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Look old man, I'm trying to save your SS/Medicare.... Originally Posted by WTF
You're just trying to save your parents' SS/Medicare so they won't eat into your construction slush fund so you can pay some more illegal aliens through your subs. And I am helping you out with my Self-employment Tax payments.

Keep cleaning those golf-balls, Little Boy.

Now can you stay "on topic" or would you rather talk about golf ball cleaning?
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  • WTF
  • 08-10-2014, 05:13 PM
You're just trying to save your parents' SS/Medicare so they won't eat into your construction slush fund so you can pay some more illegal aliens through your subs. And I am helping you out with my Self-employment Tax payments.

? Originally Posted by LexusLover
My parents do not want us to nation build like you do. They realize that that is a fools gold liberal foolishness that you neocons have picked up and run with.

Now can you tell me how the Lama was correct when you agreed with him that Saddam was killing Christians....when in fact he was gassing Kurds, the majority of which are Muslim?

Just admit you did not know wtf you were talking about. Like I said at the start of this thread...there were over a million Christians living in Iraq in relative peace before the 2003 invasion....there are less than 450 thousand now. They are being run out because they are Christian....something that was not happening under Saddam.

Keep cleaning those golf-balls, Little Boy.

Now can you stay "on topic" or would you rather talk about golf ball cleaning? Originally Posted by LexusLover
You brought up golf ball cleaning you senile old man....
LexusLover's Avatar
Little Boy ...

My parents do not want us to nation build like you do. Little Boy, please provide me a link in which I posted that I want "us to nation build"!

You brought up golf ball cleaning you senile old man....Little Boy, I was recommending an activity more suitable for your intellectual capacity, so long as you do not drift in and out of your delusional state of mind and start eating golf balls thinking they are marshmallows Originally Posted by WTF
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  • WTF
  • 08-10-2014, 07:04 PM
..Little Boy, please provide me a link in which I posted that I want "us to nation build"!. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Here LLiar....

Complacency, pacification, or withdrawal are not options in reality:

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Withdrawal is not an option with you. Of course if we do not withdraw from a country , we nation build the fucking thing. But you are to senile to realize wtf you post.

.Little Boy, I was recommending an activity more suitable for your intellectual capacity, so long as you do not drift in and out of your delusional state of mind and start eating golf balls thinking they are marshmallows .Little Boy, please provide me a link in which I posted that I want "us to nation build"!. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You start talking about cleaning balls and try and blame it on me you senile old mooching bastard. You want your children and grandchildren to go off to war because your chickenhawk ass is scared some Muslim might cause another 9/11....the chances of getting hit by lightening are greater but you want to send others off to war to die. Then you want them to come home and pay for your fucking end of life Medicare. Holy shit, you and Dick Cheney are two pea's in a pod.

I was on topic btw.....the topic of you and the Lama lying about Saddam killing Christians. I correctly pointed out that under Saddam , Christians were not being killed for being Christians, under the new government , that is not the case.
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http://www.thenews.com.pk/article-15...zes-air-strike Originally Posted by boardman
Little Boy, here is the thread topic.

Little Boy, you're not "senile," you are just severely retarded.

Keep washing the golf balls.
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  • WTF
  • 08-11-2014, 06:57 AM
Little Boy, here is the thread topic.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you and others can lie about the thread topic with impunity?

I think not.

When I say Iraq Christians were better off under Saddam , it is because they were not being persecuted because they were Christians like they are now.

You and the Lama my try and lie about it to justify your support of the 2003 invasion but I am going to expose your lie for wtf it is, a lie clocked as a justification.

Oh yeah...those were the good ole days when Christians could be harmlessly gassed.

. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
This is a lie you agreed with. Why? Because you are trying to justify your support of the 2003 invasion that will spend 3-4 Trillion dollars of your SS/Medicare savings when it is all said and done.

You are part of that idiotic necons that think we can rebuild the world in our image. Not only that , you just want others to sacrifice with blood and money. You want to sit back and cry about made up Death Panels.

Just admit that you and the Lama were wrong about Saddam slaughtering Christians for being Christians and I will think about not embarrassing you any more on this subject.
LexusLover's Avatar
Little Boy, here is the thread topic.

Originally Posted by boardman View Post

We Are Going Back In

Little Boy, you're not "senile," you are just severely retarded.

Keep washing the golf balls. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I repeat for the Special Education "student."
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You are part of that idiotic necons that think we can rebuild the world in our image. Not only that , you just want others to sacrifice with blood and money. You want to sit back and cry about made up Death Panels.

Just admit that you and the Lama were wrong about Saddam slaughtering Christians for being Christians and I will think about not embarrassing you any more on this subject. Originally Posted by WTF

No, Penis Breath, go back and read what I said.

I said something about Afghanistan and YOU went off on how wonderful life was for Christians in Iraq because of your buddy Saddam. I just reminded you that he was a equal opportunity murder and not the harmless "Cattle Rustler" you believed him to be.

Why don't you put words in your own mouth and argue with yourself?

Good Grief!
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Why don't you put words in your own mouth and argue with yourself?

Good Grief! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Or marry one of those bimbos he tries to impress and argue with "her"!!!
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http://www.thenews.com.pk/article-15...zes-air-strike Originally Posted by boardman
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  • WTF
  • 08-11-2014, 11:27 AM
No, Penis Breath, go back and read what I said.

I said something about Afghanistan and YOU went off on how wonderful life was for Christians in Iraq because of your buddy Saddam. I just reminded you that he was a equal opportunity murder and not the harmless "Cattle Rustler" you believed him to be.

Why don't you put words in your own mouth and argue with yourself?

Good Grief! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Here is exactly what you said Mister lover of penis breaths...
and for the record, I never said Saddam was a good guy , I said Christians were better off under his rule than the present rule, the one we installed.

Wait until we cut and run "the good war" in Afghanistan. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Then I said this...

You missing the good ole days of Saddam when Christians in Iraq could live in peace?
Originally Posted by WTF

Oh yeah...those were the good ole days when Christians could be harmlessly gassed.

Only you would laugh at your own ignorance. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Then you lied and said the above and numbnuts LexusMarx agreed with you. Christians were not being gassed under Saddam. They now are being persecuted under the government GWB installed. Remember how happy you were when you saw those purple thumbs, almost as happy as when saw your first purple penis.

We installed a government friendly to Iran and somehow you and LexusLiar think that was a good thing.

Laura Ingraham claimed that over 11 years after the U.S. invasion, “Iraq is worse off” than it was under the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/10/la...#ixzz3A6bu9UvM

July 2, 2008

BAGHDAD (ANS) -- The Reverend Canon Andrew White, affectionately known as The Vicar of Baghdad, says the situation for Christians in Iraq is "clearly worse" than under the Saddam Hussein regime, toppled by US and Coalition forces in 2003.


Please find me a source where Christian are better off in Iraq than before the 2003 invasion. LexusLiar is free to help you.
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  • WTF
  • 08-11-2014, 11:38 AM

Or marry one of those bimbos he tries to impress and argue with "her"!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLiar....I do not know one single chick that reads this stupid forum. Most people I know got better things to do than sit around and read your lies...

Don't you have a wooden cross to burn in the White Hose's front lawn?
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http://www.thenews.com.pk/article-15...zes-air-strike Originally Posted by boardman
For all those numb-skulls with ADD who can't remember the thread topic: See above.
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  • WTF
  • 08-11-2014, 11:58 AM
For all those numb-skulls with ADD who can't remember the thread topic: See above. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You mean like when you posted a picture of the President playing pool....that had a whole lot to do with the topic.

The topic of you turning everything as the fault of Obama, while giving GWB a pass at his every fuck up. Namely this big huge invasion of 2003.

And now that he has single-handedly taken out ISIS by decimating an "artillery piece" .. he can get back to "boning up" on his retirement plans ...

Originally Posted by LexusLover
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http://www.thenews.com.pk/article-15...zes-air-strike Originally Posted by boardman
Thread topic.