Gun Control Proposals as Found by Gharkal

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Unwittingly, I believe you just confirmed my point of concern.

Most often than not the "reason(s)" why folks are in one mess or another today is because they didn't focus on all the "what ifs" that could arise "back then" when the decision was made to head down this or that direction. The same goes with our government.

Here's a hotly debated concept ....

.. placing a penalty on the public to compel them to do something that will cost more than the penalty if they do that which the government is trying to force them to do ...

.. as in purchase health insurance.

Or may be this will help ... make the fine for stealing a $1.00 candy bar 50 cents ... or more closely akin to the Obaminable Care .... 30 cents. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'll ask my question again. Has any gun owner on this forum been unable to purchase ammunition for his/her guns? I know IB has some antique guns for which there might be some sort of restrictions, but for other gun owners who might own a handgun like a Glock, is ammunition readily available?
LexusLover's Avatar
I'll ask my question again. Has any gun owner on this forum been unable to purchase ammunition for his/her guns? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
How is that question relevant to the discussion?

Here I'll ask one also:

Has any one posting in here died yet?

I know IB has some antique guns for which there might be some sort of restrictions, but for other gun owners who might own a handgun like a Glock, is ammunition readily available? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If there 's "Glock" in my home, it doesn't need ammo as a door stop!
More fear tactics from the NRA.

These politicians have not proposed a total ban on firearms. They do not propose the repeal of the Second amendment.

The fear that anybody is coming for your guns is exactly what the NRA wants to stoke. And they’ve been so successful at it that nobody ever questions whether or not it’s the truth. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why don't those pussy liberals (referring to pussy liberals who are not members of this site, nor meant to imply liberals on this site are pussies) go ahead and admit they want to ban guns?

I would do it - as soon as the Second Amendment gets voted out by 3/4th's of the states.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Do you know of anyone who was unable to purchase a gun while Operation Check Point was in affect and the reason was Operation Check Point? Simple yes or no answer. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

It's not a simple "yes" or "no" question because that would ignore the overt "attempt" to disarm American citizen. Let's go ahead and invoke Godwin's Law to illustrate that point. Your question rephrased to fit Godwin's Law is, "Did Hitler establish his Third Reich dominion of the world?" Answering with a simple "no", because he failed, ignores how millions died because of his "attempt". Odumbo, et al, made the attempt, via "Operation Choke Point", to disarm American citizens. He failed, but it's a matter of recorded history that he tried.
LexusLover's Avatar
Odumbo also attempted to morph into a "one payor" system of health care by creating with the help of his California Crazy a failed bullshit system with provisions that didn't kick in until AFTER HIS RE-ELECTION, and that hasn't worked either .... but his nonexistent "community organizing" in Chicago didn't work either .... they are killing each other off.
Odumbo also attempted to morph into a "one payor" system of health care by creating with the help of his California Crazy a failed bullshit system with provisions that didn't kick in until AFTER HIS RE-ELECTION, and that hasn't worked either .... but his nonexistent "community organizing" in Chicago didn't work either .... they are killing each other off. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If Obama had been a better community organizer who was dedicated to his job rather than just using it as a political stepping stone, maybe Chicago would have fewer murders.
rexdutchman's Avatar
This is like the X-FILES , But "ITS I DONT WANT TO BELIEVE"
The evidence is clear and concise , just keep not believing and NOT answering questions.
LexusLover's Avatar
The evidence is clear and concise , just keep not believing and NOT answering questions. Originally Posted by rexdutchman
What "evidence" of what "fact"?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
How is that question relevant to the discussion?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
This thread started out asking who supported banning of all guns. No one could come up with anyone so an alternative was suggested -- by banning access to ammunition for their guns that was in affect banning guns.

As Garhkal wrote:

"What's the point in owning a firearm if you have NO AMMO TO FIRE FROM IT?"

As IB wrote:

"Operation Choke Point" was Odumbo's surreptitious attempt to ban guns. Feinstein and Schumer supported it. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" and a "gun ban by any other name -- Operation Choke Point -- would smell as bad."

Therefore, I asked my question. Sorry if you found the question to be irrelevant.

Has anyone been unable to purchase ammunition for their guns?
I B Hankering's Avatar
This thread started out asking who supported banning of all guns. No one could come up with anyone so an alternative was suggested -- by banning access to ammunition for their guns that was in affect banning guns.

As Garhkal wrote:

"What's the point in owning a firearm if you have NO AMMO TO FIRE FROM IT?"

As IB wrote:

"Operation Choke Point" was Odumbo's surreptitious attempt to ban guns. Feinstein and Schumer supported it. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" and a "gun ban by any other name -- Operation Choke Point -- would smell as bad."

Therefore, I asked my question. Sorry if you found the question to be irrelevant.

Has anyone been unable to purchase ammunition for their guns?
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Your question is irrelevant, because Odumbo did in fact attempt to stymie the sale of guns and ammo. That he failed in no way exonerates him for making the attempt.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Your question is irrelevant, because Odumbo did in fact attempt to stymie the sale of guns and ammo. That he failed in no way exonerates him for making the attempt. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He did NOT try to pass legislation that would end up banning guns.

It is rather difficult to purchase a gun in N.Y. But they are NOT banned.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He did NOT try to pass legislation that would end up banning guns.

It is rather difficult to purchase a gun in N.Y. But they are NOT banned.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Irrelevant, considering how Odumbo bragged about not needing legislation because he had a "pen and a phone".

Operation Choke Point was an extra-legal, authoritarian maneuver by the Odumbo administration to disarm American citizens and deny them their 2nd Amendment rights.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Irrelevant, considering how Odumbo bragged about not needing legislation because he had a "pen and a phone".

Operation Choke Point was an extra-legal, authoritarian maneuver by the Odumbo administration to disarm American citizens and deny them their 2nd Amendment rights.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I call BS since Check Point did no such thing and there is no proof that the intent was to "disarm American citizens and deny them their 2nd Amendment rights". In Obama's first 2 years in office, with a Democratic House and Senate, he had the opportunity to attempt to pass real gun control legislation and did not do so. To come to the conclusion that Operation Check Point's intent was the banning of guns is simply not supported by anyone but you.

End of discussion on my part.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I call BS since Check Point did no such thing and there is no proof that the intent was to "disarm American citizens and deny them their 2nd Amendment rights". In Obama's first 2 years in office, with a Democratic House and Senate, he had the opportunity to attempt to pass real gun control legislation and did not do so. To come to the conclusion that Operation Check Point's intent was the banning of guns is simply not supported by anyone but you.

End of discussion on my part. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Under President Barack Obama, the department said the effort was intended to root out fraud by banks and payment processors and to cut off the banking system from wrongdoing by merchants.

this was a facetious claim by the obama administration.

this was cover to go after the gun dealers who did business with banks by way of executive order.

it wasn't about the ammo or guns, it was both.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I call BS since Check Point did no such thing and there is no proof that the intent was to "disarm American citizens and deny them their 2nd Amendment rights". In Obama's first 2 years in office, with a Democratic House and Senate, he had the opportunity to attempt to pass real gun control legislation and did not do so. To come to the conclusion that Operation Check Point's intent was the banning of guns is simply not supported by anyone but you.

End of discussion on my part.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Politico is a left-wing, anti-gun propaganda network; even so, your cited article in no manner supports your POV or disprove mine.

Odumbo's Operation Choke Point specifically targeted weapons and ammunition manufacturers and dealers with the intent to drive them out of business. Putting those people -- legitimate businesses -- out of business was exactly what Odumbo, et al, were trying to do. There's no other way to look at it. Once that was accomplished, American citizens would no longer be able to purchase new guns or purchase ammunition for ones they already own. Those are the facts in this case.