providers online dating on the rise

Your # of reviews just serves to show you are using a double standard, not that you have much to offer in this arena. You'll post about somebody's girlfriend or wife you fucked, and then claim to not understand how anyone could do that.. or "allow" (again a possessive) it to happen. So, you've been here 2 years, fucked at least 4 women that you want to brag and share info about, but it's no "YOUR GIRL".. Handy. Originally Posted by nuglet
I have absolutely no clue what the hell you just rambled. If I'm guessing correctly you're actually attempting to use the fact that I've hired providers while single as an argument against my personal views. These being my not wanting to share a deep love held by two including physical love with total strangers.

That's reaching so far out in left field I can't even see what the hell you're jumping up and down and frantically pointing at. Hold on while I go grab my binoculars.
Be right back ....
OK I'm back and searching and Still can't see it.

Couples do not "allow" or "permit". They engage and share their lives. Originally Posted by nuglet
I agree 100% so your point is?

As for "would I encourage...." YES, if she was happy with the guy. Rather than be uptight, judgmental and hypocritical, YOU BET I would. But that would be based on her own choice. I'm married, I swing, and we're very very happy with each other, YOUR POINT? Originally Posted by nuglet

Well there you go. In a nutshell there's the main difference between you and me. Nothing to do with better or worse than. You will never get my absurd romantic perspective and I will never get your "Open" perspective toward a love relationship. Nor would I want to so all remains well in both our worlds.
Again it has nothing to do with jealously. It has everything to do with that rare but magical bond I referred to which you labeled as total BS. That comment says it all.

And whether he has any reviews is irrelevant.. I do not review everyone I see. Maybe he's see 100 ladies, do you know otherwise? You just feel you're "special" and more Moral than some others.. and yet you are posting, dating, buying women, having them spread their legs (as you like to say) and passing judgement... pfft and finally, you again show your bias with the phrase "pass her around to his buds.. In the swinger lifestyle, it doesn't work that way. Nobody "passes" anyone around. Originally Posted by nuglet
Actually whether or not he posts reviews is Completely relevant considering his question. He took both the offensive as well as the rather bold stance to ask me why I am even participating on the boards when I haven't hired a provider for some time.
The fact that he may or may not book sessions is what is completely irrelevant when he's not contributing to the site with reviews to help others which is the very reason Eccie even exist unless I'm mistaken.
If he hires escorts I'm pretty damn sure he reads the reviews provided by other "Participating" members in order to make an informed decision.

We both now I did not bring it up because I feel I am better. Anyone who is here is clearly no better than anyone else. Having opposing views about romance is not a sign of projecting superiority but I clearly pushed a button however unintentional it was. How can I un-push it for you?
I very CLEARLY brought it up because he posed a question that obviously applies to him just as much if not more so than myself.

Again you show your Possessiveness, like "she" is your property. That doesn't contribute to a good couple relationship.. and yet.. there are groups that enjoy THAT EXACT THING. A M/S relationship is very common and requires trust and desire on both ends.. (well, maybe not "literally") Originally Posted by nuglet
Well I am about to say something that should really get you riled up.
When in a deep loving relationship she Absolutely is my property just as I am Absolutely her property. I wouldn't have it any other way. Not from the perspective of owning a thing, pet or a slave. Not from a stance of jealousy or insecurity either.
It is a voluntary complete surrender of the heart, mind and body to the person you would gladly take a bullet for. Yeah I know it's just more BS. from the guy who dares think this way as a monger.
I kind of like my brand of B.S. It's pretty hard to find that kind of BS in a world full of "What can you do for me" attitudes. I find this BS to be pretty fulfilling in the most complete way.

Hey SOB is this enough drama for you? LOL
Oh, for fuck's sake.

People are different.

Some like and want to swing. Some don't.

Some like giving head, some don't.

Some like anal sex, some don't.

Some want monogamous relationships, some don't.

Some like smearing jello all over their balls, some don't.

Some like dom and submission, some don't.

Some like foot play, some don't.

In the context of a relationship, as long as the people involved are happy and open WITH EACHOTHER and not hurting anyone else, who are we to judge them?

What consenting adults agree to with each other is no one else's business.


Except for jello on the balls. That's just weird.
nuglet's Avatar
Well I am about to say something that should really get you riled up.
When in a deep loving relationship she Absolutely is my property just as I am Absolutely her property. I wouldn't have it any other way. Not from the perspective of owning a thing, pet or a slave. Not from a stance of jealousy or insecurity either.
I am sorry for whoever you trap into a relationship.. That's a ship that's gonna sink. I'm guessing there's a proposal fixin' to happen with Absolutely. (I only say that due to your peculiar way of using the name/word.)
I think we've stated our positions enough. I'm right, you're right.. Contact me in a few years, after you gain some life experiences.
Whispers's Avatar
WOW 5 pages and everyone appears to have forgotten a primary purpose of the board.

Which is sharing experiences of finding safe pussy and what it will cost you.

Here the OP has referenced finding local providers and banging them overnight for the price of dinner.

and noone asked.

What Site are you registered on?
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 08-23-2012, 10:00 AM
Actually whether or not he posts reviews is Completely relevant considering his question. He took both the offensive as well as the rather bold stance to ask me why I am even participating on the boards when I haven't hired a provider for some time.
The fact that he may or may not book sessions is what is completely irrelevant when he's not contributing to the site with reviews to help others which is the very reason Eccie even exist unless I'm mistaken.
If he hires escorts I'm pretty damn sure he reads the reviews provided by other "Participating" members in order to make an informed decision. Originally Posted by Codybeast
I post quite often helping others and providing feedback (most frequently on the SC forum, occasionally on the SD forum). I choose not to post reviews out of privacy considerations; there is no shortage of people who do and I have warned people publicly and privately if it was necessary.

And most especially I don't post value judgements towards others for behavior that I announce self-righteously that I don't engage in. I don't pick up streetwalkers; I also don't post on the streetwalker board 'hey you guys are creepy, how could you do that?'. Which is effectively what you are doing here.

If you're in a monogamous relationship that you're happy with and have found no need to hire the service of escorts then that is awesome and hopefully you are quite happy with it, but again, it does make it somewhat confusing as to why you then feel it necessary to post here and let others know how much you disapprove of the choices they make.
nuglet's Avatar
WOW 5 pages and everyone appears to have forgotten a primary purpose of the board.

Which is sharing experiences of finding safe pussy and what it will cost you.

Here the OP has referenced finding local providers and banging them overnight for the price of dinner.

and noone asked. Originally Posted by Whispers
All pussy costs. No matter where/how/when you find it, you pay for it one way or another. Like our riders club motto.. "ass, gas, or grass, nobody rides for free!"
Whispers's Avatar
I agree... But it was the price of dinner....

Ya got admire the OP...

A lot of these ladies want to charge us $250-$300 to HAVE dinner with us as well as expect us to pay......

here the OP gets her time and bangs her for the cost of dinner......

You can find some of these same $250-$300 an hour girls on the sugar baby sites as well ready to cut deals for 6-8 nights a month for about a grand if you farm those sites... but that's still $150-$200 a night your paying.... Here it was just dinner....

Free Sex after Dinner is a 30-40% frequency rate some experience off the SB sites as well.... Maybe she as just confused as to the purpose of the site.

If you're in a monogamous relationship that you're happy with and have found no need to hire the service of escorts then that is awesome and hopefully you are quite happy with it, but again, it does make it somewhat confusing as to why you then feel it necessary to post here and let others know how much you disapprove of the choices they make. Originally Posted by Qziz
Actually I'm currently single which I've mentioned in other threads but that's neither here nor there. I was originally discussing my attitudes on romance with a provider which got side tracked into just romance in general. I didn't state I was describing my relationship.

I've even mentioned that while I'm single I'm considering booking a session once I find a beautiful young, petite exotic siren with a FULL menu who makes me do a double take.
My only hesitance is the apparent increase in catchable incurables going around since I've last hobbied.

I'm not judging anyone for their particular choice of lifestyle. As I mentioned anyone with reviews who hangs around a hooker board can't possibly be self righteous.
I just so happen to be a hopeless romantic as was mentioned by someone earlier.

For me that's the Only way to live otherwise I'd rather just stay single and fuck as much variety as I can handle.
There's never a shortage of casual sex in the civie world. Especially now that I'm older and still fit and young looking which means there's far less competition out there.

The topic was hookers and dating them. Not swinging.
I knew and even stated earlier that my opinions about love and romance would sink like a brick on an escort site but so what. It was fun to address.

Besides more than a few providers PM'd notes of appreciation for those views. Whose opinions count more? The girls who I might meet or a bunch of hard legs I'll never meet? lol

I'm bored now
I don't think it unusual for providers using a dating service. Their "jobs" are just like ours, a method of earning a living. They have the same desires as most of us in a private life as well: to find someone to love and to be loved. Nothing unusual....pretty common desire for most men and women!!!