Free all nighter

=cP's Avatar
  • =cP
  • 08-17-2014, 03:11 AM
id like to get into Honey's threads... especially her panties... while there, I'll take some taint pix for you, Pyramider!!
time4play's Avatar
Amen Kendall !!
Hercules's Avatar
Oooooooh I get it! Because of hd all women owe me a freebie overnight!

Ladies, please contact me to schedule your night.......crickets chirping
bosoxfan's Avatar
+1000 on Kendall's input. Wow! Leave the OP Lady alone! She has the right to conduct her business as she pleases. If you don't like it, just skip on by the post.
RangoFett's Avatar
Hey ladies, for one day only I will provide free dick. However, you have bring me some Whataburger...Cause I'm hungry!!
dang i had to work last night, im just now seeing this the day after
Defcon is not a gaming/comic convention. It's a computer hacker/security geek convention. They don't have people dressed as superheroes, they have lockpicking contests, tcp/ip drinking games, lots of very geeky stuff. Originally Posted by dmcleod
Wow! Thank you for explaining that. I had assumed it was some form of ComicCon. This is amazing.
Wow! Thank you for explaining that. I had assumed it was some form of ComicCon. This is amazing. Originally Posted by HoneyRose
As an old school hacker, before it was a dirty word, I love things like defcon. Security is important to us all. The fundraiser for the electronic frontier foundation is one of the highlights for me when I get to go. I love the work they do to help protect privacy and individual civil liberties in cyberspace. I'm convinced that cyberspace is one of the most important social spaces that humans will occupy for the foreseeable future and I fear that without some very smart people looking out for us we'll end up living in a Buy'N'Large(from the movie WallE) type world.
Itza Secret's Avatar
Amazing, if guy was telling a hooker how to run her business he would be hanged. But, apparently other hookers are free to say how to run another hookers business.
Meh, guys try to tell other guys what to pay or not to pay all the time. Guys justify it because paying more raises the market price. Girls giving it away lowers the market price. It's like union workers being mad at scabs because they reduce the bargaining power of the union. Ultimately providers have unique products and compete over unique markets. So all the market analogies break down eventually. The arguing over macroeconomic principles is really even more theoretical than it is in other contexts.

Thinking sex is fungible has led me to more gible encounters than fun ones. YMMV
Maybe you didn't see the 1700+ views in a 48 hour period?

What is the one thing that perks up 1700+ hobbyists and pisses off a few heckler providers? A FREE OVERNIGHT

The OP said: she is not doing this for more business and since she can do what she wants with her own body, why are ya'll pissed?

On a Side Note:
I think the OP may have stumbled upon the perfect Advertising tool ever.
Some providers say that their business is slow or hobbyists don't all write reviews in a timely manner, if at all. I am willing to bet if providers advertise that after (3) 1-hour sessions with reviews within a certain time frame = 1-free-overnight. OMG, clients would write the review on the drive home and schedule another one before they leave. There are many hobbyists that can't afford an overnight or never even had one with a provider yet so, that's why i think they would go the extra mile to get there. this is better than the phone not ringing at all. Has this even been tried before?

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0

This thread was really not started as an advertising measure. But you do have a great idea that I could totally run with. 3 appointments in a month = free overnight (guy covers the cost of the hotel of course) To my knowledge it hasn't been done, but I sure am gonna try it out. Overnights are so much fun. Fun before dinner/drinks, fun after dinner, fun in the middle of the night, Fun waking up together, fun after breakfast... I wonder how hard it would be to talk a guy into springing for a Jacuzzi suite? I recently had a the pleasure of giving a fire and ice and I sooo wanna do that again.

Another thing I've been toying with is creating a "hobby lottery", where for maybe $10 a ticket I raffle off a free overnight. Think about that... an overnight for the price of a $10 lotto ticket.... that would seem like a lotto worth playing if I were a guy...

I think it's funny for other hookers to get bent out of shape over what another hooker charges or doesn't. It's the OP's business, so to speak. She didn't ask for unsolicited advice. She offered free time to a hobbyist. Perhaps she doesn't depend on hooking to pay bills? Perhaps she does this to supplement her income and can afford to spare some OTC time? Perhaps people should tend to their own threADs and stay out of Honey's? Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Wow. You're awesome. Thank you.

Amazing, if guy was telling a hooker how to run her business he would be hanged... Originally Posted by Itza Secret
Actually there's a thread out there where I ask hobbyists how they would run their business if they were a provider. I started that thread because sometimes guys have the best ideas on how to do stuff. See Copierguy's advice? Pure Gold, and I'm totally stealing it.
Where can I buy a ticket on the all night of fun & the hot tub a must. I am in & I live in New Boston would drive to Dallas for this