Trump speech at CPAC tonight was remarkable

  • oeb11
  • 03-02-2021, 09:33 AM
Denial and deflection.
HedonistForever's Avatar
. In fact, I would argue that listening to both is important with both Mainstream and Social Media's tendency to take phrases out of context and write their own narrative. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Good observation. I would agree that listening to the side you don't agree with, is as important as listening to the side you do agree with.

That is what makes an "informed" opinion.

A month ago, the left thought Andrew Cuomo was the greatest politician of the 21st century, an example to all other Governors. Now he is on the verge of scorn at best and indictment at worst.

Personality cults exist on both sides of the aisle.

If Republicans can find somebody that can articulate Trump's policies and not his behavior, they will be right back in this "fight" in '22 and '24

Things change quickly in politics but right now, second only to the economy, immigration will be the driving force in '22.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Trump haters are fixated on their idiotology and will Rue the day as fiden adn his marxists destroy the economy and pursue their marxist revolution of control of all people and means of production. Originally Posted by oeb11
Clearly, you have no idea what Marxism is. You also post this repetitive stupidity daily. I doubt you know what representative democracy is, either.
A month ago, the left thought Andrew Cuomo was the greatest politician of the 21st century, an example to all other Governors. Now he is on the verge of scorn at best and indictment at worst. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Goes to show you priorities though.

Kill 10-20k people? Pass.

Be a rude pig to women? Unacceptable.
lustylad's Avatar
Clearly, you have no idea what Marxism is. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
And you do? Why don't you 'splain it us then?

On second thought, don't bother. Been there, done that!
lustylad's Avatar
As for "minding our own fucking business", we have the problems with fundamentalist Islam we currently have because the west (including us) started piecing out the Ottoman Empire as it died, exploited it's populace, meddled with governments, and now have to deal with generations of goat fucking perma-virgins who have nothing better to do than suicide bomb us at their leisure because they have no prospects, no women, no jobs, and no money.

When I say "we never should have been over there", I'm talking about 1922, not just 2002. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Blame American first, huh?

Your grasp of Middle East history is thinner than a potato chip. It was the European powers, not the US, who carved up the Ottoman Empire in the wake of WW1. Look up the Sykes-Picot agreement. The UK and France were the big colonial powers. The US was anti-colonial and instrumental in pushing those countries to grant independence to their colonies, especially after WW2. Why do you think Eisenhower failed to support them during the 1956 Suez crisis?

So logically, if your argument had an ounce of merit which it doesn't, you would expect the Middle Eastern states and/or their populations to harbor resentments against and lash out at the UK and France, not at the US which helped to lift the yoke of colonialism off their shoulders.

And don't forget that large parts of Africa and Asia were also colonized by the major Western powers back in the 19th century. Funny how they all seemed to get over it and focused on moving their countries forward post-independence. You don't see any of them flying planes into our skyscrapers, do you? But if they did, you would be the first to defend them for slaughtering 3,000 of your fellow citizens, wouldn't you?
lustylad's Avatar
... Japan didn't bomb us in 1941 for any other reason than we chocked off their oil supply. Originally Posted by WTF
What a fucking patriot you are!

I just wish you and I could've met in Times Square on December 8, 1941. If you had the guts to spout such nonsense, I would've beat the living daylights out of you!

Only a treasonous nitwit would suggest the US had any obligation to sell oil to a country that was committing aggression and massacres all across Asia. Ever hear of the rape of Nanking? The Japs slaughtered an estimated 200,000 Chinese civilians in that atrocity alone. Why would the US or any other ethical nation want to aid and abet such barbarism? Anyone with the slightest moral compass would say cut all business ties. The only thing FDR did wrong was he should have embargoed those fuckers 2-3 years earlier.

For the record, let it be known that wtf considers the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to have been a justified reaction to our refusal to sell them the raw materials they sought to perpetrate their massive human-rights atrocities throughout the Indo-Pacific region, and therefore the deaths of 2,403 of our fellow citizens on the December 7th day of infamy, while unfortunate, did not warrant any response on our part.

And no, I won't open and read your salon article. It would disgust me and make me even more nauseous than you do.
Blame American first, huh?

Your grasp of Middle East history is thinner than a potato chip. It was the European powers, not the US, who carved up the Ottoman Empire in the wake of WW1. Look up the Sykes-Picot agreement. The UK and France were the big colonial powers. The US was anti-colonial and instrumental in pushing those countries to grant independence to their colonies, especially after WW2. Why do you think Eisenhower failed to support them during the 1956 Suez crisis?

So logically, if your argument had an ounce of merit which it doesn't, you would expect the Middle Eastern states and/or their populations to harbor resentments against and lash out at the UK and France, not at the US which helped to lift the yoke of colonialism off their shoulders.

And don't forget that large parts of Africa and Asia were also colonized by the major Western powers back in the 19th century. Funny how they all seemed to get over it and focused on moving their countries forward post-independence. You don't see any of them flying planes into our skyscrapers, do you? But if they did, you would be the first to defend them for slaughtering 3,000 of your fellow citizens, wouldn't you? Originally Posted by lustylad
You're being way too apoplectic about this bud. I'm neither defending or excusing the 9/11 hijackers, I'm just saying why it happened. The "They hate our freedom" bullshit from 2002-2005 was exactly that - nonsensical bullshit.

I literally posted a documentary about this a couple pages back. What you said is true as well as what I said. Did you forget about the terror attacks against the UK and France? The target isn't just the US, it's "The West".

Even if Dulles was trying to stave off the already growing adverse reaction to Western colonialism in Egypt, Nasser made sure the damage was already done.

The rest of the Eisenhower Doctrine was perceived as a stealth attempt at western imperialism and a threat to pan-arabism.
Didn't watch a second of that asshole.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Denial and deflection, That's all potus pudding an chief is doing ,,, cancel all big t s policy with NOTHING to replace ( middle east oil etc putting amerkia last ) Don't get started on china s obfuscated hypocrisy
HedonistForever's Avatar
Leaving the rest of the world to "do it's thing", was not then ,is not now or ever will be an option. Doesn't mean we have to declare war but embargoing oil against Japan can't be seriously argued as the wrong thing to do.

The Biden administration just put sanctions on Russia, not enough in my opinion, for jailing a prominent dissident. Why? Because we have a moral responsibility to act and to politically keep pressure on advisories which is why we need to put sanctions on China too.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Denial and deflection, That's all potus pudding an chief is doing ,,, cancel all big t s policy with NOTHING to replace ( middle east oil etc putting amerkia last ) Don't get started on china s obfuscated hypocrisy Originally Posted by rexdutchman
You might wanna translate this to english.
winn dixie's Avatar
You might wanna translate this to english. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Clear as rain to me.