Can't stand it....going back to NBA

So... not to hate on Honey (we have always had great interactions)... but this whole thing screams to me false, attention craving made upedness. Her slew of recent semi pointless threADs kinda leans towards that. She is too savvy to put up with that shit. Then again... guess not.

Another thing is - maybe she doesn't have the thickest of skins. She could have gotten one of those hate emails that has been going around from some scumbucket mental case preaching gawd and hatred in the same thing about fucking outside your race.


She shouldn't have started this if she didn't want attention or to discuss it. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Is it just one guy, or do we have a little Aryan Nation action going on around here? The level of angst surrounding this issue appears to have risen recently. Is there really an increase in activity, or is this just the conflict of the month? Originally Posted by TinMan

Okay.... so NBA doesn't have anything to do with basketball? you Eccie people with your acronyms, abrieviations, and secret squirrel talk.....SMH
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 06-11-2014, 11:45 PM
Is it just one guy, or do we have a little Aryan Nation action going on around here? The level of angst surrounding this issue appears to have risen recently. Is there really an increase in activity, or is this just the conflict of the month? Originally Posted by TinMan

Honestly, I wouldn't know. In all my years floating around here, I have never gotten one of those. I must not be on the mailing list.

There seems to pop up one or two new ladies alerts about it per month.
You may comment and say anything you want, call me everything you want, curse me out or do whatever but after this but I am going to make a point NOT to check this thread after submit this post. Originally Posted by honeydavis

So why make this thread? It sounds like you wanted someone's attention for changing your policy but didn't want to be questioned by anyone else?

I understand a personal preference on not choosing to see a certain client, but that's not what you're doing here. You're making a choice not to see an entire race of people, which is completely ridiculous in this day and age (especially with the race of our current sitting president). I don't know if it's a former client who used to see you and pay you well for your services who's giving you a hard time or it's something else entirely.

Anyway, I'm not really trying to harass you here for your decision, it's just that I see this approach constantly and i've never seen a straight answer on why girls take this approach. If someone else is harassing you, then i'd remind you that they don't own you, and just because you provide services for a fee doesn't give them the right to treat you as a lesser person.

Blah...I'm just rambling now...
TinMan's Avatar
So why make this thread? Originally Posted by Merwiin
Maybe she's scared, and she's hoping this public declaration will make the harassment stop.
Jessica Jade's Avatar
Maybe she's scared, and she's hoping this public declaration will make the harassment stop. Originally Posted by TinMan
Thuck Fat's Avatar
Maybe she's scared, and she's hoping this public declaration will make the harassment stop. Originally Posted by TinMan
Maybe she's stirring the NBA topic pot.

Maybe she's really seeing AA clients on the regular as some other "NBA" gals are doing on the hush hush.

Maybe this could be just another threAD.
Or maybe she has a earache and is bored and I know how I get when I get sick.. I call my mom at least 100x a day whining for a Popsicle even though she lives 1000 miles away.
At first I used to think there were too many NBA threads but the more I hear from providers and hobbyists the more I see this isn't smoke, it's fire. I do not care if the ladies I see have AA clients and be warned I enjoy AA ladies. If you don't want to see me because of this that's fine - I probably wouldn't enjoy the company of such a closed minded lady anyway. I don't pay all of any of these lady's bills so I don't see how I should expect to have any opinion of who she sees. (Not saying because you pay someone's bills you should control them).

Ladies being harassed, men putting all this work into seeing someone and then being left at the door without explanation??? Embarrassing as a white person that other white people would do this to any PERSON, regardless of their color.
TinMan's Avatar
Interestingly, EL214, I've never heard of a white guy being harassed for seeing AA women. It's a clear double standard.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I think most folks on here feel the same way you do EasyL. Most couldn't give 2 shits either way if a lady sees people other than her own race or not. But there will always be an asshole or two that send out nasty pm's and harass a gal for something thats 100% the ladies choice to make. Just like I think most black folks don't really give two shits if a lady chooses to have a NBA policy. But there again there's always an asshole or 2 that hound the girls about it and raise hell over and over about a choice that is hers to make.

It's kind of odd to me how the small percentage of assholes (because I believe most people here are straight shooters and good people) are the reason for the good people going on and on in these multi page threads. And I'm guilty of getting sucked into them too. But honestly the dickheads really aren't worth our time.
I think most black folks don't really give two shits if a lady chooses to have a NBA policy. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
You sir, are right on the money. As a representative of the AA community, I can confidently state that we don't give a FF about the NBA policy, it is just an additional criteria to take note of when looking for a piece of tail. Also, to be brutally honest, we don't care about a NBA policy change. Most likely we won't go see anyone who had the policy in the first place (the line in the sand has already been drawn). I doubt a providers business will improve or decline by dropping/adopting that policy. Too many choices in Dallas.
IT wasn't me. And "gimmie_that" I thumb my nose at your assertion that black men have a weakness for thick white women. TOTALLY not true in my case. I guess those genes skipped me. No weakness and no hate either.

HD I hope whoever is "Harassing" you is someone that is going to make you money or whatever it is that you want. Sounds like some really fucked up shit going on behind the scenes to make you cave on social progress. "Bless your heart!"


I guess once you go black, you can go back.......go figure. Guess its a good way to get over hump or the slow times.....

Black men historically have had a weakness and appreciation for thick white women for years though. So which black hobbyist on eccie made you change your tune this time? What did he do? What did his references say? Originally Posted by gimme_that
"Bless your heart!"-SMH- Originally Posted by MrMonger

Couldn't agree more.
Duke of G's Avatar
Steps for a great threAD:

1) Make a post about race, tatoos, free sessions, bad reviews
2) Ignore replies and any meaningful dialog. Wait for ECCIE members to type themselves blue on topics that get discussed monthly, if not weekly.
3) ....
4) Profit?
^ who cares?

All of the girls post to keep their name out there.
All of the guys post to find girls to have sex with.

Some posts may be cooler than others, but they pretty much serve the same purpose.

It's a win/win.