Still Looking for an actual ALERT pt 1 of 12

M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-25-2011, 04:50 PM
Just to be on the safe side, BeautifulBailey14 phone number has been removed from RBB. -M
Whispers's Avatar
BTW Marco.... regarding getting equal treatment.. I think your already being shown tremendous leniancy..... Probably because the staff realizes you are doing a pretty good demolition job on your Agency and Credibility....

Any Lady on this board that publicly posted that guys send her copies of the ROS of her reviews would probably be banned by now...... It's interesting that they have not acted against you yet... I can imagine ladies will want to see you get the same treatment they would get....
  • Vyt
  • 10-25-2011, 05:03 PM
MODS, was Still Lookings original title and many postings edited? -M

We do not discuss actions taken regarding moderation, but given the fact that members cannot edit their own posts after a given period of time passes, I think people are capable of drawing their own conclusions. -Vyt

YOU LIED!!! I saw it, Fratelli saw it, we all saw it. Members are seeking the truth, they deserve at least that much. -M
Originally Posted by M!NT
"We do not discuss actions taken regarding moderation"

If the post was edited, and the original poster(s) didn't edit them, then whom do you think did?

"I think people are capable of drawing their own conclusions."

Perhaps that was too subtle, but accusing me of lying isn't going to convince me to take any particular side in this train wreck.
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-25-2011, 05:08 PM
Whatever whispers, you can bully the girls but i don't give a F@#!, you are NOT going to bully me, providers will have access to the info whether or not they want to be included on the model page, it is their choice.

It not about being on the site or posting, or BS rules they have to follow, its about making the hobby fun again. So, ladies don't let (scare tactic) postings from a few troublemakers intimidate you. -M

I fail to see a difference; are providers not allowed to be concerned about their own safety? Speaking from personal experience, I would venture to guess that 90% of my reviews as a provider were written without my consent. Though they were fantastic and garnered a lot of business for me, they also left me in an extremely vulnerable position...

I was outed recently, and the information collected (or submitted) was staggering. Not only were physical details gathered to pinpoint my identity, but personality quirks and telling traits of myself were compiled to identify me in my civilian life. Am I not allowed to be concerned with such a thing? Is there a difference? No, there absolutely is not.

As a provider, or former provider, I will continue to be an advocate for the rights to privacy and safety for women in this community. I want to know who I am seeing; I want to know if we will be compatible, if I will enjoy myself. I also want to ensure that the man showing up on my doorstep is in fact the person I have been communicating with. Are you familiar with p411? That site also has a description of it's members; it too allows providers to make notes on their dates, which has proven to be extremely beneficial in the date decision process.

It can be argued that once a woman makes the sound decision to become a provider, she is opening herself up to scrutiny under the review process. That may very well be true, but she isn't the only participant involved. I think it is naive and extremely ignorant to think that men are excluded from any kind of discussion. I have been blessed with my selection of dates and have nothing negative to report about any of them; however, if I had a negative experience you can guarantee others would have heard about it.

I don't give two hoots about the Handler of Mint - I do, however, think that you have to look at the benefits of RisqueBB as a separate entity of Him. Chase him with your swords and guns, but leave the site alone. Originally Posted by K lovve
I don't entirely agree with you - nor do I entirely disagree - but I do think you are raising some very important points that merit discussion. Unfortunately, any discussion of them is going to get lost in this train wreck of a thread. Whispers has started a thread, and poll, in the National forum that might be a better place for it - or start another thread here.
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-25-2011, 05:21 PM
AMEN LOVE ... AMEN! I tried breaking the topics down but, the MODS said they would not allow it locked the threads .. train wrecks cause confusion and points never make it out or get overlooked. -M
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-25-2011, 05:31 PM
Vyt, I was talking about Still Looking. He claims that you never edited his original title where he was trying to out me.

Original Title = "Your information is being collected by Marco/(my alleged name)"
Edited Title = "Your information is being collected by Marco"

"I've never dealt with Marco, or any of the ladies in his employ, so I have no idea if he is a douchebag or a prince. But, am I the only one perturbed by the fact that multiple people have now posted what is apparently his REAL first name on this board? What, you don't like his business practices so his security is no longer important? Seems to me that this is as bad as anything he is alleged to have done." -Fratelli

After Fratelli points this out, the MODS have since edited title and the numerous other postings SL has made and restored security for now. I appreciate that we are now in agreement that SL is the one outing members. Thank you MODS for your assistance with this security matter.

I saw it, Fratelli saw it, we all saw it. Members are seeking the truth, they deserve at least that much. -M
wiilyp613's Avatar
So when does that book of yours come out M???
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-25-2011, 05:54 PM
wiilyp613, "MINT Conditioned" is in pre-release, paperback will be available 2.14.2012

By pre-release I mean it is a collection of topics and ideas that will help providers manage thier business without the need for an agency/booker/assistant etc. A few well know providers are helping organize and edit the final release. -M
WyldemanATX's Avatar
The train wreck continues....
Still Looking's Avatar
Vyt, I was talking about Still Looking. He claims that you never edited his original title where he was trying to out me.

Original Title = "Your information is being collected by Marco/(my alleged name)"
Edited Title = "Your information is being collected by Marco"

"I've never dealt with Marco, or any of the ladies in his employ, so I have no idea if he is a douchebag or a prince. But, am I the only one perturbed by the fact that multiple people have now posted what is apparently his REAL first name on this board? What, you don't like his business practices so his security is no longer important? Seems to me that this is as bad as anything he is alleged to have done." -Fratelli

After Fratelli points this out, the MODS have since edited title and the numerous other postings SL has made and restored security for now. I appreciate that we are now in agreement that SL is the one outing members. Thank you MODS for your assistance with this security matter.

I saw it, Fratelli saw it, we all saw it. Members are seeking the truth, they deserve at least that much. -M Originally Posted by M!NT
There must be something wrong with my computer? The only difference I see is the back slash? I'm not sure who put that there, but it only appears here in your post! You want your issues addressed but you ignore the valid issues presented to you! After going back once again and reading some of the posts by other board members, I'm thinking you might be better off dealing with me. I mean how deep a hole can some one dig for themselves?
Whispers's Avatar
Whatever whispers, you can bully the girls but i don't give a F@#!, you are NOT going to bully me, providers will have access to the info whether or not they want to be included on the model page, it is their choice. Originally Posted by M!NT
Who am I bullying and where? BY the girls do you mean all the girls you pretend to be? Some mysterious other girls? Where are these girls I bully?

It not about being on the site or posting, or BS rules they have to follow, its about making the hobby fun again. So, ladies don't let (scare tactic) postings from a few troublemakers intimidate you. Originally Posted by M!NT
The Rules are bullshit but you want the rules to protect you?

I think you have been pretending to be the girls too long and and lost yourself in too many feminine roles and can't find your way back out... You are all over the place man.....

Get back to ignoring Still Looking and the actual facts in the thread and keep spinning..... A few months from now you will have a nice long epitaph to post regarding the demise of your business venture....
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 10-25-2011, 07:10 PM
Good idea...(Whispers, Still Looking, EastBayRay, Wyldeman30, +) you are not worth my time. I proved my point. The only thing that comes out of these threads is "double talk" from a few rotten apples with nothing better to do.

It is a shame that guys like you have to ruin a good thing, your loss, the guys that play by the rules will thank you for it. Some of us get into this hobby for the fun ... but douchbags like you because it's the only way to have a beautiful girl in their presence.

Close this thread already, we have beaten this poor horse to death lol.

PS, Wishpers I don't need any rules to protect me, I make my own. I'm sorry I could not make my message any more remedial for you to understand. Lets see if we can end it here. I can ... Question is, can you (all douches included)?

I doubt it. -M
Still Looking's Avatar
You could have ended this a long time ago Mr Pretty Writing! Run and hide!

And for the record, if I had a relationship with someone for four years and lived them, I certainly wouldn't refer to that person as the person I FUCKED! You’re a work of art! Providers take note! He is a Prince!
Whispers's Avatar
Good idea...(Whispers, Still Looking, EastBayRay, Wyldeman30, +) you are not worth my time. I proved my point. The only thing that comes out of these threads is "double talk" from a few rotten apples with nothing better to do.
Originally Posted by M!NT
You proved absolutely nothing and have been the ONLY one double talking from the start.... Unfortunately you didn't spin this one.... or for others we could say Fortunately...

It is a shame that guys like you have to ruin a good thing, your loss, the guys that play by the rules will thank you for it. Some of us get into this hobby for the fun ... but douchbags like you because it's the only way to have a beautiful girl in their presence. Originally Posted by M!NT
Exactly what did I ruin? Please. I would like to know.

And can you explain how YOU are in this hobby for fun? You seem to be here to make money off of the ladies......

AS to having a beautiful lady in my presence? Well.... As an old fashioned gentleman that pampers and pleasures as well as entertains and cares for the ladies in my life, I have no problem having beautiful women in my "presence".... or in my home... or in my bed..... Currently I have a 21yo CoEd living with me that turns heads pretty regularly..... And others in the mix regularly..... Honestly though... I'm kind of surprised at what becoming single has done for my social life..... Maybe I'm just that one "lucky" guy that won the lottery....

ehhh.. maybe not... I make my own luck...

Close this thread already, we have beaten this poor horse to death lol. Originally Posted by M!NT
Before the Mods honor that request, I think the subject needs a bit more attention and the thread has surely taken on a life of it's own..... This one ought to run a little while longer.... After all... There are 10 more topics to be discussed and Marco was insisting we deal with them...... Don't let the little girl run and hide because he drew too hot of a bath .......

PS, Wispers I don't need any rules to protect me, I make my own. I'm sorry I could not make my message any more remedial for you to understand. Lets see if we can end it here. I can ... Question is, can you (all douches included)?

I doubt it.
Originally Posted by M!NT

Probably not... You don't get to call guys douches and then say let it drop......