Will Rand Paul be the GOP nominee in 2016?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
For Timmie

Holy Hell, Hitler could rise from the grave and the democrats would nominate him because of his speaking ability and he is a guaranteed vote getter.

I also don't think JC is in the habit of lying to us.
Don't misunderstand my statement; I believe Obama's citizenship and legal right to be president is unquestionable. It's those people that disagree tend to be right wingers and just happen to be hyped up on Cruz for president. Those would be the hypocrites.
For Timmie

Holy Hell, Hitler could rise from the grave and the democrats would nominate him because of his speaking ability and he is a guaranteed vote getter.

I also don't think JC is in the habit of lying to us. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Two different thoughts in one post???? Too much for you?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-09-2013, 09:35 AM
Two different thoughts in one post???? Too much for you? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

were you fukn trippin when you typed that inane drivel ?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You should not use the word "inane" in the same sentence as "fukn" and/or "trippin". Its like a gang banger wearing a Valentino suit. It doesn't work together.
You should not use the word "inane" in the same sentence as "fukn" and/or "trippin". It like a gang banger wearing a Valentino suit. It doesn't work together. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You shouldn't type "It like a gang banger...." It is like you are Mongo from Blazing Saddles.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Your best shot?
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  • CJ7
  • 08-09-2013, 10:30 AM
Your best shot? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

All Mongo deserves,

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Lets see....nominating Ted Cruz (or Ran Paul) makes one a "wackadoo" but nominating Hillary doesn't. A person with a history of questionable personal choices, unabased ambition, a small record of real achievement (unless you count the fact of just getting there as some kind of achievement), a past of intentional deceit to further her dreams (cattle futures, White Water, bimbo gate, standin by your man, FBI files, travelgate, the healthcare debacle, the carpet bagger question, her questionable book deal and tax evasion, Vince Foster, snipergate, 9/11 gate, reset сброс, reducing security around the world at the embassies while playing the tourist game with tax dollars, Benghazi, lying to Congress and lying to the world. What does nominating this woman mean? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Excellent points, JD.
LexusLover's Avatar
...; I believe Obama's citizenship and legal right to be president is unquestionable. ....................... Those would be the hypocrites. Originally Posted by txrancher1
The operative words are: ... "I believe" .... in

Santa Claus
Tooth Fairy
Easter Bunny

Without their original birth certificate .. that's about all you got.

I don't know if he is or not.

Just like I don't know if he were in the top one percent of his class at Harvard.

I am familiar with a presumption in law ...

................... if you don't produce something you are required to produce ....

................... it is presumed against your position.

And since he is a "law professor" he knows that and should be judged by that same standard. BTW it is HIS BURDEN OF PROOF to show he is legally qualified for the job. Not mine or the voters.

Has Cruz produced his original birth certificate or EVEN a certified copy of the original? Just asking.

And for your edification .. if he runs for President (or even VP) I expect him to produce it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now you hurt his feelings. Ranch Dressing=all hat and not cattle
The operative words are: ... "I believe" .... in

Santa Claus
Tooth Fairy
Easter Bunny

Without their original birth certificate .. that's about all you got.

I don't know if he is or not.

Just like I don't know if he were in the top one percent of his class at Harvard.

I am familiar with a presumption in law ...

................... if you don't produce something you are required to produce ....

................... it is presumed against your position.

And since he is a "law professor" he knows that and should be judged by that same standard. BTW it is HIS BURDEN OF PROOF to show he is legally qualified for the job. Not mine or the voters.

Has Cruz produced his original birth certificate or EVEN a certified copy of the original? Just asking.

And for your edification .. if he runs for President (or even VP) I expect him to produce it. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Little late to be arguing that shit ..
And to believe I took a very few number of minutes away from looking at and chatting with women who might actually want to fuck . . and read this drivel!

My well-earned $.02 worth:

I'd vote for Soprano . . . possibly.
Rubio as a VP candidate . . . maybe.

Bolton? Best giggle of the week . . . thanks.

I'd fuck Palin . . . but she wouldn't like it much and would bitch a lot about it later.

Sad fact is that it will be Clinton and another round of a brain dead House.

The only marginally good news on the horizon is Gov Hair will be screwing something up other than the Governorship of Texas. (Could we please get past thinking that male cheerleaders have any useful skills of any sort?)

Back to sexxy women that might actually want to fuck . . .
LexusLover's Avatar
Little late to be arguing that shit .. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It's never too late.