An anonymous email I received from a former provider asked me to post this for her therapy

Chica Chaser's Avatar
So carry on say what you need to say, and be ready to take the shit you might get for it. Confidently. Meaning don't say what you need to say and then ask why people have a problem with it. Because it's not that people have a problem with the fact that you are expressing yourself, but what you are expressing and everyone has a right to disagree and express why. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Damn right! You post it. You own it.
Along with that you get to enjoy whatever shit comes with that. There is certainly not going to be a lack of people who are very willing to express their disagreement with whatever it is. Me included. If you can;t take it, don;t post it. This bullshit incognito stuff doesn't make you immune, in fact it probably increases the amount and voracity of the backlash. Deal with it, or don't post it in the first place.

One more chance for everyone, discuss the message being delivered and not the personalities involved.
  • Vyt
  • 07-04-2011, 07:52 PM
(self-edited to comply with the post above this one).
Damn right! You post it. You own it.
Along with that you get to enjoy whatever shit comes with that. There is certainly not going to be a lack of people who are very willing to express their disagreement with whatever it is. Me included. If you can;t take it, don;t post it. This bullshit incognito stuff doesn't make you immune, in fact it probably increases the amount and voracity of the backlash. Deal with it, or don't post it in the first place.

One more chance for everyone, discuss the message being delivered and not the personalities involved. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I do own it. All I was saying was that I didn't write that letter. If you wanna rag on me for posting it, per someone elses request, then so be it. Yes it was against the Eccie guidlines as I've come to learn. Am I going to lose sleep tonight? Ah, no. But I'm sorry the letter pissed so many people off tho. I wonder why that is. Maybe we can discuss why is angers so many people, or what the author can do to relieve her nerves?
It's real easy to spout off when you're guaranteed anonymity, isis. That's the crux of what bothers me about it. If she has something to say (especially something as vile as that) then she should post it under her OWN handle. Although, I think if she did that, it would be a considerably more toned down post.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I do own it. All I was saying was that I didn't write that letter. If you wanna rag on me for posting it, per someone elses request, then so be it. Yes it was against the Eccie guidlines as I've come to learn. Am I going to lose sleep tonight? Ah, no. But I'm sorry the letter pissed so many people off tho. I wonder why that is. Maybe we can discuss why is angers so many people, or what the author can do to relieve her nerves? Originally Posted by incognito isis
What's next.... "if it pisses you off then it probably applies to you"
Very interesting thread. It's amazing to me how people react when threatened by someone's opinion. I'm going to think about this more before I cast my lot.
dearhunter's Avatar
We've seen this kind of thread before in Houston and Dallas. I guess that train wreck (with banned bodies littering the field of battle) led to the decision to post this one more "anonymously" is still just as cowardly this way.......and, yes I am speaking directly to the original post.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
There are ups and downs to all professions. If the downs outweigh the ups for you, then it is time to move on to something new. In the case of the author of the letter, it appears she let the downs continue for way to long. If it was because of poor client selection, bad business practices or because she felt she was trapped and had to do what she had to do, it was her choice. I think the blame gets shifted to the clients far too much. There are good clients and bad clients just as there are good providers and bad providers. Providers complain about reviews, but they serve the same purpose as alerts. Yes there are some reviews done out of spite, but there are alert threads that are too. You can't have one without the other.
The other thing is alot of the time the most vocal people are the negative people. I have seen this on alot of different message boards, not just the ones about the hobby. I work with someone who loves to post resturant reviews on Yelp and he is so damn picky you would think 90% of the places he eats at suck, but in reality they don't. If the majority of the other reviews disagree, you kinda see whats up. On here the same can apply. If you have alot of negative reviews or negative feedback, odds are you might be doing something wrong.
Still Looking's Avatar
I sense the mods have applied the WD-40 to their "CLOSE" button so I thought I getter get in one more lick!

I had a very sophisticated client who insisted on me meeting her to inspect a project my company completed in Florida. I could NOT understand why, but I flew out to meet her. My staff knowing this would happen made 110% sure everything was all but perfect! As we reviewed the completed construction project, things looked wonderful. She could find NOTHING! Then suddenly she noticed white drips on a painted surface. She said "That’s pretty obvious, your guys missed that?" My VP said, "Miss that’s not paint drips, that bird poop!" She got very angry, not at my VP but at me! So I told her, we would get a ladder promptly, and give her an opportunity to taste the white substance! I stated if its paint we will touch it up. But if its bird poop, we will still touch it up, because watching her taste it would be payment in full! Keep in mind this lady flew in on a private jet that is staffed with a chief. Her boss called me and asked if they should bring me some crepes? The lady was so mad now she stormed off. She called her owner who was at their regional office. She then returned and stated "I'm NOW sure it’s bird poop, you guys did a great job!" I told my staff to resolve the issue! Had I not made the meeting, I would have looked pretty bad, as it was not she who requested me to be on site, it was her owner. This gal thought she would put us in our place as a means of making herself look better in the eyes of her owner. She had no idea her owner and I went back 25+ years. Her owner later called me and couldn’t stop laughing! I sent a case of Scotch saying thank you for his work!

The moral of this story: You may be right, but do you want to eat shit to find out? We are all quick to judge, but if asked to eat shit or get shit our attitude changes very fast! Throw shit and you might get some on yourself doing the wind up!

Very interesting thread. It's amazing to me how people react when threatened by someone's opinion. I'm going to think about this more before I cast my lot. Originally Posted by iluvbigtits
Tell me about it!

What's next.... "if it pisses you off then it probably applies to you" Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I wasn't going to say my infamous line but since you said it for me ;-)
Seriously, often times that is the case. People get angry when something applies to them. Not always, but often. They feel threatened because they feel it's a personal attack. They are guilty of something.

It's real easy to spout off when you're guaranteed anonymity, isis. That's the crux of what bothers me about it. If she has something to say (especially something as vile as that) then she should post it under her OWN handle. Although, I think if she did that, it would be a considerably more toned down post. Originally Posted by IDMT
I agree, she probably would have toned it town a bit under her own handle. Maybe she didn't want to burn her bridges in case her retirement doesn't succeed as she hoped and she had to come back to escorting? Can you imagine?
Don't bite the hand that feeds you............
I took a drastic step back and joined the f'n army LOL

A good "therapy" for me was having an amazing bunch of ladies I knew I could call and talk, rant, cry, or have a couple of sangrias and just laugh at the silly shit we hear and see.

Even if you only have an online friend to confide in (within reason, don't be careless) do find someone you can chat with. Everyone in this business needs someone they can talk to. Shoulder to shoulder.

In the army we have "battle buddies"
We watch each other's back, be one another's designated driver (or cab caller lol), and count on each other for support. There has been a lot of suicide army-wide in the past few years. An alarming amount. So we created our own support channels.
Providers could learn from that.
Still Looking's Avatar
Don't bite the hand that feeds you............ Originally Posted by **Karla**
Is that an up charge? LOL
I agree lilred, It's important to have someone to talk to, to release your thoughts. That alone is theraputic.