TAKE NOTICE - Hobbyist Creedo

carkido45's Avatar
Ok Mister grinch, as if you could afford anything above $150 anyway lmao!

Go stuff your own stocking! Originally Posted by London Rayne
OMG that's funny best laugh I've had all year long.
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
I'm not giving out free respect I vote NO! I respect those that are deserving of respect. Just having a pussy does not mean you deserve respect on that fact alone. For those that vote yes please take some time and make sure your nuts are still attached. Originally Posted by trey
Checked... Nuts still attached. I'm voting with trey on this one.
She may be a monster but are you not going to pull her out of the way of truck if you're at the scene? Originally Posted by TheDogger
No, actually.

If she's a monster I would absolutely not pull her out of the way of the truck. I'm not going to kill her/him but I'm not going to go out of my way to save her/him either...

Are you seriously just now clueing in to the fact that that's the only reason these guys vote "Agree"? Originally Posted by Wakeup

I'm trying to give the other guys a hint here for the ones that don't read between the lines.

Do any of you open doors for ladies or stand up when she leaves the table? Dare I say open car doors? Manners are a form or respect and upbringing.
She may be a monster but are you not going to pull her out of the way of truck if you're at the scene? Originally Posted by TheDogger
Thanks for injecting a touch of melodrama into what had been a reasonable discussion.

No one's talking about throwing on a cape and saving lives here. We were talking about the much more mundane and everyday interactions between people. And I'm sorry. I don't agree with you. Just because someone has XX chromosomes doesn't mean they are immune to being called out for acting like a shithead or for being wrong or hypocritical. And it definitely doesn't mean I'm a creep if I'm the one calling her on it.

As far as respect goes, I give it where it's deserved. In general, you're right. Most people are good, honest and deserving. Some aren't and I reserve the right to treat them accordingly.
Wayward's Avatar
No, actually.

If she's a monster I would absolutely not pull her out of the way of the truck. I'm not going to kill her/him but I'm not going to go out of my way to save her/him either... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Can we stop and thinck about the truck for just a moment, sometimes the loss of a truck can be very emotionally distressing. Take Big Jake (please) he just lost a truck and if you had been there to pull that lamp post out of harms way the truck would have lived to drive another day. Let's say the evil provider didn't kill the truck but only wounded it. Is that really fair to the truck, what if it was a Smart Car? Or a cute VW bug with teddy bear hubcaps?
TheDogger's Avatar
Can we stop and thinck about the truck for just a moment, sometimes the loss of a truck can be very emotionally distressing. Take Big Jake (please) he just lost a truck and if you had been there to pull that lamp post out of harms way the truck would have lived to drive another day. Let's say the evil provider didn't kill the truck but only wounded it. Is that really fair to the truck, what if it was a Smart Car? Or a cute VW bug with teddy bear hubcaps? Originally Posted by Wayward
Ok...that's funny.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Leave it top Wayward to entertain lol.
kerwil62's Avatar
I'm not giving out free respect I vote NO! I respect those that are deserving of respect. Just having a pussy does not mean you deserve respect on that fact alone. For those that vote yes please take some time and make sure your nuts are still attached. Originally Posted by trey

Tony Montana's Avatar
Ok Mister grinch, as if you could afford anything above $150 anyway lmao!

Go stuff your own stocking! Originally Posted by London Rayne
If it wasn't for your avatar I would've put you on ignore a long time ago.
London Rayne's Avatar
If it wasn't for your avatar I would've put you on ignore a long time ago. Originally Posted by Tony Montana

Very funny Montana! Same here!
I happened to "discover" all the drama here by accident while searching for a review. I sure that what I'm about to say isn't going to please some, but since I'm never in Houston, it's not a biggie.

Seems to me this thread/poll was started as a self serving vehicle to elevate one's self on a "moral" pedestal. Reminds me of a Pastor at my church (before I realized that organized religion is a scam) that would preach virtues and morals on Sundays, while during the week he was cheating on his wife with a married member of the congregation. I respect PEOPLE until given a reason not to do so. Whether I like, dislike, agree with or disagree with MonkeyPaw's story/exploits is of no consequence here. The fact of the matter is that he put it out there and got the exact response he was looking for and this thread/poll further confirms that. There even exists the chance that the whole story is completely fictional, which just adds to the effect.

Those that do sign and know you're only doing it to either get off the DNS or clear your conscience/image/reputation here in this community....don't bother we all know who you are. Ain't no secrets in this world of ours.
Seriously? Can you honestly say that you didn't start this thread with the hope that it would garner you some extra "favor" with the ladies? Hell, a provider stated
If you give the right answer and treat a provider with respect when you meet her, she might recall this thread and you could get "extras"
I don't agree with those that think being respectful is nutless. However, whatever nuts you claim to have, you should probably spit them out, because they aren't yours.
So why don't you climb back down here with the "little" people and drop the agenda. Personally, I find your signature offensive, but I'm not going to start a thread about it.

Thank you Houston for providing me with some wholesome entertainment the last few days.
Monkeypaw's Avatar
The MonkeyPaw drama was really created so some of the guys on here can get EXTRAs..

1. Create a controversial thread that digs into the nerves of eccie providers and draws national attention
2. Draw out all the white knights defending the morality and essence of eccie providers
3. Have the white knights join in against the rants of Monkeypaw and his evil ways
4. Angry eccie providers take notice of those who have join the crusade and defended their honor
5. White knights get EXTRAs and special attention from eccie providers
6. Monkeypaw is the scapegoat
7. White knights make deposit into Monkeypaw's PayPal account

Respect is earned not freely given and once lost, it is very nearly impossible to regain, therefore, I voted no.

What is really being discussed in the poll and this thread, despite what the OP has written, is civility and kindness/compassion to others. Those things are always given until it is proven, by a behavior or action, that the one receiving them is undeserving. I always open a door or hold the car door open or chair for the lady I am with just because it was the way I was reared. I extend the same courtesy to ladies in the hallway or out on the town as it relates to the opening of doors because that is also a part of civility and kindness. Once we, as a people, stop being kind to others, we will have Hell on Earth.

London Rayne
Verified Provider

Now it seems I need to mosey on over to N'awLins for a little close inspection of some prime time tastee looking rump while avoiding the rain...
I enderwiggin will always... Oh wait. Found my balls. I'm good.
So in that case: I, enderwiggin, treat women like human beings, not mythical creatures that demand constant attention and praise.
Yet, how were those young and lost girls being treated in Monkey Paw's thread?

ANONONE said it best...the poll should be rephrased. It's more about MEN taking a stand against the ABUSE of young vunerable girls. You may have your opinions and options to do whatever...in the privacy of your own home.

However, this board is NOT a place to exploit young vunerable girls...and laugh and joke about a very serious subject. It's only funny until someone shows up at your door with a felony warrant...and if you think it won't or couldn't happen to you...think twice.

Even hard criminals in a Federal Pen don't take kindly to child molesters.