of hand. I'm pretty sick of how everyone is a victim. A white male is not allowed to speak his mind without being labeled a bigot or racist if what he has to say doesn't fit with the liberal agenda.

Before anyone jumps on me just know that I hate Clinton and Trump and refuse to vote for either of them. I also love black pussy, asian pussy, mexican pussy and pretty much every other pussy. My issue is people's agenda not their skin color. Stop playing the victim card.
I've never associated the word thug with a race. We have plenty of white and hispanic thugs running around.

Political correctness in this country is completely out of hand. I'm pretty sick of how everyone is a victim. A white male is not allowed to speak his mind without being labeled a bigot or racist if what he has to say doesn't fit with the liberal agenda.

Before anyone jumps on me just know that I hate Clinton and Trump and refuse to vote for either of them. I also love black pussy, asian pussy, mexican pussy and pretty much every other pussy. My issue is people's agenda not their skin color. Stop playing the victim card. Originally Posted by Ass Hunter
Who was that directed to???
Who was that directed to??? Originally Posted by celeste14U
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
Blackmale. I didn't mean to oversimplify. I know that young black men get profiled and many times it is unfair. My point is that in the M. Brown case if he had just not resisted he would still be alive. In the case in Baltimore this week that woman would be alive if she would have just followed instructions. Baton Rouge-the guy would be alive if he had complied. Minn. Jury is still out on that one. Freddy Gray not sure but a Black Judge aquitted all 6 officers. Trayvon Martin--no reason that boy should have died but if he was beating Zimmerman (an Hispanic) IDK. The guy selling loose cigs in NYC resisted arrest. Surely you can see my point. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
I see your point. I wouldn't recommend resisting a guy who has the ability to kill me and still be well within his rights either. When I worked in North Richland HIlls in the span of 2 months I was stopped by the police twice for no apparent reason. I didn't argue with the dudes, partially because I was shocked it was happening to me, but I did go to the NRH police station after work and filed complaints. They brought me in, heard my side, did an investigation (of course they found nothing) but at least I felt like I did what I could. I've got some well known, fancy lawyer friends but it wasn't that serious and I don't work out there anymore.
Chung Tran's Avatar
When I worked in North Richland HIlls in the span of 2 months I was stopped by the police twice for no apparent reason. Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas
don't get me started on North Richland Hills, those Fuckers must have little to do.. my lone speeding ticket and lone red-light ticket are from NRH.. I barely go there damn it.

back to the topic of thugs.. while I agree the NY cigarette seller, and the Baton Rouge cd marketer probably would be alive had they not resisted arrest..

WTF? couldn't the Cops issue a ticket, or apprehend either guy later? I don't get the strong arm force used.. for what? to prove the Cops can force an arrest? over bullshit street side sales of bullshit items?
bigbob38's Avatar
It's offensive to me that the democrats parade mothers of criminals on stage and ignore the murdered police officers....I hoe those assholes don't need police help anytime soon because I wouldn't save their asses!!!!
albundy's Avatar
It's offensive to me that the democrats parade mothers of criminals on stage and ignore the murdered police officers....I hope those assholes don't need police help anytime soon because I wouldn't save their asses!!!! Originally Posted by bigbob38
Thought the same thing when I saw that shit at their convention. Disgraceful.

Dumb political move anyway. They are simply "preaching to the choir" with stunts like that. The people that are all for putting the families of the "victims" up there while ignoring the families of cops who have been murdered are going to vote Democrat NO MATTER WHAT. So why kiss their ass? Would have made more sense politically to put cop's families up there and try to get that side's votes. The other side's votes are LOCKED for the Democrats regardless of what they say or do.
don't get me started on North Richland Hills, those Fuckers must have little to do.. my lone speeding ticket and lone red-light ticket are from NRH.. I barely go there damn it.

back to the topic of thugs.. while I agree the NY cigarette seller, and the Baton Rouge cd marketer probably would be alive had they not resisted arrest..

WTF? couldn't the Cops issue a ticket, or apprehend either guy later? I don't get the strong arm force used.. for what? to prove the Cops can force an arrest? over bullshit street side sales of bullshit items? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I've lived in NRH forever. They usually don't harass you too much regarding speeding etc. But, there are a few hot-spots you can easily get a speeding ticket. East bound service road on north loop 820 between Rufe Snow and 26. They hide in the bushes by the weekly stay motel. Same direction service road between 26 and Glenview (makes a semi-circle inside of 820) they hide all along the side streets and parking lots of businesses. Westbound Mid cities Blvd between Davis Blvd and Rufe Snow. Motorcycle cop loves to hide in the streets that go into the neighborhood. Red light cameras- there's two red lights within spitting distance of each other north bound on Davis Blvd. Camera on the first light generates lots of $$ for the city.
  • DSK
  • 08-08-2016, 02:08 PM
Justify the 42-0 'Murder Count'.

Meanwhile, the side of KILLERS are still alive, and the side with 0 murders are DEAD!!

Explain, you piece of shit!!!

Better yet, do something you're good at...and say something STUPID!! Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Please Rambro - anyone can see your selectivity bias.

Plenty of people can make something up that is biased and create an internet meme.

For instance, I could put up a picture of David Burke, who brought down a plane and killed all 43 on board.


Then I could put up a picture of Captain Sullenburger, who saved hundreds.

How would that "score" look?