Hunter Biden caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It is now rumored (that's right, you heard it here first) that the DOJ intends to rename their building to honor one of the modern era's Sherlock Holmes that was able single handily find International corruption on a wide scale and bring down an entire crime family.

After nearly 3 years and spending $40,000,000 tax payer dollars, the combined efforts of some 30 people could not find Russian corruption nor indict anyone for it. After months of hearings and hearsay witnesses, the House could not find any Ukrainian corruption.

Yet a single person, with nothing more than an unpaid $85 computer repair bill, was able to bring down an entire crime family with corruption with Russia, China and Ukraine.

Congratulations on the soon to be renamed

Hunter Biden building for the DOJ.
texassapper's Avatar
It is now rumored (that's right, you heard it here first) that the DOJ intends to rename their building to honor one of the modern era's Sherlock Holmes that was able single handily find International corruption on a wide scale and bring down an entire crime family.

After nearly 3 years and spending $40,000,000 tax payer dollars, the combined efforts of some 30 people could not find Russian corruption nor indict anyone for it. After months of hearings and hearsay witnesses, the House could not find any Ukrainian corruption.

Yet a single person, with nothing more than an unpaid $85 computer repair bill, was able to bring down an entire crime family with corruption with Russia, China and Ukraine.

Congratulations on the soon to be renamed

Hunter Biden building for the DOJ. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Just goes to show you that govt. is the worst answer to just about any situation < war. the govt. couldn't find any proof that Trump colluded with the Russians even after Hillary paid to create the proof, the Democrats in Congress still couldn't deliver the Presidency to her.

Sad. So sad.

And then Hunter hocks his Macbook w/o deleting the data.

As I always say, it's a good think democrats er I mean criminals are so stupid otherwise we might never cath them.
"As I always say, it's a good think democrats er I mean criminals are so stupid otherwise we might never cath them."

Sorry, but I can't help pointing out dogmatic generalizations from either side. Speaking of criminality, anyone here old enough to remember Watergate?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Why did this Hunter stuff come out now, when Guiliani had the computer last December?

Because it is lies, unpacked now in a Hail Mary bid to hang on to the White House.
I don't care what the fuck Hunter Biden did. All I know is if I was in his shoes and I had a powerful father, I would take full advantage of my lineage for my own financial gain. I think most people with any sense would do the same.

I also don't care that Trump's kids do the same because they would be stupid not to do so IMO. I'd never hold that against Trump. I just hold running this country to the ground against him.

I could not care less what Trump's kids do even with their political positions they have and hardly deserve because of him. I also don't care what his kids do behind closed doors. If my Dad was POTUS, I would be doing all kinds of crooked shit to get rich.

There are two candidates for this election. The adequacy and/or inadequacy of their kids are a moot point to me. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I do because his corrupt father helped him.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
What about it is a lie? Biden himself hasn’t refuted the authenticity of the messages, so it’s pretty clear that they are. His campaign did come out and say the meeting never happened, then, shortly after, changed their tune saying it was only a short meeting. If it was a lie they’d (they because Biden himself is incapable of answering tough questions) would have immediately held a press conference to deny everything. Instead they immediately suspended the campaign for the day so he wouldn’t have to take questions on the matter. Pretend, if you’d like, that he’s not in a world of shit, but it doesn’t make it so.
He’s not. The only people that care in the least are already not going to vote for him. The people that care about actual corruption have lived through the last 4 years of the most corrupt president since Nixon so they likely won’t be swayed by the NY Post article. More so they won’t think Biden is more corrupt than Trump so that’s a wash. No one else cares.
winn dixie's Avatar
He’s not. The only people that care in the least are already not going to vote for him. The people that care about actual corruption have lived through the last 4 years of the most corrupt president since Nixon so they likely won’t be swayed by the NY Post article. More so they won’t think Biden is more corrupt than Trump so that’s a wash. No one else cares. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
If the blocking of evidence dims let the truth come out America would care! Your point is moot!
Uh huh
texassapper's Avatar
Sorry, but I can't help pointing out dogmatic generalizations from either side. Speaking of criminality, anyone here old enough to remember Watergate? Originally Posted by reddog1951
Yeah..that's peanuts to weaponizing the entire f*cking FBI, CIA, and IRS against political rivals... Obama makes Nixon look like a god-damn boyscout.

And little Joey-two fingers wants his turn at the cookie jar now.

What f*cking decade was watergate, Dude? I'm surprised you don't mention the teapot dome scandal!

I think the next time we up the ante... maybe the Republicans should go for Death Squads next since the Dems decided to weaponize the government.
texassapper's Avatar
Why did this Hunter stuff come out now, when Guiliani had the computer last December?

Because it is lies, unpacked now in a Hail Mary bid to hang on to the White House. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Guliani didn't have it last December. The FBI did

the guy made copies.

When the FBI sat on it... he gave the copy to Guiliani.

Because he sort of expected the FBI to DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS.

That's how you KNOW ITS THE REAL DEAL.
texassapper's Avatar
I don't care what the fuck Hunter Biden did. All I know is if I was in his shoes and I had a powerful father, I would take full advantage of my lineage for my own financial gain. I think most people with any sense would do the same. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
No, those without any Honor would do the same. I'm glad you know yourself well enough to realize you lack that.

You'd readily be a thief, a liar, and a cheat.

Yup, you're definitely a Democrat.
Turns out the laptop appears to have been planted by Russians and never belonged to Hunter. The repair shop guy keeps changing his story to the FBI. And checks by the FBI against Joe’s schedules show the meeting never occurred as he wasn’t even in the same city at the time.

Unraveling real fast.

Like all the other bullshit stories, Fox will all of a sudden just stop talking about it on the news side and Hannity and Carlson will keep pushing it even after it’s been debunked.
winn dixie's Avatar
Turns out the laptop appears to have been planted by Russians and never belonged to Hunter. The repair shop guy keeps changing his story to the FBI. And checks by the FBI against Joe’s schedules show the meeting never occurred as he wasn’t even in the same city at the time.

Unraveling real fast.

Like all the other bullshit stories, Fox will all of a sudden just stop talking about it on the news side and Hannity and Carlson will keep pushing it even after it’s been debunked. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You really should stop being hypnotized by the lsm! The dim lsm media is scrambling to cover this up as quickly as possible! They really are in panic mode over this! The hypocrisy of this and double standards are flabbergasting!
texassapper's Avatar
Turns out the laptop appears to have been planted by Russians and never belonged to Hunter. The repair shop guy keeps changing his story to the FBI. And checks by the FBI against Joe’s schedules show the meeting never occurred as he wasn’t even in the same city at the time.

Unraveling real fast.

Like all the other bullshit stories, Fox will all of a sudden just stop talking about it on the news side and Hannity and Carlson will keep pushing it even after it’s been debunked. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
A story started by Politico... which oddly enough Twitter is allowing THIS particular conspiracy story to be shared. LOL.

No it's real and the reason you know its real is because the FBI sat on it. We still wouldn't know it existed except that the guy made two copies... one for a dead hand and one he gave to Guilianis lawyer went he Feds didn't do anything.

Pretty telling that the guy knows well enough NOT to trust the FBI...

The only thing unraveling here is Democrats hope of destroying America in the next four years.