Okay, lets really talk about the latest airliner to go down.

LexusLover's Avatar
On another note, but perhaps related generally to the discussion, ...

.....it is now being reported that this aircraft/carrier was not authorized to fly the route the aircraft was taking on Sunday when it was doing so and crashed.
LexusLover's Avatar
Some of the new avionics are amazing. Originally Posted by slickahhughs
It's "trickling down" to motor vehicles and hand-helds (not to mention maritime activities), and the "monitoring" is even more "interesting" from a technology point of view.
Big brother is watching you...
LexusLover's Avatar
Big brother is watching you... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Mine isn't. Is yours?

On second thought, my apologies.

You might not know you have a brother. Sorry to mention it.
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  • WTF
  • 01-03-2015, 09:08 AM

The bottom line is ... if our government can know instantly where I am standing while operating my cell phone in "nonairplane mode"... and an LE agency can determine instantly where a patrol unit is located at any given moment ... the discussion against it is ..... ludicrous. Claiming it costs $70,000 to $100,000 to install is ridiculous .... and someone is trying to "win the lotto" on ONE contract..OR worse is trying to justify not using the system. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are doubling down on stupid as fuck.

Please try and focus. Tell us why you think it has not been installed on planes if it is so cheap and simple to do.

Kinda like you did on Ebola , below is your expert analysis on it's spread here in this country.

as the "ripple" effect expands the circles of exposed persons the numbers will "geometrically" increase. No one needs a "computer" ... all it takes is someone with personal knowledge of public schools during flu season.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It's "trickling down" to motor vehicles and hand-helds (not to mention maritime activities), and the "monitoring" is even more "interesting" from a technology point of view. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Mine isn't. Is yours?

On second thought, my apologies.

You might not know you have a brother. Sorry to mention it.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Duuuh what did you post lexie? Does it register on you when you post it? Or is it just babble?
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  • WTF
  • 01-03-2015, 09:25 AM
Duuuh what did you post lexie? Does it register on you when you post it? Or is it just babble? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
LL thinks fixing this problem is as easy as installing a fucking app on a cell phone!
LexusLover's Avatar
LL thinks fixing this problem is as easy as installing a fucking app on a cell phone! Originally Posted by WTF

The reason why you can't find a link to a post in which I said what you just posted is because I didn't post that ... and don't believe it.

On the other hand you OBVIOUSLY think it can't be done .....

... when it's being done as we post. You just don't know it or don't want to.


"Planes typically relay maintenance information in flight to their manufacturers or airlines. This data can also help track a lost plane like Air France Flight 447, which crashed in the Atlantic in 2009.

In the case of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the technology at issue is called ACARS, for Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System. The system sends different sorts of information between the plane and airlines and manufacturers on the ground. Depending on the sophistication of the information, the airline might receive the information itself or rely on the manufacturer to relay it for a fee.

John Hansman, director of the International Center for Air Transportation at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, estimates 90% of U.S. planes have some version of the system because it saves airlines money.

At first, the precise monitoring of when brakes were engaged or when planes took off or landed helped airlines track personnel costs more accurately, Hansman said. Maintenance reports can show when an engine is running hotter than usual, which signals wear, he said.

"The reason why people do this is because if something breaks in flight, if maintenance gets the message they can actually be at the landing point with the replacement part and fix the airplane and turn it around quickly," Hansman said.

In general, the messages can be sent cheaply over land by VHF signal, like the Apollo astronauts used, Hansman said. Or they can be sent over water by satellite, which is a more expensive service to send messages, he said.

The sophistication of the service depends on what the airline would like to spend. For example, Boeing promotes a service called custom alerting and analysis, which is available for 777, 747 and 787 aircraft with high-speed Internet connections. It monitors fuel, flight controls, landing gear, hydraulic power and communications.

"The major carriers collect it themselves because they have the capability of processing it and deciphering it and so forth," said David Greenberg, who worked 27 years at Delta Air Lines and is now an airline consultant as president of Compass Group. "My understanding is that Malaysia doesn't subscribe to the Boeing program and that they collect the data for their own use.""

Go play somewhere else. You've lost this discussion. Actually .. YEARS AGO!

Now you are fabricating to appear "relevant" ... in other words ... BULLSHITTING.
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  • WTF
  • 01-03-2015, 12:18 PM
You're almost there LexusLover , reread the part you highlighted in red concerning costs.

You then may want to try and understand the concept of usage and how say a few cars can travel the back roads from Houston to Dallas but that a freeway had to be built before millions could.

There are other reasons you have not even come close to touching on but you were the one that brought cell phone apps.
Cell phones have been designed to show GPS location for years. My bitch is most of the 911 centers have not been brought up to date to use the information. For each phone we pay a 911 tax that is supposed to be used to upgrade the 911 centers.
AA uses ACARS to get weather reports from in route aircraft. They receive aircraft location, speed, temperature and other important items. They use the information to plot the routes of other aircraft flight plans. In 1970 the first tests was called data link and was a bunch of kluged up equipment one of the first stations was in Williamsport PA. Convincing the airlines of it's worth took several years. Southwest was one of the last to go with ACARS. Their chief mechanic and I set over a cup of coffee while I explained the benefits. He in turn went to management to get them on board.
LexusLover's Avatar
Cell phones have been designed to show GPS location for years. My bitch is most of the 911 centers have not been brought up to date to use the information. Originally Posted by tucson
You can give the 911 center your cell number, if you want.
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... Almost there ... Originally Posted by WTF
You're drowning in your own bullshit....

..... so now you play the "I knew it all along game."

I brought up cell phone apps ... because you were claiming it would cost $70,000 per unit to install ... and I said my cell can do that and it didn't cost $70,000+!

Like i said ,.... you're drowning in your own bullshit.

That works with your bimboes .... but that's about as far as it gets.

You really do need to stay on the bench.
LexusLover's Avatar
I heard where that set up cost around 100k to install and maintain per plane.

So do you think our government should mandate that cost to all airlines? Originally Posted by WTF

Actually you said 100K (100,000) ... not 70,000. I stand corrected.

The answer to question is ... No.

Just to the U.S. fleet (90% have them now), and any airlines arriving and departing from the United States, and its territories.

Now, again, go play in the stacks at Barnes and Nobles.
LexusLover's Avatar
Does it register on you when you post it? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Reading comprehension a challenge for you? That's not my fault.
LL I don't understand this comment. Please enlighten this dumb ole boy.

You can give the 911 center your cell number, if you want.