What word, slang term, expression, or phrase related to SEX do you really Hate?!?

squiretuck's Avatar
In the end i bet cunt makes the top of the list. Originally Posted by piquant2009
Yeah, that one just hurts my ears.
Slow&Easy "Just for future reference , what exactly would be an acceptable term for a gentleman to use when he wishes to, ah, well, um...

when he wishes for the lady to be on her knees, face down in the pillows, her soft smooth buttocks pressing firmly against his thighs, as he grabs her hips and drives himself deep into her, feeling her quiver around his hot throbbing cock. She pushes back urgently, and he switches his grip to her shoulders and he leans forward for better leverage, her soft moans becoming cries of pleasure...

yeah, what do we call that? "

Naturally I had to look and see.

A copy of the Kama Sutra calls it the SIXTH POSTURE. and related, with him kneeling behind and she is leaning over an edge, likelthe side of the bed or back of a couch ( on her knees and himlon his knees ( a'standing kneel?" is called the Ninth Posture)

Then there is the standing , touch your toes position, "the Congress of the Cow" Though I am not sure just how much mileage you would get if you somehow connected her to being a "cow" during sex..
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Yeah, my vote goes to the "C" word. I really hate that. I also don't like to hear women referred to as bitches or ho's. Southern gentlemen are raised to respect the ladies. The other thing I can't stand is va-jay-jay. WTF is up that?

As far as those little terms of endearment, you can call me sugar, baby, sweetie, honey, daddy or anything you like, but ya doesn't hafta call me Ray.
Will Boner's Avatar
Holy Crap, now I'm afraid to say ANYTHING..............
I really don't mind baby, but I don't care for Honey, sweetie, they remind me of a school nurse (no offense, my new friend). Originally Posted by Crossroads
Excellent choice of endearment to capitalize
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I hate the word, moist. It's just nasty

and the phrase...I guess it would have to be, "I'm Joey Greco and you're on Cheaters"
JohnBoyjrh's Avatar
You will be treated as you treat others and that includes the language you use in your interactions. Those who use derogatory terminology have their reward. And those of us who try to rise above the fray and elevate the conversation and edify those we are with - we also have our reward..I'll take the latter.

I have a 1st edition Scoutmaster's Handbook that belonged to my Grandfather. There is an entire chapter on chivalry and proper conduct. It is sad that such things are no longer considered important in society. But if you think it is out of fashion with the lady of your choice (in the hobby or out) you are sadly mistaken, my friends.

Just my humble, yet accurate, opinion.

Pistol Man Originally Posted by Pistol Man
P Man, You have said what I've been wanting to say for years. I just don't have the way with words that you have. Well done.
clitoral hood
mons pubis
frony commissure
shaft of ciltoris
labia minora
labia majora

The terms above are just sickening,I much prefer cunt,taint, starfish (yea had to say it) monkey,gash, is it me or is everybody pretty much the same? Oh yea I also prefer cornhole to greek..
Redsan's Avatar
But what a really hate to say is "I came" three mintues
after I get inside her!!!!!!!!!!
Please just don't call me "baby" or "honey". You know my name, please use it.
TallTexan2009's Avatar
See that's the thing....everyone likes/wants something different. Sometimes I feel like I need to send a questionnaire out to perspective clients. Some folks like it mild, some like it wild and then there's a whole lot of variance in between those. Normally I am good at following a gentleman's need/desire in whatever direction it goes, but I certainly can't read minds and if calling a gentleman, baby or hon, is gonna make his "dick" (I know...some of you hate that word) take a dive, then I think that would be something I'd like to know before a session starts....LOL I'm just sayin'! Originally Posted by M A X
There is nothing you can say that will make me take a dive!
I hate "daddy", seriously why would i call someone my age im grooving with daddy, thats so gross. or someone twice my age - that's even more gross. '"Daddy" is out the question. I do not want to screw my daddy, so why would someone want to voluntarily be called that in bed.

I hate whore, bitch and cunt. So degrading.
I second all of the above !
Bestman200600's Avatar
I missed my period.
Prowordsmith's Avatar
I really think "meat curtains" is particularly demeaning to a lovely part of a woman. I also don't like "man juice" or, as mentioned earlier, "baby batter".
It does sound kinda stupid to refer to a woman's "kitty" or be so hung up to call it "down there".
Most every other euphanism is okay with me; like George Carlin said, "They're only words and words can't hurt people. It's the people who use them to hurt others that's bad." (Yes, I paraphrased a little there.)