CBS! Charlie Rose Shocked That Marco Rubio Called Hillary A Liar.

lustylad's Avatar
PS - family been in this country almost 400 years. We didn't swim over, dumbass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Jamestown was an English settlement. No Spics could swim that far north. Nice try, sewer rat.
Jamestown was an English settlement. No Spics could swim that far north. Nice try, sewer rat.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm only spic on one side, you fucking moron. Nice try, dipshit.

Goddamn, you are one dumb motherfucker. You keep sticking it out there, just to have it burned every single time.
How do you drown a sewer rat? From Arkansas, not Texas. Originally Posted by lustylad
Are you threatening me?
lustylad's Avatar
I'm only spic on one side, you fucking moron. Nice try, dipshit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You don't have a learned or cultured or gentrified or normal side. If you did, we would've seen it after 7,766 posts. Nice try, poseur.

Are you threatening me? Originally Posted by WombRaider
You need to tell assup (your idiot mentor) the Texas floods didn't flush out your Little Rock sewer system. Apparently he doesn't think very highly of your rodent survival skills.
You don't have a learned or cultured or gentrified or normal side. If you did, we would've seen it after 7,766 posts. Nice try, poseur.

You need to tell assup (your idiot mentor) the Texas floods didn't flush out your Little Rock sewer system. Apparently he doesn't think very highly of your rodent survival skills.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
You buffle-headed queer. Ran out of words didn't you? Normal?

You should have just left it at three, it would have worked better.

Learned, cultured, gentrified, normal

Which one of these is not like the others

Get thee to the basement, you ridiculous shit. Because I come to a hooker board to display my gentrified and erudite side
lustylad's Avatar
You buffle-headed queer. Ran out of words didn't you? Normal?

You should have just left it at three, it would have worked better.

Learned, cultured, gentrified, normal

Which one of these is not like the others Originally Posted by WombRaider
Wrong, you fucking freelance faggot. After 400 years, the NORM is to be learned, cultured and gentrified. You're abnormal even by sewer rat standards.
Wrong, you fucking freelance faggot. After 400 years, the NORM is to be learned, cultured and gentrified. You're abnormal even by sewer rat standards.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
When I think learned, gentrified and cultured, the last thing that comes to mind is Lusty Tard the rusty balloon knot retard. And are you seriously going to harp on culture while you laud the efforts of your enforcer in some ignorant competition whereby the winner is the one who comes up with the gayest insults? You are a laughingstock, lusty tard. You try so hard to be something, but your inner trailer park always comes shining through in the end. You're the abnormal one, by any standards you wish to employ.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
400 years? We're talking 1615? After all, as shown by the Nazi Baby Killer he believes in accurate numbers. So we're talking about 1615 and not 1620 or 1625. Where was this country in 1615? The Pilgrims hadn't landed yet. The first African slaves hadn't yet arrived in Virginia. The Jamestown settlement was only 8 years old and maybe the first English settlement. So the NBK must be Spanish or maybe Russian. There have been suggestions of Russian settlements on the west coast predating the East colonies but no large settlements that suggest colonies. So what else is left? NBK is an "native" American??? Can you use the word "native" when you're claiming that you're an immigrant?
Nice Originally Posted by Budman
do you think woomby's mother ever had any children that wasn't borne brain dead
  • DSK
  • 11-03-2015, 07:24 PM
Are you threatening me? Originally Posted by WombRaider
I would advise you to get a clue, but that would require you to have a portion of brains to begin with.

You're so fucking stuck on stupid it's not even funny.
You're so fucking stuck on stupid it's not even funny. Originally Posted by DSK
Now that's funny!

JLIdiot calling another poster "stupid."

Idiot Pot ... Meet ... Idiot Kettle!
Goodtimedfwguy's Avatar
Putin shuts down Charlie Rose (government stooge/lapdog)
Nice Originally Posted by Budman
Now THAT's the freelance writer from Arkansas "writing " like that !
400 years? We're talking 1615? After all, as shown by the Nazi Baby Killer he believes in accurate numbers. So we're talking about 1615 and not 1620 or 1625. Where was this country in 1615? The Pilgrims hadn't landed yet. The first African slaves hadn't yet arrived in Virginia. The Jamestown settlement was only 8 years old and maybe the first English settlement. So the NBK must be Spanish or maybe Russian. There have been suggestions of Russian settlements on the west coast predating the East colonies but no large settlements that suggest colonies. So what else is left? NBK is an "native" American??? Can you use the word "native" when you're claiming that you're an immigrant? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Oh Shit ! Now he's gonna be claiming to be a " Native American " like Fauxcahontis Warren !
My hands have never touched a weedeater. Lawnmower either. Now dig my ditches, bitch!

PS - family been in this country almost 400 years. We didn't swim over, dumbass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
400 years? We're talking 1615? After all, as shown by the Nazi Baby Killer he believes in accurate numbers. So we're talking about 1615 and not 1620 or 1625. Where was this country in 1615? The Pilgrims hadn't landed yet. The first African slaves hadn't yet arrived in Virginia. The Jamestown settlement was only 8 years old and maybe the first English settlement. So the NBK must be Spanish or maybe Russian. There have been suggestions of Russian settlements on the west coast predating the East colonies but no large settlements that suggest colonies. So what else is left? NBK is an "native" American??? Can you use the word "native" when you're claiming that you're an immigrant? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Once again, you missed an important point, as you usually do. I said 'almost' 400 years. You obviously don't believe in accuracy. My people on that side were first documented in this country in the 1630s census of the Virginia colony.

I'm actually english and welsh on that side, if you must know.