Chica Chaser's Avatar
It would appear. Cruz beating Dewhurst was a shocker here, I can tell you. Not that Dewhurst would have been a whole lot better. But, he's not a bombthrower like Cruz and has a history of working across the aisle to actually get things done. But, that's no longer an electable attribute in Texas. You just need to be an Obama hater and that gets it done. Originally Posted by timpage
Then I'm sure Cruz will be voted right back out of office in his next election.

If the US Senator is a "statewide elected office," than by the same token the POTUS is a nationwide "elected office."

Does the same analogy also apply to the Presidency? There must be a lot of voters in America that felt Obama was the better choice than either JMac or Romney. Not once but twice and quite frankly by a fairly substantial margin both times.

It stands to reason that if you expect those Texans who are not "Teapublicans" to hop on the Cruz bandwagon, than you would also believe that your fellow "Teapublicans" (Sen. Cruz included) to hop on Obama's bandwagon?

Or do you only drive from east to west but never west to east? Originally Posted by bigtex
Negative. As you well know the Presidency is not decided by the popular vote. There is that pesky Electoral College thing for President. If you don't like it you can always organize your own grass-roots movement to replace the Electoral College process with a popular vote process. If its that good of an idea it should be easy to gain enough support across the country to get it changed.
Then I'm sure Cruz will be voted right back out of office in his next election.

Negative. As you well know the Presidency is not decided by the popular vote. There is that pesky Electoral College thing for President. If you don't like it you can always organize your own grass-roots movement to replace the Electoral College process with a popular vote process. If its that good of an idea it should be easy to gain enough support across the country to get it changed. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
You might want to tell the Cpt about the popular vote concept. He is the one who jumped on the modified 50% issue, not me. I never mentioned it. He seems to be of the opinion that since Obama only won 50.4% of the popular vote, he is somehow a flawed, duly elected President of the United States.

It seems as though the Cpt is trying to modify your "Teapublicans" nationwide victory of 50% of the popular vote theory to include special circumstances should the duly elected President be an African American who he believes to be a Kenyan born Muslim.

It is worth mentioning that Senator Cruz was actually born in a foreign country, yet won a "statewide" victory in Texas. We have to accept the Presidential vote for what it is, that being the electoral college. The popular vote is not a determining factor in the eventual outcome.

In this instance, not only did the President win a significant electoral vote victory in both '08 and '12, he also surpassed your "Teapublicans" 50% of the popular vote threshold, not once but twice.That seems to shoot a gaping hole in your flawed "Teapublican" theory. You cannot ignore the fact that according to your "flawed" theory, Obama won a "nationwide" victory, with or without the electoral college.

In light of these apparently new "Teapublican" election revelations I assume you and your fellow Sour Tea Guzzlers should now ready to "hop on" the Obama Express, just as you seemed to be willing to hop on the Cruz bandwagon in Texas. After all, President Obama has surpassed all of the basic "Teapublican" criteria for a nationwide victory. Has he not?

Unless of course, you only drive from east to west but never west to east.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Winning the popular vote does not immunize a politician from criticism. Not Obama. Not Cruz.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So says the Prince of Loes...
So says the Prince of Loes... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I thought he was the Prince of StupidOldLyingFarts!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Prince of Loes? I prefer Home Depot. I got wood in there once.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LOL, BUT SERIOUSLY you probably gave head in there once.
LOL, BUT SERIOUSLY you probably gave head in there once. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Only once? Rumor has it StupidOldLyingFart and Senator Craig regularly troll the Home Depot men's restrooms in their never ending search for lonely and distraught foot tappers.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You might want to tell the Cpt about the popular vote concept. He is the one who jumped on the modified 50% issue, not me. I never mentioned it. He seems to be of the opinion that since Obama only won 50.4% of the popular vote, he is somehow a flawed, duly elected President of the United States. Similar to the lefts outrage Bush vs. Gore and evidenced by a little trip to the Supreme Court as I recall.

It seems as though the Cpt is trying to modify your "Teapublicans" nationwide victory of 50% of the popular vote theory to include special circumstances should the duly elected President be an African American who he believes to be a Kenyan born Muslim. "MY" Teapublicans? Heh. The birther issue is dead and buried, right or wrong, its not going to change anything

It is worth mentioning that Senator Cruz was actually born in a foreign country, yet won a "statewide" victory in Texas. We have to accept the Presidential vote for what it is, that being the electoral college. The popular vote is not a determining factor in the eventual outcome. If Cruz was not eligible for the office, I'm sure the good folks of Texas would have fleshed that out long before the election

In this instance, not only did the President win a significant electoral vote victory in both '08 and '12, he also surpassed your "Teapublicans" 50% of the popular vote threshold, not once but twice.That seems to shoot a gaping hole in your flawed "Teapublican" theory. You cannot ignore the fact that according to your "flawed" theory, Obama won a "nationwide" victory, with or without the electoral college. MY "Teapublican" again? Heh. Its not MY theory, it just the law of the land. Agree or disagree with the Electoral College process, it is still what it is. Change it if you don't like it.

In light of these apparently new "Teapublican" election revelations I assume you and your fellow Sour Tea Guzzlers should now ready to "hop on" the Obama Express, just as you seemed to be willing to hop on the Cruz bandwagon in Texas. After all, President Obama has surpassed all of the basic "Teapublican" criteria for a nationwide victory. Has he not? Obama was duly elected twice by the rules. Just as GWB was, twice. That never slowed down the attacks from the left, just as Obama gets the attacks from the right. It seems that is the way politics is, as evidenced in this little microcosm that is the Sandbox. As far as Cruz, he just came into office what, 2 months ago? I specifically remember the left saying about Obama "He just came into office, give him some time" don't you? Originally Posted by bigtex
If he's as bad as the left is saying, he won;t last past the next election. Thats the beauty of the system. But that also gives us forever situations like Pelosi or Ted Kennedy was, basically lifetime appointments.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
so because Bush got it, Obama gets it?

thats pretty damned simplistic CC.

The TP has ruined true conservatism in America. turned it into a bizarre cross breed of snake handlers and snake oil salesmen.

I challenge anybody to demonstrate how the TP has made America better for anybody. Ever. Boston doesn't count.

feel free to jump in Teapublicans!
JCM800's Avatar

I challenge anybody to demonstrate how the TP has made America better for anybody. Ever. Boston doesn't count.

feel free to jump in Teapublicans! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
well Sarah Palin was good for alot of laughs
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-15-2013, 09:51 PM
well Sarah Palin was good for alot of laughs Originally Posted by JCM800
Yea, I think she'd look good bent over the tailgate of my truck. Lol
cptjohnstone's Avatar

In this instance, not only did the President win a significant electoral vote victory in both '08 and '12, he also surpassed your "Teapublicans" 50% of the popular vote threshold, not once but twice.That seems to shoot a gaping hole in your flawed "Teapublican" theory. You cannot ignore the fact that according to your "flawed" theory, Obama won a "nationwide" victory, with or without the electoral college.

Originally Posted by bigtex
wrong again, you yellow dog donkey

READ the articles Romney would have won

Virgina electorial college


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Only once? Rumor has it StupidOldLyingFart and Senator Craig regularly troll the Home Depot men's restrooms in their never ending search for lonely and distraught foot tappers. Originally Posted by bigtex
Actually, BigTurd and Assup, I was in Home Depot with my wood when a cute salesgirl saw me and wanted to see my "power tool" to find out what it would to "hardwood floors." She thought it might be too large, so we went in back to do some "drilling". She loved the way it expanded the hole, and was impressed with how deep it could "drill". Then a manager walked in, and the guy with "power, saw" us, but it was ok, since her job "hinged" on good customer "service". Well, after all the "drilling", the wood got worn out, so I left after she asked me to come back, and try "nailing" the hardwood floor again. I will.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
so because Bush got it, Obama gets it?

thats pretty damned simplistic CC.

Not really, the votes of the electoral College are the only votes that truly matter when electing a President. How they decide the vote is the crux of the argument.

The TP has ruined true conservatism in America. turned it into a bizarre cross breed of snake handlers and snake oil salesmen.

I challenge anybody to demonstrate how the TP has made America better for anybody. Ever. Boston doesn't count.

feel free to jump in Teapublicans! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Probably the biggest thing the tea party has brought to the country is a much sharper awareness among the populace of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Market Economics, or lack thereof, in todays government.

Now whether thats a good thing or a bad thing, and whether you support or hate the tea party, simply depends on your core beliefs.