No shame in her game!

citizen44's Avatar
If you have sex with a woman who has showered paying special attention to cleanse her genitals thoroughly and who spaces her sexcapades out instead of assembly line fashion then there will be no noticeable trace that another man was there before you.
Originally Posted by milfy2002
Do you think AIDS is just something made up to fuck with people?

Good for you that you have a current doctors note. Have you ever heard the term cumulative probability? You should look it up and gain a better meaning. Right now it's like your playing Russian roulette with 5 of 6 chambers loaded.

Your 38, so I'm guessing there's not really another lucrative career on your horizon. No "I'm whoring my way through college, and won't be doing this long". So, with a long career a head of you as a cum dumpster, it is in your best interest to get a little better edumicaiton when it comes to STDs.

While I may be fucking with you a little, I really do hope you take your health (and the health of all who come in contact with you) more seriously.

Best of luck.
Everyone tone it down, and above all follow the forum guidelines.
milfy2002's Avatar

Um, I wasn't in any trouble to begin with. You just have your panties in a wad because I won't bend to your will.

BTW, how do you know if I received points? I could just have a warning. Do you have some sort of access to my profile? Maybe you are the one that needs to, "calm the fuck down." Not everyone is as big of a jerk as you, I actually find most mods to be quite fair.

Gotta run! Time for my evening creampie
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

Gotta run! Time for my evening creampie
Originally Posted by milfy2002

^ Dam!!! that's just gangsta
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Do you think AIDS is just something made up to fuck with people?

Good for you that you have a current doctors note. Have you ever heard the term cumulative probability? You should look it up and gain a better meaning. Right now it's like your playing Russian roulette with 5 of 6 chambers loaded. Originally Posted by citizen44
While I eat my Jalapeno Popcawn let me play contrarian. While I agree with you (by and large) this is a new era of PReP's...a 92% risk reduction for those taking the pill is insane. Not Null but dam near close. Other STD's notwithstanding, I can see (for those on the pill) how they may decide to take their chances on the HIV risk with this pill. While condoms are very effective at 98% claimed effectiveness rate (which is a 6% delta from the pill) some say because people don't use condoms properly the overall effectiveness rate drops to ~82% in the real world which means theoretically you could have a better chance (+ 10%) of fucking raw on the pill vs. condom use. Again we're only talking HIV not other STD's but then again nothing is more important than the prevention of HIV so that's the comparison focus. Now because metrics can be skewed to represent whatever you want your risk factor (despite the 92%) will climb over time the more people you bareback.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is a way for people who do not have HIV but who are at substantial risk of getting it to prevent HIV infection by taking a pill every day. The pill (brand name Truvada) contains two medicines (tenofovir and emtricitabine) that are used in combination with other medicines to treat HIV. When someone is exposed to HIV through sex or injection drug use, these medicines can work to keep the virus from establishing a permanent infection.

When taken consistently, PrEP has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV infection in people who are at high risk by up to 92%. PrEP is much less effective if it is not taken consistently.

PrEP is a powerful HIV prevention tool and can be combined with condoms and other prevention methods to provide even greater protection than when used alone. But people who use PrEP must commit to taking the drug every day and seeing their health care provider for follow-up every 3 months.
milfy2002's Avatar

Lol @ Sistine.

I've still got a few mins before my date arrives and wanted to pop back on to reflect on how people who don't know each other can be so cruel to each other.

I don't owe anyone here anything, but just for SnG I'll tell you this.

I'm actually well versed on many disease states and treatments, I have a ten year career in healthcare with the past six years specializing in making sure patients get the drug therapy they need. It pays well, not well enough for a single mom. My kids are now both 20 somethings but one still relies HEAVILY on me financially. I hobby in my spare time now because I can't afford everything and I absolutely love having sex with different men.

Can't their dad help? No, he passed away and the social security stopped at the youngest's 18th birthday.

Didn't have it in me to go to college for more than an associates. Spent my teens raising a kid and my twenties as a soldier, overseas, with a tour to a Hazzard zone. The army base was a great place for my growing kids to spend elementary school, and I did use that GI Bill!

So here I am, 18 months back into the hobby after a five year break. I will unapologetically do this the way I want to, the way that feels good to me, and I will not be a robot or be forced into some sort of hooker mold to appease any one of my critics.

I absolutely hate condoms no matter what material they are fashioned from and I enjoy the feeling and intimacy of bareback sex with creampies.

Everyone is a critic, but few really know a person.

Wakeup's Avatar
I know she deserved the points but you could be a little more civil in your delivery. Originally Posted by jerky
If they had the latitude that I do, they would be much less civil...I'm just like them...just unfettered...right up until I'm not...

[B]BTW, how do you know if I received points? I could just have a warning. Do you have some sort of access to my profile? Originally Posted by milfy2002
See that title under my handle? I have access to all sorts of things...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
@ milfy - I'm not passing judgement all I'm saying is you should look into PReP's so that those relying on you have a better chance of continuing to do so. if it's not a concern that's fine as well live your life the way you see fit. It's yours to live for we shall not pass this way again ;-)

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Summary of my research is that if you're taking the truvada PReP pill and using condoms properly or even improperly your probability of catching HIV is "essentially" nonexistent. You can fuck up a storm with peace of mind.

Lol @ Sistine.

I've still got a few mins before my date arrives and wanted to pop back on to reflect on how people who don't know each other can be so cruel to each other.

I don't owe anyone here anything, but just for SnG I'll tell you this.

I'm actually well versed on many disease states and treatments, I have a ten year career in healthcare with the past six years specializing in making sure patients get the drug therapy they need. It pays well, not well enough for a single mom. My kids are now both 20 somethings but one still relies HEAVILY on me financially. I hobby in my spare time now because I can't afford everything and I absolutely love having sex with different men.

Can't their dad help? No, he passed away and the social security stopped at the youngest's 18th birthday.

Didn't have it in me to go to college for more than an associates. Spent my teens raising a kid and my twenties as a soldier, overseas, with a tour to a Hazzard zone. The army base was a great place for my growing kids to spend elementary school, and I did use that GI Bill!

So here I am, 18 months back into the hobby after a five year break. I will unapologetically do this the way I want to, the way that feels good to me, and I will not be a robot or be forced into some sort of hooker mold to appease any one of my critics.

I absolutely hate condoms no matter what material they are fashioned from and I enjoy the feeling and intimacy of bareback sex with creampies.

Everyone is a critic, but few really know a person.

Originally Posted by milfy2002
After this if you guys keep on it's just plain cruel. It's what she desires to do, like just leave her alone. If this isn't your cup of tea, cool drink yours. No one would be here if someone wasn't barebacking. Like leave her alone, she seems like a good enough person. Look, we are wearing condoms to screw these ladies, even the hottest ones I promise you if you'll saw their so's they are barebacking who are buying Jordans with our money you would literally reconsider your life. I work around strippers, I know. I do this because I can't talk a woman into giving me free pussy with a manual and a free pussy for dummies book. I have zero game. Let her do her....
Wakeup's Avatar
After this if you guys keep on it's just plain cruel. Originally Posted by shinepro
Yeah...appealing to someone's morality on a whore message board is going to work...
Slitlikr's Avatar
I don't participate in bbfs.

Milfy is the antithesis of dishonest providers in all respects.

She services a niche segment of the industry and has good reviews.

Admirable, in my opinion.
It's funny reading all of the "holier than thou" fucktards and hooktards slamming milfy for what she offers...

You lyin' ass mother all know you FUCK SOMEONE raw.......throwing stones in glass houses......

carry on...
Wakeup's Avatar
Curious...are those guys FUCKING EVERYONE raw?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I promise you if you'll saw their so's they are barebacking who are buying Jordans with our money you would literally reconsider your life. Originally Posted by shinepro
^ + 100% I was seeing a chic who never advertised on this site but was very popular a total bombshell. we broke off our personal friendship / relationship because in part I thought her boyfriend of 4 yrs was totally fucking disgusting and I wanted to split his wig. she used to cook for me have me around her mom and kids and all that shit...and was lying her ass off to her wanna be gangsta boyfriend. He found out about me because her dumb ass couldn't stop stuntin on IG with some of the shit I was doing for her....fact is I wasn't gonna commit to her and she knew it but I didn't want her to be with him so that was selfish of me....nonetheless..some drama ensued and she begged me to drop it. So I stepped back....he was a fake ass wanna be broke ass drug dealer. hahaha Man I don't even want to get into it. that fucking simp I digress. back on topic.