Barr should be disbarred!

lickidyclit's Avatar
We all know that Trump and his supporters are Un American liars. Trump defends Putin over our own country's intelligence agencies. He wont be around much longer. The trash always eventually gets taken out

According to the report, Russia 'interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion'. Originally Posted by themystic
well finaly!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Pull your head out of your ass and get your mommy to read the Washington Post to you. Originally Posted by Lapdog

Unwise choice of words.

Check your PM's.

Thank you valued poster!

We all know that Trump and his supporters are Un American liars. Trump defends Putin over our own country's intelligence agencies. He wont be around much longer. The trash always eventually gets taken out

According to the report, Russia 'interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion'. Originally Posted by themystic
well finaly! Originally Posted by lickidyclit

I really believe that Trump is a fucking liar. Originally Posted by Lapdog
You already stated that. How is it that you can't answer my original question? Could it be that the truth of the matter is the Democrats in Congress who are hell bent on lynching the President and his administration are even bigger liars. Is that pill too big to swallow for a little Lapdog? I would guess that it is, lol.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Lenny Bruce was found naked, alone and unwashed under his bathroom toilet with a needle stuck in his arm. That's a low-bar aspiration you've set for yourself. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You're so inept that you don't realize I'm paying you a backhanded compliment. When I referred to you as one of Austin's best, or finest or whatever I wrote years ago (When it only took me two posts to figure out you're just a simple Reaganite, remember?) I meant he was long regarded, as I think you are a tame version of, as a wacko conspiracy theorist.

Austin knew about InfoWars on community access cable before anybody took him seriously. Now his majesty uses this court jester's platform knowing that his hooks finally took hold on the likes of you and the other simple disgruntled masses. There is a reason why Austin tolerated him.

The relation between Alex Jones and Lenny Bruce is the freedom of speech. When you rant and rave using attacking words to express anger I'll use the image of Jones in illustration. When it sounds like you want to be taken serious, I'll use the photo. All the while those who are in the know, know how he got his start. Sparking the flames of a Fascist wildfire that resulted in an openly racist and uneducated, unethical and unpatriotic pathetic president.

Lenny Bruce died for ours sins. You might think I've set a low-bar aspiration for myself. Au contraire. The Mueller report proves that the words in the Constitution are all bullshit without action. I don't take the special prosecutor seriously. He's a eunuch of his emperor's kangaroo court. Barr is his consiglieri. Trying to take up the mantle of a great man like Bruce, Mort Sahl or the countless current comics poking fun at the establishment is innate in our kind.

Who knows? Maybe Trump is the ultimate patriot on the right. Turning this country into an Ultra Nationalist isolation bastion. Disregarding the constitution by force. Too bad there are other people with other ideas on the other side. In fact, there were other people here first who were living civilized lives before.

Redhot1960's Avatar
Now that the cat's out of the bag about his sugar coated interpretion of the Muller report findings that he tried to sell the American people,I for one would expect he be removed of his appointed position and have said appointment by his majesty be investigated as well! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
"It's Over" SAD EYES... "Turn The Other Way, I Don't Wanna To See You Cry!"
I B Hankering's Avatar
You're so inept that you don't realize I'm paying you a backhanded compliment. When I referred to you as one of Austin's best, or finest or whatever I wrote years ago (When it only took me two posts to figure out you're just a simple Reaganite, remember?) I meant he was long regarded, as I think you are a tame version of, as a wacko conspiracy theorist.

Austin knew about InfoWars on community access cable before anybody took him seriously. Now his majesty uses this court jester's platform knowing that his hooks finally took hold on the likes of you and the other simple disgruntled masses. There is a reason why Austin tolerated him.

The relation between Alex Jones and Lenny Bruce is the freedom of speech. When you rant and rave using attacking words to express anger I'll use the image of Jones in illustration. When it sounds like you want to be taken serious, I'll use the photo. All the while those who are in the know, know how he got his start. Sparking the flames of a Fascist wildfire that resulted in an openly racist and uneducated, unethical and unpatriotic pathetic president.

Lenny Bruce died for ours sins. You might think I've set a low-bar aspiration for myself. Au contraire. The Mueller report proves that the words in the Constitution are all bullshit without action. I don't take the special prosecutor seriously. He's a eunuch of his emperor's kangaroo court. Barr is his consiglieri. Trying to take up the mantle of a great man like Bruce, Mort Sahl or the countless current comics poking fun at the establishment is innate in our kind.

Who knows? Maybe Trump is the ultimate patriot on the right. Turning this country into an Ultra Nationalist isolation bastion. Disregarding the constitution by force. Too bad there are other people with other ideas on the other side. In fact, there were other people here first who were living civilized lives before.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Those who are genuinely "in the know" know that your depiction of Trump supporters as "racists" is bullshit. After all, it was Odumbo and hildebeest who went about droning "people of color" in the Near East and breathed new life into the Libyan slave trade. Hence, in no humane manner was hildebeest a viable alternative to Trump.
Hotrod511's Avatar
We all know that lickystix and his supporters like lumpdog and eccieloser9500 are Un American liars. Trump defends our country he will be around much longer at least 4 more years

According to the report, Russia 'interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion'. Originally Posted by themystic(I'm Gay)

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Those who are genuinely "in the know" know that your depiction of Trump supporters as "racists" is bullshit. After all, it was Odumbo and hildebeest who went about droning "people of color" in the Near East and breathed new life into the Libyan slave trade. Hence, in no humane manner was hildebeest a viable alternative to Trump. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There you go again. Twisting the facts. If I wrote somewhere that his "supporters" are racist, I'll take this back. I wrote, in the above, that HE is a racist.

If I ever wrote that I would support Hillary then I'll take THIS back. It was obvious that this was a lesser of two evils. I would have voted for Bill again before her. OBAMA OBVIOUSLY. But she would have made for a better society to have a woman president. Especially when it came to getting laid. (The jokes just come naturally to the intellectual smart ass)

I work with right-wing supporters of his majesty. I've lived with his supporter. Even in my family. HE is a racist. Not the people that have to associate day-to-day at work with a wide range of people. We have civil conversations and debates. And I know the anonymity of this forum makes it easier to be offensive and obscene.

You're Libyan line about the slave trade sounds like fake news from InfoWars. Typical. Why can't I just dismiss anything you write or cite as fake news? The Mueller report confirmed the news reported turned out to be true. The press secretary lied to the people. This is a fake presidency.
In the past, there may have been some things that were allowed to slide and some things may have been overlooked.

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eccieuser9500's Avatar

Originally Posted by Hotrod511
At least have the courtesy to differentiate your edits like Waco and Hankering. You're just showing yourself to be one of the simpletons with a twitter account. It's not even funny. Not that I was offended. But I would have at least been amused if it was humorous. Or even made some contextual sense.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There you go again. Twisting the facts. If I wrote somewhere that his "supporters" are racist, I'll take this back. I wrote, in the above, that HE is a racist.

If I ever wrote that I would support Hillary then I'll take THIS back. It was obvious that this was a lesser of two evils. I would have voted for Bill again before her. OBAMA OBVIOUSLY. But she would have made for a better society to have a woman president. Especially when it came to getting laid. (The jokes just come naturally to the intellectual smart ass)

I work with right-wing supporters of his majesty. I've lived with his supporter. Even in my family. HE is a racist. Not the people that have to associate day-to-day at work with a wide range of people. We have civil conversations and debates. And I know the anonymity of this forum makes it easier to be offensive and obscene.

You're Libyan line about the slave trade sounds like fake news from InfoWars. Typical. Why can I just dismiss anything you write or cite as fake news? The Mueller report confirmed the news reported turned out to be true. The press secretary lied to the people. This is a fake presidency.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Mueller also reported that Swalwell, Adam Shitty, hildebeest, Clapper, Brennan, the New York Times, BuzzFeed, CNN, McClatchy, The Washington Post, etc., etc., etc., lied to the American people thousands upon thousands of times in claiming that Trump colluded with the Russians.

BTW, when did CNN start working for InfoWars?

The Guardian, February, 2017

What I saw there is nothing short of a modern-day slave trade, with migrants treated as commodities. It’s as though nothing has changed in the 300 years since desert tribes used the very same routes to bring slaves to north Africa: Nigerian women told they are going to Italy to work as housemaids only to be trafficked into desert brothels with no idea when they might leave, young men cruelly beaten and held captive for months until their families pay a ransom, women forced to take contraception to stop themselves becoming pregnant at the hands of smugglers.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Mueller also reported that Swalwell, Adam Shitty, hildebeest, Clapper, Brennan, the New York Times, BuzzFeed, CNN, McClatchy, The Washington Post, etc., etc., etc., lied to the American people thousands upon thousands of times in claiming that Trump colluded with the Russians.

When did CNN start working for InfoWars?

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I guess the rules don't apply to referring to Congress as Rancor does. I'll agree to that.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I guess the rules don't apply to referring to Congress as Rancor does. I'll agree to that. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Who would you be calling "Rancor"?

And Mueller did draw a line between the liars and non-liars, and many, many Congressional dim-retards are found on the lying side of that line.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I wonder what brought on the rules check.