Ben Carson: "No war on women, maybe a war on whats inside women"

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You were the one who said they were exactly the same, just one short post ago... You got the mob rule line from that link too, I notice shit like that. And you also got the founders hating it from that same link. At least you're reading and now know you're a fucking idiot.

"Wrong again....the minority in this country is protected by the Constitution and not because of a Republic. A Republic is a form of democracy where we, the people, elected or have selected an expert to decide for us what is to be law or not. Without the Constitution there is nothing to stop a republican majority to force 49% of the people into doing something. Of course, recent history shows how the democratic party has done just that with things like Obamacare and now the Iranian deal." Originally Posted by WombRaider
Hey idiot, we're still almost on the same page. Anyone here can just click over and see that I never said what you claim.
Hey idiot, we're still almost on the same page. Anyone here can just click over and see that I never said what you claim. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I didn't want to give you the chance to edit. You're a sneaky rat like that. So it's there for all to see. You said exactly what I claim.
Which sexual position produces the ugliest children? Ask you mother. Originally Posted by WombRaider
She wouldn't know because ALL of her children are good looking. Not like you and your inbred familia as produced by your Daddy / brother and Momma / SEESter ! And don't be upset that you are so ugly that even when your Momma / SEESter tied a day old pork chop around your neck, that the family dog STILL wouldn't come to you and play with you ! Pinche pobrecita puta ! :woot_jump :
She wouldn't know because ALL of her children are good looking. Not like you and your inbred familia as produced by your Daddy / brother and Momma / SEESter ! And don't be upset that you are so ugly that even when your Momma / SEESter tied a day old pork chop around your neck, that the family dog STILL wouldn't come to you and play with you ! Pinche pobrecita puta ! :woot_jump : Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
If laughter is truly the best medicine, your face must be curing the world.

Good looking? C'mon, we all know you look like the south end of a north bound burro.
If laughter is truly the best medicine, your face must be curing the world.

Good looking? C'mon, we all know you look like the south end of a north bound burro. Originally Posted by WombRaider
AGAIN with the transference woomby ? WE all KNOW that's what your Daddy / brother told your Momma / SEEster about you shortly after you were crapped out of her fly-laden gash and what you pappy told you once you were old enough to " comprende " , ! Pobrecita puta y maricona !
AGAIN with the transference woomby ? WE all KNOW that's what your Daddy / brother told your Momma / SEEster about you shortly after you were crapped out of her fly-laden gash and what you pappy told you once you were old enough to " comprende " , ! Pobrecita puta y maricona ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Kinda like you always knew when your sister was on the rag, you tasted it on your dad's dick.
Kinda like you always knew when your sister was on the rag, you tasted it on your dad's dick. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So AGAIN with the transference ! So how did you like the extra protein that you got from sucking on your Daddy / brother's dick after he removed it from your Momma / SEEsters maggot-laden gash ? Where the maggots crunchy ? So are eating maggots covered in baby batter considered a delicacy in the woomby familia now ?
So AGAIN with the transference ! So how did you like the extra protein that you got from sucking on your Daddy / brother's dick after he removed it from your Momma / SEEsters maggot-laden gash ? Where the maggots crunchy ? So are eating maggots covered in baby batter considered a delicacy in the woomby familia now ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You tell me...
lustylad's Avatar
I never mentioned late-term abortions, did I?

Of course not. Why would you mention it? The whole topic makes you squirm uncomfortably because it makes ordinary Americans more and more pro-life.

You have done nothing to my argument, despite your cries of ecstasy.

You've done a good job of torpedoing your "argument" all by yourself. In one breath you say "let the market decide" the cost of abortions. In the next breath, you want taxpayers to continue subsidizing it. Make up your mind, sewer rat.

84 percent favor it? Who gives a shit, we don't live in a democracy where the majority gets to swing their dick around. I guess you're confused. A republic is explicitly designed to protect the minority. What if 84 percent decided that women couldn't vote anymore. Would you be for that too?

You're the one who is confused. If you weren't such an out-of-touch Left-Wing Wacko ideologue you would see how you are jeopardizing ALL abortions by callously defending late-term ones. You're too stupidly rigid to support a ban on late-term abortions. It's gotta be all or nothing for you baby killers. Whining about the videos being viewed "out of context" isn't persuading anyone. And comparing late-term abortions to women's suffrage only shows everyone how frivolous and desperate you are to defend the indefensible.

You're a follower, turd burglar. And that's all you'll ever be.

Well, I do try to follow my conscience. You, on the other hand, are morally bankrupt. Do you lack a conscience altogether or just refuse to follow it?
Originally Posted by WombRaider

Schooled you again, sewer rat!
Schooled you again, sewer rat!
. Originally Posted by lustylad
When did I ever defend late-term abortions? Copy and past that post up here, since everyone knows you're the copy and paste queen. Abortions are generally judged to be late term if the fetus is considered viable, which is not before 21 weeks of gestation at the earliest. Almost 100 percent of pregnancies are viable after 27 weeks, so those 6 weeks are what everyone is fighting about. I'm fine with 20 weeks being the cutoff. The fetus is absolutely not viable outside the womb at that point.
  • DSK
  • 08-31-2015, 09:40 PM
Fixed it. If the kiddies got a decent education and learned basic biology, and tebow forbid sex education all of this would be a moot point. Planned Parenthood spends 97% of its resources on women's services. That means 97% of resources go to wellness programs, counseling, etc.

IF the conservatives, ie moral majority, really cared about the fetuses then they should be backing sex education, CHIPs, WIC, etc ... As it stands right now there are zealots wanting to protect the unborn but once they are born they are fucked.

As I have said before, how would any of you fucktards feel if the government was telling you what you could and could not do with your body? I would guess not very well. Originally Posted by pyramider
Why should I have to take care of someone else's child once they are born? It doesn't matter whether I support abortion or not - which coincidentally enough, I do support abortion.
southtown4488's Avatar
the whole abortion debate comes down to do you believe the individual women should have the right to choose an abortion or should that choice be made for her by politicians in DC and state capitols. . . . ill side with the individual woman. But everyone has their own opinions.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, another question would be, "When does a fetus become a person?" I don't know the answer to that question. But when s/he becomes a person, you can't take that life without due process of law.
Actually, another question would be, "When does a fetus become a person?" I don't know the answer to that question. But when s/he becomes a person, you can't take that life without due process of law. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Some would argue when it's viable outside the womb, which is no earlier than 21 weeks of gestation at the earliest. You would be taking the life of something that is unable to survive on its own outside the womb.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What would that be, then?