I think you try real hard but not quite there yet.
Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Agreed I know there's a little too much reason and logic behind my posts to qualify as a 100% certified board a-hole but I do what I can to meet the minimum basic standard requirements.
Pure a-holing without any level of thought process is just as painfully boring as the ass kissers.
What makes Whispers king of the board a-hole mountain is the fact that no matter how a-hole he gets there's almost always some degree of calculated thought and thinly veiled button pushing going on behind his posts.
Granted there have been a few past unstable periods where he's lost it and gone over the edge but mostly he maintains control and stays sharp.
This forces most readers to actually think. Like him or hate him you have to respect that in this never ending battle of wits (Or lack of).
I mean does nobody know how to play a simple game of fuck board chess anymore? You make a move and they react immediately as predicted without any thought whatsoever given to why you made that particular move. It's like watching retards at a spelling bee.
Unfortunately not everyone trying to be a certified board a-hole is either able to nor willing to think before posting so they just come across as yapping dogs which is tedious as fuck to read.
We all have to do our part to keep the a-hole banner flying high.