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Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 02-03-2011, 11:01 PM
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Fourscore and seven beers ago ...

That's always worked for me.
dracr's Avatar
  • dracr
  • 02-03-2011, 11:13 PM
Guest092815's Avatar
As soon as Carl finds the time, HE will be on my plate *(wink)* so he may not have much free time to post! we shall see....
Well then..... At least start writing me some material and PM ing it.... I done been called out and am in my final days here.... I need a staff of writers to prep some material....

From the looks of things I do believe "she has had a dream" and is out to "set her people free".....

Originally Posted by Whispers
Your post is tinged with racism and I don't take that lightly. I know you are referring to me and my ethnicity, you disgusting and repugnant excuse for a man. Did you really just use the words of the great MLK to mock me? I've reported your hate speech to the moderators and I urge everyone to do the same. Whatever respect I had in my disagreements with you is completely out the window now. It is truly a shame that abortion was not legal in your mother's day.
knotty man's Avatar
wow! really whispers. ive kept my mouth shut(actually had you on ignore) but it still shows your comments when someone quotes you.that was a pretty chicken shit kinda comment you made there. your a fuckin piece os shit! someone got banned a few weeks ago for makin rascist comments of that same nature . wanna make a bet if the same happens here. doubt it. shit doesnt always flow downhill. especially if the mods are too afraid of offending their prescious saint
Well then..... At least start writing me some material and PM ing it.... I done been called out and am in my final days here.... I need a staff of writers to prep some material....

From the looks of things I do believe "she has had a dream" and is out to "set her people free".....

Originally Posted by Whispers
WTF is up with the last part of the comment Whispers?
I have never chimed in on any of your threads as I could careless about most of the topics you bring up or chime in on, this one included until I read that.
Knowing your posting history I am sure you will have something cute to say about it when an appology is in order here.
Whispers's Avatar
Sarcasm Maybe... Racism?... Naw...... Since your "people" are obviously the repressed and no longer spoken folks that were a part of what was so incredibly wrong here in austin ..... All the hooktards and their wusses that have been silent now for a while... those you seem to believe that have been repressed...... race is not a factor in any of this.....

You just seem like a man on a mission and those words seemed rather fitting....

Using quotes that are applicable to the situation is hardly racial in nature..... IS that the best you got?

Keep in mind you came here spoiling for a fight..... I didn't go looking for you.....

Welcome to Austin Darlin!
Whispers's Avatar
wow! really whispers. ive kept my mouth shut(actually had you on ignore) but it still shows your comments when someone quotes you.that was a pretty chicken shit kinda comment you made there. your a fuckin piece os shit! someone got banned a few weeks ago for makin rascist comments of that same nature . wanna make a bet if the same happens here. doubt it. shit doesnt always flow downhill. especially if the mods are too afraid of offending their prescious saint Originally Posted by knotty man
Why is quoting someone famous for making speeches about freeing repressed people in response to someone on a mission to free the repressed posters here "racial".... Twist and spin all you want... There was nothing racial meant by my comment...

But Hey Knottyman... You have a new hooktard to prance and pose for!
nuglet's Avatar
Thanks for that, now I know your reviews are ads for providers who need the press, is new, or for whatever reason, need an additional ad.

You seem to be mistaking respect and civility, but I'll let you figure that out. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
So Brainiac.. which word applies to your master now.. Respectful, or Civil..?
Just curious how you read it.
Texasquest's Avatar
Originally Posted by Whispers ....From the looks of things I do believe "she has had a dream" and is out to "set her people free".....
WOW I have always just ignored your Juvenile attempts at looking like the Know it all of the Hobby..But this is LOW even for you ! Then you have the audacity to try and Spin it as being harmless....MODS is time for ya'll to do something with lil JR here..This should NOT be tolerated...
DRorchia's Avatar
I have no dog in this fight but I do have a couple of questions. I'm fairly new and would simply like some clarification on how things work around here.
1. Are we as posters only responsible for how we intend the message to come across or are we responsible for how the message is perceived by other readers (i.e. it's deemed offensive by someone)?
2. If moderators step in and tell everyone to take a deep breath and go easy on the insults....are we bound by that? Because it seems in several cases now I simply see the attacks continue on both sides without any apparent consequences.

Again, not taking sides but curious how these things work around here.
Sarcasm Maybe... Racism?... Naw...... Since your "people" are obviously the repressed and no longer spoken folks that were a part of what was so incredibly wrong here in austin ..... All the hooktards and their wusses that have been silent now for a while... those you seem to believe that have been repressed...... race is not a factor in any of this.....

You just seem like a man on a mission and those words seemed rather fitting....

Using quotes that are applicable to the situation is hardly racial in nature..... IS that the best you got? Originally Posted by Whispers
You lack class, character and integrity. However, you have ignorance in spades. Simply because I have a sparkling reputation and you can't attack me with any merit, you decided to make snide remarks about my ethnicity. That's low even for you.

You attempted to slanderize me and make me look stupid by intentionally butchering Martin Luther King's most famous quote. That didn't work. Instead, you simply highlighted your ignorance. You're too easy Whispers. You assassinate your character all by yourself!

@The community: thank you for the PMs and support. I'm done for now, but I will be back. Enjoy yalls weekend and the snow! If you happen to be at Carnival tonight and see a cute black girl dressed as a feminized Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange, make sure to say hi!
Texasquest's Avatar
2. If moderators step in and tell everyone to take a deep breath and go easy on the insults....are we bound by that? Because it seems in several cases now I simply see the attacks continue on both sides without any apparent consequences.

Again, not taking sides but curious how these things work around here. Originally Posted by DTorchia
Obviously it doesnt apply to WHISPERS..as he is allowed by the MODS to do as he pleases and say what he wants even if he meant it as being Racist....Seems like the more Juvenile you can act on this board the more the MODS will allow you to cross the lines of Civility...IF you dont think just backtrack some of Whispers posts..is obvious to all..
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I am truly starting to believe everyone has become mentally ill!
Whispers's Avatar
You lack class, character and integrity. However, you have ignorance in spades. Simply because I have a sparkling reputation and you can't attack me with any merit, you decided to make snide remarks about my ethnicity. That's low even for you. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Twist and spin all you want... There was nothing negative in the remark towards you.... Nothing racial in the comments.... nothing meant towards your "ethnicity".......

You came into this thread ranting and raving about the tyranny of Whispers and how your going to deal with it..... You want to jump up on a soapbox and make speeches prepare to see some dissent....

Your obviously ignorant as to any of what I tend to have to say. I seldom attack "individuals"....... so there is no reason to attack you.... It's easier to attack what you have to say....

You come to the Austin Forums and start a thread calling me out.....

telling everyone how your going to restore Austin to the fun and happy days of old.....

You refer to the ladies I prefer to see in a manner insinuated they have issues your not even allowed to discuss here....

Then like a typical wuss that can't make any headway with her argument you ask for the thread to be closed.....

Now... In a truly ignorant fashion, since you can't make your argument another way you want to take this somewhere it never was.....

Oh Well....

You may be all that in some places..... So far your just another hooktard with a big mouth ranting about something you haven't a clue about.....

AS I said... Welcome to Austin... Enjoy the Snow....