Romney is in.....

Republicans, are you happy with running another retread again?
boardman's Avatar
Republicans, are you happy with running another retread again? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Hillary sees what you did there...

Hillary sees what you did there... Originally Posted by boardman
Dumb ass she is a democrat nor a independent. Or is she your ATF?
boardman's Avatar
Dumb ass she is a democrat nor a independent. Or is she your ATF? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Dumb Ass,
She's a retread...Duh!
Dumb Ass,
She's a retread...Duh! Originally Posted by boardman
Duuuh dumb ass the OP is about Romney. What is your take on the retread?
boardman's Avatar
Duuuh dumb ass the OP is about Romney. What is your take on the retread? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
He's just another RINO. We have plenty of those already. Don't need him.

Dumb Ass!
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  • WTF
  • 01-13-2015, 12:37 PM
He's just another RINO. We have plenty of those already. Don't need him.

Dumb Ass! Originally Posted by boardman
Who might you support that is not a so called RINO that you Tea people caucus with?
boardman's Avatar
Who might you support that is not a so called RINO that you Tea people caucus with? Originally Posted by WTF
Right now?
There are possibly two dozen Republican candidates considering a run. I not sure I LIKE any of them but I will probably support the one that is most fiscally and constitutionally conservative. I'm not sure who that is yet.
A few I'd like to hear more from are:
Mike Huckabee(probably too socially conservative for me to support at this time)
Carly Fiorina
Ben Carson
Rand Paul (a bit of a wildcard)
Scott Walker
The first primaries are a year away. We will soon be wading through all of their bullshit.

I'd love to see the Libertarians run a fiscally conservative candidate that can get some traction however that will likely pull more votes from Republicans than Democrats so in reality it's not a good thing.

Unfortunately the Libertarians don't really stand a chance(the money just isn't there)and my vote will eventually go to who I consider to be the lesser of two evils. If that was Romney vs Hillary then I'd have to vote against Hillary.

You know, most all of us say we want change in how DC does business but whenever a new candidate comes on the scene we tear them to shreds because they aren't an "insider" or don't know how to get things done in DC, They aren't connected. That's exactly why Dr. Carson won't stand a chance.
I'm becoming more and more convinced that people don't really want anything to change, they just want to complain and find someone to blame for their own problems in life. We voted for change in 2008 and look what that got us. It may be a long time before we vote for change again.
We really need to vote all 537 of the bastards out and start over...with term limits.
Right now?
There are possibly two dozen Republican candidates considering a run. I not sure I LIKE any of them but I will probably support the one that is most fiscally and constitutionally conservative. I'm not sure who that is yet.
A few I'd like to hear more from are:
Mike Huckabee(probably too socially conservative for me to support at this time)
Carly Fiorina
Ben Carson
Rand Paul (a bit of a wildcard)
Scott Walker
The first primaries are a year away. We will soon be wading through all of their bullshit.

I'd love to see the Libertarians run a fiscally conservative candidate that can get some traction however that will likely pull more votes from Republicans than Democrats so in reality it's not a good thing.

Unfortunately the Libertarians don't really stand a chance(the money just isn't there)and my vote will eventually go to who I consider to be the lesser of two evils. If that was Romney vs Hillary then I'd have to vote against Hillary.

You know, most all of us say we want change in how DC does business but whenever a new candidate comes on the scene we tear them to shreds because they aren't an "insider" or don't know how to get things done in DC, They aren't connected. That's exactly why Dr. Carson won't stand a chance.
I'm becoming more and more convinced that people don't really want anything to change, they just want to complain and find someone to blame for their own problems in life. We voted for change in 2008 and look what that got us. It may be a long time before we vote for change again.
We really need to vote all 537 of the bastards out and start over...with term limits. Originally Posted by boardman

Well you finally made a reply except "dumb ass" was that so hard?
boardman's Avatar
Well you finally made a reply except "dumb ass" was that so hard? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Fuck you and the retarded donkey you road in on.
You were the one that typed "Dumb ass" first when responding to my post. I was just following your idiotic lead.
Go back and find where I've started any name calling anywhere in this forum...
Dumb Ass!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-13-2015, 03:54 PM
Fuck you and the retarded donkey you road in on.
You were the one that typed "Dumb ass" first when responding to my post. I was just following your idiotic lead.
Go back and find where I've started any name calling anywhere in this forum...
Dumb Ass! Originally Posted by boardman
Bm, that's all these libtard cocksuckers understand. Lol

Fuck you and the retarded donkey you road in on.
You were the one that typed "Dumb ass" first when responding to my post. I was just following your idiotic lead.
Go back and find where I've started any name calling anywhere in this forum...
Dumb Ass! Originally Posted by boardman
You were the one when a simple question was asked stuck the pic of Hillary in my face that equals dumb ass.
Bm, that's all these libtard cocksuckers understand. Lol
You must be one to know so much about them, or are you a closet libtard?
Originally Posted by seedman55
Another dumb ass joined the party now there is two of them. Welcome seedy.
LexusLover's Avatar
Another dumb ass joined the party now there is two of them. Welcome seedy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Eva, does it concern you in the least that you believe everyone around you is a "dumbass"?
ur'a bootlicker can't help it. He's like his Independent/Socialist Daddy.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
ur'a bootlicker can't help it. He's like his Independent/Socialist Daddy.

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Fuck yes - I hope that motherfucker runs!!