Weinergate: Did he or didn't he?

So folks want to call him a liar. Fine. Their choice. I think it is human nature when ' busted' to try to first lie or deny but come clean once it is obvious you ARE busted, not just rumored. Happens all the time, esp to those in the public eye like Hollywood or Washington. So the Rep. From NY lied, so does all of Washington. Who cares. If he were a member of a European Parliament he would have just iced his next tenure, but here in America, God forbid he play online and Tweeter his Peter. A very large % of men on this board cheat on their wives and spend their kid's future $$ on prostitution; they too would lie if cornered by their family until they realized they couldn't lie anymore and the review they wrote of Hooker 4U along with an IP match was going to be discovered by the wife. Like we are saints on this board pissing on a sinner? His ethics and morals are no different than those on this board who kiss their wife good bye in the morning and hug their kids, go to work, load in ECCIE and later in the day spend the family $$ on a woman who sells sex ( selling time my ass, tell that to the Judge when busted). And he is the dirtball? Please, give me a break. He is one of us...even if he is a member of the Party Of Jackasses. Donkeys and Elephants both misuse their peters.

I doubt this effects his ability to govern his district. I don't agree with his views but I respect the fact that unlike Obama who gets underhanded softball pitches from ALL media outlets that Rep. Wiener goes on FOX News knowing he is going to get curve balls tossed at him left and right...

So he ' cheated' and lied yet sinners on this board want to piss on him, I say leave the guy alone. I do agree there may be more and maybe he is on TER Washington DC writing reviews but until that day comes it is pure speculation that more is to come. As to being mayor of NYC, I don't think he had a chance in the first place, and if I am wrong and he did, this will blow over. Originally Posted by KosherCowboy
I doubt that it is gonna blow over as even the Dems seem to want to throw him under the bus. More to come disrupts the message you know.

Weiner: I am the victim here: (@2:48)http://abcnews.go.com/politics/video...ection=4765066
Joel Goodson's Avatar
Victim? or destiny.

It wasn't his fault entirely. With a name like that it was inevitable that something like this would eventually come about. I can imagine the parade of comments that litter that guy's Facebook account on a daily basis.

"Hey Weiner! Me and my sorority sisters are just dieing to get a pic of your big, hot...Ummm...WEINER!"

Cruel fate. Poor guy never had a chance. Incredible that he made it this long.

Good thing for the Left is that there is never a shortage of young hopefuls willing to fill the smokin craters of our Democrat ranks. Case in point is that new rising star that looks to be the heir apparent to Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco Congressional seat, (once her embalming fluid runs out) Harry Sphincter.

On second thought...Pray it never happens.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I also hear that Willie Tungerbutt is in line to make an end run at Charlie Rangel.
Joel Goodson's Avatar
I also hear that Willie Tungerbutt is in line to make an end run at Charlie Rangel. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Takin on Rangel now eh?

Sounds about right. I'm guessin that nasty bastard probably would.
  • Booth
  • 06-08-2011, 05:08 PM
Your tax money at work.

http://gawker.com/5809909/anthony-we...k-shot-emerges Originally Posted by Billy_Saul
Wouldn't that be our tax money at work? Just like it's our tax money going down the drain in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, actually, Booth, it's not. Our tax money is NOT paying for any of the Weinergate publicity, TV sponsors are.

Our tax money IS paying for the mass destruction of the Iraqi and Afghan nations, and to a much LARGER proportion than the picture of a guy's dick on a Twitter account. (Though with a dick like that, he probably could smack down a mullah or two, saving us tax dollars! HEY THAT'S AN IDEA!)
WyldemanATX's Avatar

Our tax money IS paying for the mass destruction of the Iraqi and Afghan nations, and to a much LARGER proportion than the picture of a guy's dick on a Twitter account. (Though with a dick like that, he probably could smack down a mullah or two, saving us tax dollars! HEY THAT'S AN IDEA!) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I thought Barry O was gonna get us out of there ASAP...... Hmmmmm I guess it is OK if he has a big D by his name....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I thought Barry O was gonna get us out of there ASAP...... Hmmmmm I guess it is OK if he has a big D by his name.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
OK. Another off topic bloviation from the master of half-aster!

Troop withdrawals from Iraq are proceeding on schedule.


I wish they'd get our asses out of Afghanistan, but it looks like our "hundred year war" (I know you remember that, bubbalicious!) continues until somebody gets happy with the puppet government the U.S. installs. Barry O campaigned on increasing our presence in Afghanistan, as you remember (right!). That's where the real enemy was, he said (ad nauseum) and that's where we needed to be.

At least when we had a big R in front of the name, we were increasing troop presence, bombing the fuck out of everything that moved and spending the world into the toilet. Your comment, for a change, was little more than verbal ejaculate. Intellectual pre-cum, if you will.

Personally, I wish they'd just cut this shit off and bring 'em all home NOW. I was REAL pissed when we went back into Iraq... and we've been there a decade. Afghanistan is a political and cultural wasteland. I don't think anybody's gonna straighten those fuckers out, American or foreign.

AGAIN, WHAT THIS HAS TO DO WITH ANTHONY WEINER'S DICK I'LL NEVER KNOW, but I just can't let offhanded comments like this just float by without pointing out their banality. I could recommend a brochure or two...

WyldemanATX's Avatar
OK. Another off topic bloviation from the master of half-aster!

Pot calling the kettle black again cupcake!

Troop withdrawals from Iraq are proceeding on schedule.


I wish they'd get our asses out of Afghanistan, but it looks like our "hundred year war" (I know you remember that, bubbalicious!) continues until somebody gets happy with the puppet government the U.S. installs. Barry O campaigned on increasing our presence in Afghanistan, as you remember (right!). That's where the real enemy was, he said (ad nauseum) and that's where we needed to be.

At least when we had a big R in front of the name, we were increasing troop presence, bombing the fuck out of everything that moved and spending the world into the toilet. Your comment, for a change, was little more than verbal ejaculate. Intellectual pre-cum, if you will.

Oh did you forget when Obama increased troops butterscotch?

Personally, I wish they'd just cut this shit off and bring 'em all home NOW. I was REAL pissed when we went back into Iraq... and we've been there a decade. Afghanistan is a political and cultural wasteland. I don't think anybody's gonna straighten those fuckers out, American or foreign.

Oh we agree on something lets get them back those fuckers are beyond hope.....

AGAIN, WHAT THIS HAS TO DO WITH ANTHONY WEINER'S DICK I'LL NEVER KNOW, but I just can't let offhanded comments like this just float by without pointing out their banality. I could recommend a brochure or two...
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Again you started it snookums....

Weiners wife is prego and a more revealing picture is out there of Weiners winy....
  • Booth
  • 06-08-2011, 06:03 PM
AGAIN, WHAT THIS HAS TO DO WITH ANTHONY WEINER'S DICK I'LL NEVER KNOW, but I just can't let offhanded comments like this just float by without pointing out their banality. I could recommend a brochure or two...

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Did we ever get an explanation for the nose comments?
RREB's Avatar
  • RREB
  • 06-08-2011, 08:34 PM
Anyone got a link to Weiner's Weiner?
Just found one.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You said link...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Again you started it snookums.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30

cupcake! ?

Seems very emotional to me. At least he mentioned one carb-free term of endearment.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
cupcake! ?

Seems very emotional to me. At least he mentioned one carb-free term of endearment. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
There is my sugar-britches....you said emotional. Have you gone through the change of life.....