Witness Robert Costello to Trump Grand Jury...Cohen is a "convicted perjurer, serial liar and will do anything to stay out of jail""!!

So withholding exculpatory evidence from the defense...hundreds of emails...isn't prosecutor's misconduct on the part of Alvin scumbragg.
BTW this is in the preview of the federal prosecutor's NOT the local DA...but again you know that.
I think that all if not a couple of these qualify...

Do tell us since you know everything... AND DON'T HOLD BACK!!! Originally Posted by bb1961
None, how’s that.

What exculpatory evidence do you believe was withheld?
false analogy about the Mafia. those are people who have turned state witness. very few have recanted actual trial testimony from cases.

How do you discredit a lying witness?

The three most often used methods to impair witness credibility include prior inconsistent statements, character evidence and case-specific impeachment.
  1. Prior inconsistent statements/conduct.
  2. Character evidence.
  3. Case-specific impeachment.
  4. Consider when to impeach.

bahahhaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What Trial testimony would Cohen be recanting?

And as usual, you’re making up stuff, you believe that people in major prosecutions of organized crime haven’t had to recant prior sworn testimony. Lol. Ok. You’re reverting to your admitted tactic or lying when the facts don’t match your narrative.
None, how’s that.

What exculpatory evidence do you believe was withheld? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Why would scumbragg withholding anything that would bolster his case and refuse to provide such evidence to the house committee?? As a top notch lawyer you should know the difference between federal cases vs. local cases and the lenghts this fucker has going to in his pursuit of a political hit job. I'm sure you're not going to expound on the validity or motivation of the flimsy case that will never see a trial...political idolatry is a bitch when the forest is blocking your view of the trees. You never discussed the case being handled by a Loco DA and not by the Feds. The crime is federal violation and you have no answer as to how scumbragg has any legal authority in this matter.
State attorneys can only prosecute state crimes. They can’t prosecute federal crimes. That is the purview of the US Attorneys. Some laws have state analogs which would allow a state prosecution for a crime which might be prosecuted at the federal level. I’m unclear as to what you think is going on. ie cheating on your taxes is a federal crime. The states have a state analog to prosecute tax cheats and generally if you’ve cheated on your federal taxes you also cheated on your state taxes and can be prosecuted for what looks like the same crime at the state and federal level.

I suppose you need to be more specific with your hyperbole.

As for sharing or discussing anything with congress, Bragg was right to tell them to fuck off. Remember are you right wingers all states rights and shit. Congress has no authority over Bragg and he has no obligation to give them anything. And good luck with a subpoena. The Supreme Court would have to opine on that and I suspect even those nuts would side with Bragg.

Still awaiting this exculpatory evidence you claim was withheld.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What Trial testimony would Cohen be recanting?

And as usual, you’re making up stuff, you believe that people in major prosecutions of organized crime haven’t had to recant prior sworn testimony. Lol. Ok. You’re reverting to your admitted tactic or lying when the facts don’t match your narrative. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

if you say so

State attorneys can only prosecute state crimes. They can’t prosecute federal crimes. That is the purview of the US Attorneys. Some laws have state analogs which would allow a state prosecution for a crime which might be prosecuted at the federal level. I’m unclear as to what you think is going on. ie cheating on your taxes is a federal crime. The states have a state analog to prosecute tax cheats and generally if you’ve cheated on your federal taxes you also cheated on your state taxes and can be prosecuted for what looks like the same crime at the state and federal level.

I suppose you need to be more specific with your hyperbole.

As for sharing or discussing anything with congress, Bragg was right to tell them to fuck off. Remember are you right wingers all states rights and shit. Congress has no authority over Bragg and he has no obligation to give them anything. And good luck with a subpoena. The Supreme Court would have to opine on that and I suspect even those nuts would side with Bragg.

Still awaiting this exculpatory evidence you claim was withheld. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

excellent point. so how is Bragg, New York County District Attorney, going to make a Federal election felony case? let's recap how he plans to do that. first, Bragg is basing all this on a misdemeanor record keeping fraud whose statute of limitations has long since expired, making the rather bizarre claim that Trump had to repay Cohen, his personal lawyer with Trump Campaign funds for non-campaign work over a personal matter, simply because Trump was running for President. interesting. but it gets better .. in a bizarre way. to make a felony (which Bragg himself can't bring, as you said) Bragg has to link this fraud record keeping misdemeanor to a federal election statute implemented during post Civil War reconstruction that has never been used before. sounds rock solid to me!


let's note that Cyrus Vance Jr, Bragg's predecessor, looked at this and passed (at least he was still within the statute of limitations for the misdemeanor). Also, the DOJ looked into the case and found no case to bring and best for last even the FEC determined no election violations occurred.

Vance Jr. determined no case.
the DOJ determined no case.
the FEC determined no case.
Bragg thinks he has a case.
