If you had to bet who do you see winning the GOP nod???

Yep...Paul can't get the nomination, must less be elected....but he certainly will garner more votes/support from the conservative wing of America than the left.

CPT you are correct in your assessment and that is why I think Paul is un un-electable- mainstream America is not clicking with his ideas- and again I actually like some of Ron Paul's ideas an I like him better than the other candidates but he wouldn't win- ditto for Jesse Ventura he gives honest solutions but he also is un-electable. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Yep...Paul can't get the nomination, must less be elected....but he certainly will garner more votes/support from the conservative wing of America than the left. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Read the following Whirly quote and apply it to the Whirly post quoted above! That is what is called "talkin' out of both sides of your mouth!" Whirly makes Marshy appear to be a Rhodes Scholar (and Marshy is dumber than dirt)!

you post your fucking "analysis" with no backup to any professional analysis of the situation. Just your own BS quarterbacking....

Again..no link to support what you say just BS ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
CPT Savajo's Avatar
CPT you are correct in your assessment and that is why I think Paul is un un-electable- mainstream America is not clicking with his ideas- and again I actually like some of Ron Paul's ideas an I like him better than the other candidates but he wouldn't win- ditto for Jesse Ventura he gives honest solutions but he also is un-electable. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Mainstream America is not clicking with his ideas because they're down with getting taxed harder and harder while the U.S. loses more and more jobs to include freedoms. The celebrity pop-culture has a foothold on a lot of young minds. A lot of people aren't even paying attention. They just see 4 trees in the forest and are missing the bigger picture. There are going to be people who vote for Obama based on the fact that he's just a Democrat. Then there's going to be people who vote for people Rick Perry just because he has nice hair.

Paul may not win but if people let the media plant the seed that he's unelectable then they have achieved their agenda. Theirs a reason why Ron Paul is in a media blackout. The Rich of this country don't want his message getting out for a reason. They just want everyone to think that it's just between Obama/Romney, or Obama/Perry so the Rich get their guy in either way, they win.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If we keep electing only "electable" candidates, we will continue to suffer from the same mismanagement that we have had for 40+ years. We can't keep electing Democrats or Republicans.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Go screw yourself TexTushHog! A bunch of crooks work at Goldmansachs and you know it! Unfortunately a lot of them have worked in BIG government organizations as well, it's a revolving door because the same crooks keep getting put in charge that orchestrate this mess and the looting is going on right in front of our eyes. The corruption that is going on makes Bernie Madoff look like a prince charming. I'm sure Gerald Celente could tell you just how noble the Goldmansachs group is or maybe even Alex Jones, maybe you should give Alex a call and tell the whole world why you think their so noble.
Clinton, Bush, and especially Obama have led this country straight into a toilet bowl. Just like you think Huntsman is going to go far in this election. The poor bastard only got 69 votes at the Iowa Straw Poll, yeah he really broke through to the people with his message, he really won'em over, he really sold the crowd. Huntsman doesn't have a prayer and I really question your judgement. I wonder if your one of those types of guys who can never admit that your wrong even when you know your wrong. I call'em sociopaths and psychopaths. Maybe you should run for President, that way you can promise people the world, only to tell lies in the end. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
You don't read very well. First, I never made any claims about the lawfulness (or lack thereof) of Goldman Sacs. I only commented on their financial acumen. You're the one who said that they "got it wrong." In point of fact, they did not get it wrong. They saw the housing bubble for what it was and made the correct decisions as to how to deploy their capital to profit from it's collapse. I have no idea whether they broke the law, and frankly, I doubt you do either.

And I never said that John Huntsman was "going to go far in this election." I said percipience the opposite. He will not win the Republican nomination and will do poorly in his pursuit of the nomination. However, if the Republicans were to nominate him, he would have the best chance among the Republican candidates to beat Obama. But he has about as much chance of winning the Republican primary as I have to make the Dallas Mavericks when the lockout is over. Maybe less.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Oh sure they have the financial acumen, their the ones who are doing what they can to engineer this financial mess and it's just not Goldman Sachs who's responsible. It's a whole bunch of finance oligarchs. Look who they have in the WH, the treasury secrataries past present and future with Paulson (Goldman Sachs) and Geithner (Fed Reserve Chairman of NY), how about Fed Reserve Chairmans with Greenspan and Bernanke; the smart boys, it's a revolving door. Whose Obama's top economic advisor? Larry Summers! The same Larry Summers who helped reapeal the Glass Steagal Act so Citicorp could become Citigroup, well we know what happend there, everyone's "to big to fail" while the "taxpayers" pick up the tab. Who did Clinton put in charge of Citigroup and correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't it Robert Rubin, where's was he from, Goldman Sachs! We have a revolving door going on here.

Lets drop the Huntsman gig cause I really don't think he can pull it off. Ron Paul has a better chance than Huntsman.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
If we keep electing only "electable" candidates, we will continue to suffer from the same mismanagement that we have had for 40+ years. We can't keep electing Democrats or Republicans. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thats all the mainstream public can see unfortunately, the "electable" candidates. People just don't understand how corporate controlled media "controls" them and persuades "them" in making the decisions that "they" want.

Selecting the "electable" candidates most definitely hasn't worked out for the American publics best interest. Their's a lot of angry and frustrated people out there right now and a lot of them are fed up with both major political parties. Ron Paul is running as a Republican and the financial oligarchs don't like his views. People have to ask themselves, has it really gotten that much better in America since Obama's been in office? If you people keep going with the status quo your never going to see true change. It doesn't matter whether the guy is a Democrat or a Republican because their all owned, bought, and paid for. Sure people who are savvy enough to thrive in their system will do well, people who know how to use the laws in their favor. I might add that the tax laws in America are written for the Rich, not the middle class and poor people. When are people going to realize that! If someone thinks that getting money back at the end of the year for shitting kids is great, then their truly thinking from a poor persons perspective.

Before Obama got elected I remember watching CNBC one morning where Becky Quick was interviewing Warren Buffet. I remember Warren saying that he was endorsing Obama and that, "He is the right man for America." Three years down the road I think Warren is full of crap! Obama was right for Buffet because I'm sure he gave a lot for the campaign and got the BIG tax breaks he needed to keep him one of the world's wealthiest men. It just cracks me up how Warren refers to the little guys as, "the taxpayers!" Thats just a nice way of saying "wage slave" or "employee" for an extremely wealthy person.
waverunner234's Avatar
Believe what you want. I've been sittin on my treasure chest for awhile and things are looking good. I'm not paying any corrupt institution or some bank to hold my gold. Yeah just so they can confiscate it when the time comes. Have you ever heard of a Bank Holiday? FDR did it back a long time ago, I believe in 1936. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
Hey CPT, your Gold Treasure just made a dive of almost 11% in the last 50 hours.
Ouch, that hurts if you buy at the top, add dealer mark-up and seller mark-down if you need to sell it makes at least for a 20% loss, in just 50 hours.
Lol about safe investing <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-25-2011, 04:59 AM
Hey CPT, your Gold Treasure just made a dive of almost 11% in the last 50 hours.
Ouch, that hurts if you buy at the top, add dealer mark-up and seller mark-down if you need to sell it makes at least for a 20% loss, in just 50 hours.
Lol about safe investing <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Originally Posted by waverunner234
Gold is a bubble waiting to explode....that said folks make a ton of money in bubbles!
waverunner234's Avatar
Gold is a bubble waiting to explode....that said folks make a ton of money in bubbles! Originally Posted by WTF
If you buy gold as high risk speculation: yes, if you buy it as safe haven investment: NO
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Hey CPT, your Gold Treasure just made a dive of almost 11% in the last 50 hours.
Ouch, that hurts if you buy at the top, add dealer mark-up and seller mark-down if you need to sell it makes at least for a 20% loss, in just 50 hours.
Lol about safe investing <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Originally Posted by waverunner234
Who said I got into Gold at the $1900 dollar level? Who said I got into Silver at the $46 level? Your making the assumption that I bought in at the top, and assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups! Need I say more? I realize what has happend over the last two trading days and I don't care because their just going to keep printing more of this digital money via the Federal Reserve. The government is already trying to prop up a collapsing system thats already failed.

I'm laughing at your ignorance and at your failed assumption of where I took my positions. You must be one of those day traders. Traders are not investors. Traders are gamblers, speculators. There's a difference. Try to stay on topic with what this thread is about.
waverunner234's Avatar
Traders are gamblers, speculators. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
Ridiculous assumption that only shows you have no clue what you are talking about
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Ridiculous assumption that only shows you have no clue what you are talking about Originally Posted by waverunner234

Your an idiot! Just go ahead and fold your bluffing hand!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You bitch about the poll not being reliable because it has only 700 survey respondents then use the same poll to prove your lame assertion?

Too fucking funny........give it up Wellendowed, you don't have the critical thinking skills to hang out here. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Hmmm as always Whirlway this back fired on you- you post a poll trying to say that the GOP candidates are in close battle with Obama but your same article clearly points out that Obama is blowing them away based on the Independents who were polled- you might want to proof read your articles before you make an ass of yourself and then again you beat your chest at some poll taken nearly 15 months before the general election- a poll with 700 out of 100 million potential voters and you act as if it's credible- LMFAO!!!
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Hmmm as always Whirlway this back fired on you- you post a poll trying to say that the GOP candidates are in close battle with Obama but your same article clearly points out that Obama is blowing them away based on the Independents who were polled- you might want to proof read your articles before you make an ass of yourself and then again you beat your chest at some poll taken nearly 15 months before the general election- a poll with 700 out of 100 million potential voters and you act as if it's credible- LMFAO!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

It's not a credible poll at all because the presstitute who wrote the article totally forgot a candidate, what is that guy's name? Oh yeah she forgot to mention Ron Paul's name. Not a peep! You can tell she values her job security. What and the hell ever happend to freedom? People who have maximum security are in prisons, think about it. The presstitutes "write what their told." Funny how she mentioned Sarah Palin's name though, who's not even in the race and will probably not even be in the Persidential race. They just love to hoodwink the public with their mind games. Doesn't everyone just love the good ole U.S.A.? The land of the free.