Fort Worth Police Officer shoots and kills unarmed African American woman who was in the bedroom of her own home. The Officer fired his weapon while standing outside in the backyard and shot her from outside through her own bedroom window.

rexdutchman's Avatar
We are holding some people more "accountable then others" - Doctors and police have the power to kill ,if incompetence leads up to the death they all should be charged .
You have no concept of how the law works. Quit embarrassing yourself. Unless he accidentally pulled the trigger, of aimed away from the person in the house, he intended her death. He doesn’t have to come up to the house with the preexisting, ludicrous idea that “Gee, I think I’ll kill someone on this call.” You point a loaded gun at someone and pull the trigger, you intend their death.

When the defendant testifies, even easier. What did you expect to happen when you pulled the trigger? You had the gun pointed at the victim, correct? Did you aim before you pulled the trigger? There dozens if questions the defendant will look like an idiot on if he fails to give the answer that shows intent.

Texas Penal Code 6.03 (a)

“ A person acts intentionally, or with intent, with respect to the nature of his conduct or to a result of his conduct when it is his conscious objective or desire to engage in the conduct or cause the result.”

You conscious objective was to kill the victim when you shot her, correct?

No, the what did you intend when you shot her?

Piece of cake. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
For the record please tell us again what area of the law you specialize in? And you have absolutely no idea what my knowledge of the law is. Only speculation.
Better yet please give us your liberal or possibly objective interpretation and the differences between murder, manslaughter and negligent homicide.

Do you want to know exactly why some cop defendants receive murder charges and others, as I have pointed out receive manslaughter convictions with probation? It primarily depends on the prosecutor, his or her theory of prosecution and what they think they make stick. And you are correct and if needed I will go back and cite your quote of, “a ham sandwich can get indicted”. That’s because the prosecutor does not have to prove any of his allegations to the grand jury. He or she can literally anything that sounds plausible to a “jury” that most likely believes a prosecutor (and the police) are duty bound to tell he truth.

Why does one get murder and the other get manslaughter? Why does one get prison and the other get probation? That depends on how the wind blows. It depends on a liberal or a conservative prosecutor and judge and it depends of how many “wins” a prosecutor needs to get into the media to advance his career. And then there’s the age old practice of prosecutors trading cases. They will give leniency to one defendant so a defense attorney will “throw the fight” and offer little resistance on the next one.

Does a defendant intend to kill when he or she squeezes the trigger? Let’s hope so. Anything less is a waste of ammo and just to pacify the liberals we might as well not have guns. Does everyone (even the these idiot cops) that find themselves in the unfortunate situation of squeezing the trigger want to kill their victim because of a premeditated malice, mental sickness or an ongoing conflict?

I’m not embarrassing myself. I didn’t go to the Beto rally last night (or Trumps) I just have common sense and any veteran trial attorney or criminal defense attorney will tell you that it’s a crap shoot down at the court house.
Actually the embarrassing part of not knowing the law is Google search of “prosecutorial malfeasance”, “prosecutorial misconduct” and “extrajudicial statements”. This is exactly why a lot of black people and white people did not get a fair day in court. Citing a Texas statute and using trick questions sounds impressive but the general public has no idea how much corruption and graft is involved in the criminal justice system.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't either, virtually no history at all.. nor do I hate Cops. my personal dealings with Cops have been largely positive. that doesn't mean I don't wish for justice among the entire populace.

I'll let the other 2 guys you attacked write their own rebuttal. it's clear you are a self-designated right-wing attack dog. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

attacked? if you say so ..

i'm quite sure "the rifleman" and lawyer tush hog will chime in at some point.

would it surprise you that i think the cops .. both of them, recall there were two officers on scene, completely mishandled the situation? it wasn't a B&E report. but it appears that's how they decided to handle it. the fact that the woman was apparently armed doesn't give the cop much in terms of mitigating circumstances considering they caused the woman to be concerned about a prowler possible intruder in the first place. but you can bet whoever the cop retains as an attorney will cite that.

i see a lot of people taking the opportunity to make blanket denigrations of the police. but how many here would be a cop? not too many. i wouldn't, too dangerous of a day job. there are few jobs where you get up in the morning knowing you might be killed. and not by some industrial accident but by some criminal asshole who doesn't want to go to prison.
Cops have a tough job and it’s probably tougher on their families. I believe most try to do the right thing and now most are afraid of getting pinned with murder if they shoot someone. God forbid they have to shoot a black person (or really anyone) after these two cases. That’s automatically MURDER. At the end of the day the same 80/20 rule applies. Only 20% of the cops are assholes and or incompetent
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Cops have a tough job and it’s probably tougher on their families. I believe most try to do the right thing and now most are afraid of getting pinned with murder if they shoot someone. God forbid they have to shoot a black person (or really anyone) after these two cases. That’s automatically MURDER. At the end of the day the same 80/20 rule applies. Only 20% of the cops are assholes and or incompetent Originally Posted by FunMonday
Hopefully, police will think twice or maybe three times before they shoot someone in their own home minding their own business, regardless of their color.

How did we get to this point?

I blame marijuana and video games.
it is interesting.. and more interesting that those same people defend ultra right wing politicians and legal theory, that aims to destroy the very Website on which they post. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
the hypocrisy is boundless. few of their positions: a) dont tread on me and hands off my guns but I'll tell you how exactly to manage your pregnancy. b) i'll vote for a compulsive liar, tax dodger and law breaker but I hate illegal immigrants coz they break our laws. c) my heart bleeds for unborn children yet I'll gladly put more guns on the street and routinely support death penalty. d) i'll routinely break prostitution laws but am all for locking up minorities on minor drug possession charges. e) minority hating fellow shitizen with racist views shoots up walmart, it's a mental health and video game problem...if a non-white minority does it, only acceptable solution is to stop immigration from all nonwhite countries and bomb a few poor countries back into stone age.

right wing shitheads are gonna continue being shitheads...they dont know any better. only hope is they die off soon.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the hypocrisy is boundless. few of their positions: a) dont tread on me and hands off my guns but I'll tell you how exactly to manage your pregnancy. b) i'll vote for a compulsive liar, tax dodger and law breaker but I hate illegal immigrants coz they break our laws. c) my heart bleeds for unborn children yet I'll gladly put more guns on the street and routinely support death penalty. d) i'll routinely break prostitution laws but am all for locking up minorities on minor drug possession charges. e) minority hating fellow shitizen with racist views shoots up walmart, it's a mental health and video game problem...if a non-white minority does it, only acceptable solution is to stop immigration from all nonwhite countries and bomb a few poor countries back into stone age.

right wing shitheads are gonna continue being shitheads...they dont know any better. only hope is they die off soon. Originally Posted by darkwader

did you know Chung Tran voted for Trump last election? and he'll vote for him again this time as the Democrats are hellbent to select a far leftist firebrand socialist Warren who is as unelectable as Clinton?

hypocrisy indeed!

thank you valued poster!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'll let the other 2 guys you attacked write their own rebuttal. it's clear you are a self-designated right-wing attack dog. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I didn't feel attacked by TWK. He has his opinion and I have mine. I won't change his mind and he won't change my mind. I hardly see the point of going back and forth with him about it. I completely disagree with him and he completely disagrees with me. That fact won't change and it doesn't matter to me to have a disagreement about a very complicated and sensitive topic that makes it impossible to have a 100% correct answer because of one's belief system. He may be correct or I may be correct, but ultimately the judicial system decides that and not two dudes disagreeing on a whore board.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I didn't feel attacked by TWK. He has his opinion and I have mine. I won't change his mind and he won't change my mind. I hardly see the point of going back and forth with him about it. I completely disagree with him and he completely disagrees with me. That fact won't change and it doesn't matter to me to have a disagreement about a very complicated topic that makes it impossible to have a 100% correct answer because of one's belief system. He may be correct or I may be correct, but the judicial system decides that and not two dudes disagreeing on a whore board. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

I'll agree to agree with that.

bojulay's Avatar
Check out the Youtube Channel Police Activity
if you want to see what cops have to deal with

Some of these lunatic criminals act like zombies
right out of The Walking Dead
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'll disagree to disagree with that.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
FTFY. Come on dude. Key word is "disagree" here
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well. if true this explains the officers treating the call as a suspicious circumstance not a wellness check.

Officer Who Shot Atatiana Jefferson Wasn't Asked to Do Wellness Check Despite Neighbor's Request

Joelle Goldstein

People October 17, 2019

Aaron York Dean, the former police officer who fatally shot a black Texas woman in her own home last weekend, wasn’t responding to a wellness check call, despite his neighbor’s request to do so.

Fort Worth Interim Police Chief Ed Kraus told reporters on Tuesday that Dean was responding to an “open structure call” when he opened fire on Atatiana Jefferson and killed her.

Jefferson, 28, had been playing video games with her 8-year-old nephew when the call was made, but the neighbor had simply asked for cops to check on the Texas woman out of concern for her safety, after noticing that her front door was open.

“The information came from the neighbor to the call-takers and while it was relayed to the dispatch, it was determined to be an open structure call,” he said, according to CNN.

An “open structure” or “open door call” is much different than a wellness check, Michael “Britt” London, president of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association, told the outlet.

With an “open structure” call, officers are typically on higher alert, as reports could vary from a door accidentally being left unlocked to something more serious like a burglary.

In the case of a burglary, officers are trained to look for signs that indicate someone has broken into the home, such as a smashed window or broken-down door.

“You are at a higher sensitivity to what is going on with that house,” London told CNN. “You have to be ready for anything. You are taking more of your environment in consideration to be ready for a surprise if there’s one.”

The responding officers did examine the Fort Worth property, with body-camera footage released by the police and shared by multiple outlets showing them walking around the side of the house.

As one officer approached a closed first-floor window with a flashlight, he raised his gun and screamed, “Put your hands up! Show me your hands!” The officer, later identified as Dean, apparently never identified himself as police before firing.

However, that response raised questions by many officials, including Jeff Halstead, a retired Fort Worth chief of police and police consultant.

“They were standing literally at the front door, they could see whether the door was kicked on or not. The lights were on, there was evidence that people were living there, there were toys,” Halstead told CNN. “Why they advanced to an extremely dark backyard area without at least ringing the doorbell or checking the entrance? That’s extremely concerning.”

Audio of the non-emergency police line call released by authorities and obtained by the outlet, also confirms that the neighbor never mentioned a burglary, but rather seemed concerned that the front door had been uncharacteristically open for a while.

“Well, the front doors have been open since 10 o’clock. I haven’t seen anybody moving around. It’s not normal for them to have both of the doors open this time of night,” the neighbor said, later adding that he wasn’t sure if anyone was home but noted that both cars were there.

“Are they usually home at this time?” the dispatcher asked the neighbor.

“They’re usually home but they never have both doors open,” the neighbor responded. “The lights are on, I can see through the house. My sister woke me up, she lives across the street from them. I live on the opposite side of my sister.”

Halstead said he believes Dean’s inexperience may have led him to improperly handle the situation.

“Some officers, younger officers, think every call is an extreme risk or high profile call,” he told CNN. “With seniority, maturity, experience, you can customize your mindset in approaching a lot of different calls.”

On Monday afternoon, Dean resigned hours before being fired, NBC News reports. He was originally placed on administrative leave and had been with FWPD since April 2018.

Dean was later taken into custody by his former department and charged with the murder of Jefferson, according to a statement from the Fort Worth Police Department.

Following the news, S. Lee Merritt, the Jefferson Family’s attorney, issued a statement on behalf of his clients and said that while they were “relieved” with the arrest and charges, there was still work to be done in their community.

“The family of Atatiana Jefferson is relieved that Aaron Dean has been arrested & charged with murder,” Merritt wrote on Twitter. “We need to see this through to a vigorous prosecution & appropriate sentencing. The City of Fort Worth has much work to do to reform a brutal culture of policing.”

In a statement on Facebook, Merritt added, “Aaron Dean has been arrested. It’s a good start. He’s a bad apple. But don’t forget the bunch … it’s bad too (7 fatal police shootings in under 6 months) And who are picking these apples. There’s blood on their hands too. Accountability in Fort Worth is the long game.”

the attorney playing the race angle and the "all cops are bad" angle. go figure ..

When contacted by PEOPLE, a spokesperson for the Fort Worth Police Department had no comment in regard to Merritt’s claims.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
That nosy neighbor has to be feeling like complete shit right about now. But not for his phone call for being a nosy fucker, none of this shit would have ever happened. That idiot cop would have fucked up eventually though because idiot inept trigger happy cops are who they are.
did you know Chung Tran voted for Trump last election? and he'll vote for him again this time as the Democrats are hellbent to select a far leftist firebrand socialist Warren who is as unelectable as Clinton?

hypocrisy indeed!

thank you valued poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
whatever bearing that has on right wing shitheadery, I dont understand.