Read about the Republican Tax Scam! Learn a lesson, Trump screwed you over!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You're exactly right and that's why term limits on every member of congress should be implemented. 12 years max. That's 2 terms for a senator and 6 for congressmen. Serving in the congress wasn't meant to be a lifelong job. If these fucks knew they could only serve to a specific number of years then they wouldn't worry so much about losing votes. Originally Posted by Budman
ixnay on the senators, 6 years is too long for a senator. their terms need to be reduced to 3 years, that'll make it 4 terms if we follow the 12 year limit. senators cause too much shit during their 6 year tenure.

I'm actually in favor of increasing the presidents term from 4 years to 6 years, keeping the 2 terms intact.
ixnay on the senators, 6 years is too long for a senator. their terms need to be reduced to 3 years, that'll make it 4 terms if we follow the 12 year limit. senators cause too much shit during their 6 year tenure.

I'm actually in favor of increasing the presidents term from 4 years to 6 years, keeping the 2 terms intact. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Personally i say MAKE THEM all 4 years, and limit EVERY side to 2 terms.. 20 years TOPS in government.. PERIOD. No matter if you go house to senate to presidency.
lustylad's Avatar
Your not worth debating with because your uneducated... You and others like you are... a dredge on society. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
^^^ Is this a new submission for me to add to my signature? It looks like a good one! 3 grammar/spelling fuck-ups while badmouthing someone else's education level... now that's funny! I'm tempted to use it!

On second thought, naaaaah! I'll stick with your previous classic, StandinStupid. It's short and sweet:

...your just to dumb to know your dumb. Originally Posted by StandinStupid
StandinStraight's Avatar
Snitchy just admitted we are living in “good times”! Yes, under Trump the “good times” are starting to roll. GDP estimates are over 4% for the 4rth qtr. Market up over 5000pts this year alone!!!!! And now tax cuts! Goodbye individual mandate! 2018 will be a great ride! Let the GOOD TIMES roll! Originally Posted by bambino
Ask any economist and they will tell you that President Obama is responsible for today’s economy, Trump is riding the success of the past administration.
Then those "economists" are actually just as stupid and misinformed as you are ..... and naturally you have no facts or sources to back up your opinions .....