2019 Witty Quotes, Tradition by Seeking~P

"All my life I had to grind and hustle, had to work like Kobe just to shine like Russell"........

annie@christophers's Avatar
Heh!! +1 Dallas
Legendary women make men feel like Kings
& not consumed with materialistic things. Originally Posted by A1.

legendary women, my ass

“Ego is just like dust in the eyes. Without clearing the dust,
we can’t see anything clearly,
so clear the ego and see the world.”


A Queen Never Leaves Her Throne to Address a Peasant Throwing Stones
“I am a queen because I know how to govern myself.“

It’s Better to be a Lion then a Sheep All of Your Life


Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

- William Shakespeare

“ The Greatness of a Community is a most Accurately Measured by The Compassionate Actions of it’s Members.
Other girls hated her
But followed her EVERY move ,
like peasants to their Queen.
^^^Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But ya' know what?? "When they go low you go high"...
-Mrs. Michelle Obama-
