I'm Starting To Like Rand Paul

LexusLover's Avatar
The government can not accuse or try you of crimes based on intelligence gleaned off of NSA wiretaps (unless of course, they're related to a terrorist plot). Do you really think they've employed actual people to listen to every single conversation in America? No. It's most likely automated, with programs listening for flagged key words. Probably Allah akbar is pretty high on that list.

It all comes down to whether you trust your government. Of course, they've never given us a reason to trust them, so my gut says to shut it down. But, at the same time, I don't want this country to suffer another attack like 911. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Originally Posted by shanm
More "good ole police work" .... mixed up with "good ole legal work"!!!!

Post 168 on 4/15/15 ..."Who Is The Blame For Walter Scott's Death?"

Question posed to SHANM aka Shameless:
"What about a suspect running away and then fights with you when you catch up?

His Answer!! "....... better yet, shoot him in the leg, wait for backup and the paramedics. good ol' police work."
Chica Chaser's Avatar
COG with all due respect you and others make the drastic mistake in believing that when the constitution was written that it would apply to the world we live in today. Back in Washington and Jefferson's days there were no terrorist or people hell bent on killing Americans just for the sake of jihadist principles. I would like to fly from city to city with a peace in mind and knowing some jihadist doesn't have bomb materials in his shoes or underwear trying to kill me and innocent passengers and if it takes the government to eavesdrops on your phone call and mine than by God that's what needs to be done. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
There is perhaps some legitimacy to your argument that the world is a different place today. However the Constitution is the supreme law of the land today as it is written. And if changes need to made to it...so be it. There is already a long established process for doing so. In fact, it is written into the document itself...


Article V

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.
THAT is how is supposed to be done, not by Executive Order
dirty dog's Avatar
Sir you are missing the point- if Al-Queada no longer existed or there were no iSIS hell bent on destroying American than we would have no purpose for the act. The act is only for protecting American lives- where do you get this bullshit conspiracy theory that they will use it for political reasons? You are sounding a lot like Alex Jones. I honestly had no idea Obama was supporting the patriot act.
For the millionth freaking time- if you are not saying anything wrong over the phone why would it bother you? If you know you are not committing a crime than if they eavesdrop on you it's all moot.
I take it that guys like you , Budman and COG would have a problem if you were leaving work and a police car followed directly behind you all the way home. You would start bitching and asking ."why is that police office following me.. or if you were in a department store and the security guard followed you on aisle just watching you- you would feel your rights have been violated right?
Well I got news for you- if the same police officer followed me home- I could give a rats ass- I have nothing illegal in my car and if I obeying all the traffic laws why would I care? If I am not stealing any items - why should I care if the security officer followed me on every aisle.
The difference between you and I dirty dog is that you have skeletons in your closet- I don't!!! You and guys like Budman, and COG are paranoid POS that know if people found out what you really did behind close doors - everyone's perception of you would change. I I WILL ASK ALL OF YOU FOR THE LAST FREAKING TIME- IF YOU ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG AT HOME- WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU CARE????? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The difference between me and you is that I understand what freedom is and I understand the potential for government abuse. You keep saying "if your doing nothing wrong" blah blah blah the reality is you never know when something you may be doing or talking about which may be legal now will become illegal. Remember the IRS's function is to collect revenue, so explain why they were doing what they were doing. You trust the government, probably because it has taken care of you your whole life, food stamps, housing, education, you are the perfect sheeple. While you may not care that a fundamental right is being infringed and you may think that the constitution is no longer relevant but it is the law of the land and until such time as that changes I will not support anyone who proposes anything that infringes on any of those rights contained within. You can continue to be a sheeple if you want. As for skeletons, the only skeleton in my closet is the memory of your momma looking back over her shoulder yelling fuck that black ass white boy.
dirty dog's Avatar
Well, I guess I'm in-American then. Like Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Patrick Henry, JFK, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and many others. While you, WE, stand with such true Americans like Dick Cheney, George W Bush, Don Rumsfeld, Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, and many others. I believe the Constitution, until repealed by real God Fearing Americans like you, is still the law of the land,

I believe in Liberty, privacy, personal responsibility, free speech, due process. If that makes me un-American, I will wear that label with pride, and weep for how far my country has fallen. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Preach it brother COG, Amen and pass the collection plate cause Daddy needs a new airplane.
Finally you make sense... Originally Posted by WTF
The treatments you started during your time out may be working...

You forgot the one in the DFW area at the cartoon exhibit.

FBI knew about one of them, may be both. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Amongst the terrorist attacks occurring on US soil...

LexusLover's Avatar
Doing things wrong "at home" is routine .. I'm more concerned about getting caught "doing it right" away from home. Aren't you?

A problem with your "perspective" on the government intrusion is you apparently "presume" the government has the "privilege" of intruding into your life, and you must demonstrate that you are doing nothing wrong. (BTW: That's one of the problems with "entitlement prorams" IMO. It invites the government into one's personal life.) That's backward in principle and law. It is the government's burden to demonstrate you are probably doing something wrong to justify the intrusion.

Contrary to folklore that is not a "legal technicality." That's a fundamental principle etched into the foundation upon which our country was founded, because those escaping "the King" who settled here didn't want any of that baseless, arbitrary intrusion over here that seemed to be SOP in those days "back home" ... along with a lot of other shit ... like "executive orders" when the elected representatives won't do what "THE KING" WANTS.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-02-2015, 06:53 AM
God , some of you are trying to turn this into Obama;s fault!

Why am I not surprised...

Vote Rand Paul in the Primary if this is important to you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Because they get tipped off about things that are federal crimes, dumbass. Prostitution in and of itself is not a federal crime. Other things have to be at play for the FBI to get involved. Which is exactly what the fuck I said, bitch boy. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're like a fuckin' ostrich except you have your head up your ass, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. These operations always nab someone, but it's increasingly obvious they aren't nabbing near as many of their **intended targets** as they are routine prostitutes, pimps and johns, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Nine women were arrested at the hotel as part of what appears to be a national crackdown on prostitution and human trafficking led by the FBI. Federal, state and local law enforcement officials coordinated to carry out the sting, part of a federal effort called Operation Cross Country....

Detectives with the Pittsburgh Police Department Vice Unit began placing phone calls Friday afternoon to numbers advertised in the escort section of a website called backpage.com, a site known to be used by human traffickers and pimps to illicitly sell sex. All of the appointments were set up for hotel rooms on the third floor of the Sheraton Hotel, according to court documents.

Between 3:30 PM and 11:30 PM, the women, with advertised names such as “Paris” and “Natalia,” arrived at the hotel to meet with who they thought to be clients. Upon arriving, each woman placed a phone call to the undercover detective who told her the room number.

At least two of the women inquired upon arrival to the room as to whether the supposed client was in fact a police officer.

According to court documents, the woman calling herself Natalia, in fact Jessica Oliver, 23 of Pittsburgh, “did a cop check” on the officer and then said, “Okay, I just want to make sure you‘*re not a cop.”

Undercover detectives agreed to a price, ranging between $200 and $1,000, with the women and exchanged the money -- usually it had to be placed on a bedside table or television, as the women refused to handle the money directly. The detectives then signaled for back-up, and detectives and agents swarmed the room. The FBI conducted interviews with a number of the women, who were later transported to Allegheny County Jail.

Of the nine arrested, eight were charged with prostitution. They ranged in age from 23 to 32. A ninth, Heather West, 38 of Pittsburgh, drove 23 year-old Heather McGure to the hotel. Ms. West claimed only to be serving as a driver and for security purposes. She is facing misdemeanor conspiracy and promoting prostitution charges.

On Saturday alone, another almost 40 advertisements for adult “escorts” in the Pittsburgh area were posted on backpage.com. While the website says advertising of prostitution services is prohibited, a number of the ads overtly offered such services, and even listed prices....

The FBI’*s Pittsburgh division arrested two pimps in that operation, and did not recover any _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

The difference between me and you is that I understand what freedom is and I understand the potential for government abuse. You keep saying "if your doing nothing wrong" blah blah blah the reality is you never know when something you may be doing or talking about which may be legal now will become illegal. Remember the IRS's function is to collect revenue, so explain why they were doing what they were doing. You trust the government, probably because it has taken care of you your whole life, food stamps, housing, education, you are the perfect sheeple. While you may not care that a fundamental right is being infringed and you may think that the constitution is no longer relevant but it is the law of the land and until such time as that changes I will not support anyone who proposes anything that infringes on any of those rights contained within. You can continue to be a sheeple if you want. As for skeletons, the only skeleton in my closet is the memory of your momma looking back over her shoulder yelling fuck that black ass white boy. Originally Posted by dirty dog
LexusLover's Avatar
God , some of you are trying to turn this into Obama;s (sic) fault! Originally Posted by WTF
It's not any more his fault than it is Rand Paul's fault.

Here's what Obaminable said when he was looking for the job in 2007:

"Personal privacy must be protected even in terrorism age"

"Americans fought a revolution in part over the right to be free from unreasonable searches, to ensure that our government couldn’t come knocking in the middle of the night for no reason. We need to find a way forward to make sure that we [stop] terrorists while protecting the privacy and liberty of innocent Americans."
Source: In His Own Words, edited by Lisa Rogak, p.132 Mar 27, 2007.

If you had known then about Obaminable what WE know now, would you have still voted for him? Doesn't sound like it, since Rand Paul is saying just about the same thing, and did in 2010. Therein perhaps lies the difference.

Rand Paul is consistent, and not a lying sack of shit.
  • shanm
  • 06-02-2015, 10:00 AM
More "good ole police work" .... mixed up with "good ole legal work"!!!!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
We've talked about this LLIdiot. So sad that you're gonna have to run away again just like you did in this thread.


Then again in this thread:


Then AGAIN in this one!


We can always try one more time, what do you say?

LLIdiot, do you or do you not, have a link for the typically RETARDED claims you made in the same thread you demonstrably like to quote?

These are your claims:

can we leave in the part during which Scott gets control of the taser and shoots the Officer 2x's with taser darts one of which is still "wired" to the taser gun?

" Originally Posted by LexusLover
he shot him in the back"! Speaking of "plain and simple" ...

. has anyone ever seen someone FLEEING by ....

..... running backwards FACING THE POLICE OFFICER?.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes indeed.....speaking of plain and simple....just find a link and get back to me
  • shanm
  • 06-02-2015, 10:03 AM
The difference between me and you is that I understand what freedom is and I understand the potential for government abuse. You keep saying "if your doing nothing wrong" blah blah blah the reality is you never know when something you may be doing or talking about which may be legal now will become illegal. Remember the IRS's function is to collect revenue, so explain why they were doing what they were doing. You trust the government, probably because it has taken care of you your whole life, food stamps, housing, education, you are the perfect sheeple. While you may not care that a fundamental right is being infringed and you may think that the constitution is no longer relevant but it is the law of the land and until such time as that changes I will not support anyone who proposes anything that infringes on any of those rights contained within. You can continue to be a sheeple if you want. As for skeletons, the only skeleton in my closet is the memory of your momma looking back over her shoulder yelling fuck that black ass white boy. Originally Posted by dirty dog
That is absolutely true. The government may have this NSA program for national security, but who knows what they will do with it in the future.

Like I said before, there is no reason to trust them with it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-02-2015, 10:18 AM

Rand Paul is consistent, and not a lying sack of shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I like Rand Paul....probably would vote for him but I worship no one person or party like you seem to. You can not even admit that the 2003 Iraq invasion was a bad idea. Even after the fact.


Some Libertarians who supported then U.S. Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) in his two failed quests for the Republican presidential nomination are irritated with his son, Rand Paul. Rand Paul, who recently entered the sweepstakes for the GOP presidential nomination, has moderated his positions on some key issues. For example, Rand asserted in 2007 that Iran's alleged pursuit of a nuclear weapon "is not a threat." Yet in the U.S. Senate, he supported a resolution that called Iran's nuclear ambitions: "a tremendous threat." In another instance, Rand indicated his support for eliminating foreign aid to Israel. However, now he maintains: "I haven't proposed targeting or eliminating any aid to Israel." Then in 2011, Rand called for a 23 percent reduction in U.S military spending. Now he calls for a $190 billion increase in military spending.
  • shanm
  • 06-02-2015, 10:38 AM
I like Rand Paul....probably would vote for him but I worship no one person or party like you seem to. You can not even admit that the 2003 Iraq invasion was a bad idea. Even after the fact.
Originally Posted by WTF
You're 100% spot on.

"Rand Paul isn't a lying sack of shit"

He's actually exactly that. I've always maintained that I would vote for Ron Paul if he ever got the nomination. The reason I can't stand behind Rand is because he is actually nothing like his father. He's always flip flopping on key issues and he constantly avoids giving answers that would throw off his voter base. Total asswad if you ask me....but still, probably the best the GOP has to offer.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
That is absolutely true. The government may have this NSA program for national security, but who knows what they will do with it in the future.

Like I said before, there is no reason to trust them with it. Originally Posted by shanm
So you are officially on record that you don't trust our elected officials and don't trust the govt? Is it ok if I label you as anti-government which is another word for a rebel?
  • shanm
  • 06-02-2015, 11:49 AM
So you are officially on record that you don't trust our elected officials and don't trust the govt? Is it ok if I label you as anti-government which is another word for a rebel? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Anti-government and not trusting out government are two different things.

I want less government and I definitely don't trust our government. Labels don't bother me.