Unfortunate PM

boardman's Avatar
You simply don't get it, a lot more has been said about me, and made fun of than just calling my posts "ThreADs"...so I'm done dealing with you..

Once again...the only ads I ever posted were in the ads section....you can try and argue that all day love, but in the end, the fact is my ads are in the ad section....These "look at me threADs" as you call them, are not ads....do you want me to spell it out for you?..You can call it whatever you like, but they aren't ads. Simple as that..

C'mon, You would have us believe your intelligence level is so superior but don't give us credit to know when to call a spade a spade?

As for how much other providers post, I do not care, I am not them, I conduct my business the way I choose, get over it.... As I've stated before, I will post where I want.

And we will see who we want, when we want.

I cannot see Wayward's profile as I have him and various others on ignore, however I have read that sig line before...not sure why you'd want me to take a look at it....The only thoughts that crossed my mind when I read it were white trash.. Originally Posted by Valerie
So now you're calling one of our favorite visiting providers "White Trash"
Someone should hit the RTM.....I'm just sayin'

Blowpop, Are you still defending this girl?

She has tried to manipulate the membership since her first post here and thincks we are dumb enough to fall for it. She even manipulated you into creating this cluster fuck after she decided not to come down because she couldn't get enough appointments due to a flawed business model.

Usually, the only thing funnier than a good ole meltdown is when they keep coming back for more. Unfortunately, in this case it has become tragic.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Once again....The only Ads I ever put for Houston were in the Ads section....Anything else I posted in here or sandbox wasn't...I posted"Thinking about Houston"-asking valid questions, "I got the nicest email from a gent"-not an Ad, posted a m&g in sandbox-to hopefully meet ladies and gents (still not an AD), replied to fav music thread, fav movies thread, a poll thread, panty dropping cologne thread....NONE OF WHICH ARE ADS....So, you're wrong. Originally Posted by Valerie
I don't know who is wrong here but you seemed to indicate in your previous response that your threADs were actually ADs. I for one believe ADs belong in the AD forum but policies here allow for these types of threADs. ThreADs, ADs, whatever I don't have anything against or for you Val.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-14-2011, 02:56 PM
....These "look at me threADs" as you call them, are not ads....do you want me to spell it out for you?..You can call it whatever you like, but they aren't ads. Simple as that..

.. Originally Posted by Valerie
This is where folks disagree. It is like discussing what is pretty and what is not. You are not changing minds and nobody is changing yours.

I personally think it is a form of advertising when you are planning to visit that city!

I think it is safe to say that as of now yours are not!

You gotta let it go though....or not.
boardman's Avatar

Gotcha. Yes I did.

Understood and Thanks again!

No No No No No......I can not speak for BP but that is not what I have said.

I pre-booked but do not expect anyone else to do so for my pleasure.

Overpriced is just a matter of what the price is and where you are in life...a streetwalker is overpriced to a poor homeless soul.
Originally Posted by WTF

Although I see how that may have been misunderstood. I wasn't suggesting that you wanted to overpay. I've spent enough time around you to know you are much more savvy then that.
This is where folks disagree. It is like discussing what is pretty and what is not. You are not changing minds and nobody is changing yours.

I personally think it is a form of advertising when you are planning to visit that city!

I think it is safe to say that as of now yours are not!

You gotta let it go though....or not. Originally Posted by WTF
Thank you! LOL
blowpop's Avatar
Blowpop, Are you still defending this girl? Originally Posted by boardman
Boardman, I have never defended this provider. If I've led you to think that I have, please provide a link to the post that confused you.

What I know about her is that she's a very attractive woman who was planning to come to Houston, and now she's not. It's the latest example of how the lynch mob is screwing up Houston's reputation.

Because it's funny to do it, apparently.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
You simply don't get it, a lot more has been said about me, and made fun of than just calling my posts "ThreADs"...so I'm done dealing with you..

Once again...the only ads I ever posted were in the ads section....you can try and argue that all day love, but in the end, the fact is my ads are in the ad section....These "look at me threADs" as you call them, are not ads....do you want me to spell it out for you?..You can call it whatever you like, but they aren't ads. Simple as that..

As for how much other providers post, I do not care, I am not them, I conduct my business the way I choose, get over it.... As I've stated before, I will post where I want.

I cannot see Wayward's profile as I have him and various others on ignore, however I have read that sig line before...not sure why you'd want me to take a look at it....The only thoughts that crossed my mind when I read it were white trash.. Originally Posted by Valerie

Your attitude and manners lack something to be desired once again here, I'm afraid......

Oh but I DO "get it" and yet, I am still unable to see anything more than what I have said, and certainly not seen any type of harassment.......

And seeing as how you have so many on ignore, then what is the problem? Who then are you afraid of when you come here if you have so many bookings?

Again, you say you will "post where you want" yet you dismiss anyone who has even the slightes disagreement with where and what you post..... so be it thats just fine..... but in the same breath you chastise those who post right along with you but if only in disagreement with you..... how does that work?? ..... so are you as a provider set to a different standard then the rest of us? Or different from other providers who come thru here? Because that is the continuing theme you seem to keep putting out before us..... again yet ANOTHER thread that goes sideways by simply the mere inference of you and you feel the need to put the lot of us on full blast..... do WE deserve that? I don't think so either.... It just seems to me that you walked in with a big chip on your shoulder and dared anyone to aknowledge it was there, much less knock it off........

Gorgeous, you are FREE to post where you want, and what you want..... nobody is stopping you..... but you also cannot be surprised when someone states the obvious observations when you post something that they feel the need to post about...... that is the nature of ANY message board.... I would suggest being able to ignore the small comments and move on about your day..... let your reviews and gallery speak for themselves and you should do fine......

And FWIW..... I don't think anyone actually blamed YOU specifically for the banning of "he who must not be named"..... but I could be wrong.... I know I didn't..... there is something else at work there that was present long before you ever posted in this city........ And as been said before.... people get banned for things they do to themselves.... not what someone else does......

Again.... very sorry things went sideways for you here.... and I still contend that you have this city all wrong (even the few you think you have pegged)... and if you show up, you will have a hell of a good and profitable time....... I hope you change your mind about your visit......

The very best of luck to you gorgeous in all of your endevours.....

proper's Avatar
train wreck. feel sorry when smart people don't give up when they say they don't care and dig bigger hole for themselves

Calling anybody "white trash" is not kosher when people want respect for themselves
Wakeup's Avatar
Washing your hands of responsibility for your actions is something I wouldn't have expected from you. Originally Posted by blowpop
Why not? I haven't forgotten...in fact, I've immortalized in my signature line...how many times Brooke Wild said that I, me, singular person, was responsible for providers not visiting Houston. I've also seen her, and literally dozens of other providers, bragging about how all the "negative" drama we "start" about them only leads to an increase in business.

I can wash my hands of all responsibility for affecting her income because her, and other providers just like her are TELLING ME that I can wash my hands of all responsibility for affecting their income.

As far as screwing up your hobby experiences, well, we see the affect Brooke's "Wakeup's avatar is why providers don't visit Houston" thread went...Valerie, your "very attractive woman" provider, wanted to come down here afterward and see us...this one is no different...

If there is in fact a "reputation" that Houston has, only the local post whores have heard of it and joke about it, and it's certainly not hurting the travel prospects down here...
So now you're calling one of our favorite visiting providers "White Trash"
Someone should hit the RTM.....I'm just sayin'

Blowpop, Are you still defending this girl?

She has tried to manipulate the membership since her first post here and thincks we are dumb enough to fall for it. She even manipulated you into creating this cluster fuck after she decided not to come down because she couldn't get enough appointments due to a flawed business model.

Usually, the only thing funnier than a good ole meltdown is when they keep coming back for more. Unfortunately, in this case it has become tragic. Originally Posted by boardman
I didn't mention any names now did I? Isn't that how you like to insult me? ...I simply said what came into my head after I read it...

I've not manipulated anything love, and my business model is far from flawed...If it were, I seriously doubt I would have the clientele and reviews that I do...If my business model was flawed I wouldn't do as well as I do in cites such as Manhattan, Chicago and DC where there is loads more competition and agencies....

You guys are the ones who keep on questioning my intelligence level...hmmm, do I really give a sh*t about what a bunch of boys who sit around posting pictures of cats on the internet all day think of my level of intellect?....That would be a big hell no, so don't flatter yourself thinking I care what you, boardman, think of me...

Anyways, I need to pack so I'm done for now....To all the guys that I had to cancel on, I am very sorry, and as I've told some of you, if I choose to come to Houston one day, I will let you know quietly via email....

Boardman, I have never defended this provider. If I've led you to think that I have, please provide a link to the post that confused you.

What I know about her is that she's a very attractive woman who was planning to come to Houston, and now she's not. It's the latest example of how the lynch mob is screwing up Houston's reputation.

Because it's funny to do it, apparently. Originally Posted by blowpop
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
What I know about her is that she's a very attractive woman who was planning to come to Houston, and now she's not. It's the latest example of how the lynch mob is screwing up Houston's reputation. Originally Posted by blowpop

BP... I hold you in EXREMELY high regard, and truely appreciate you for a wealth of information for this board, but I disagree with you here... I honestly do not think that the "lynch mob" had anything to do with her no showing up here...... Look back at the posts in question... and I defy you to find the posts of her being "Attacked".... I cannot (obviously) speak to the PMs she recieved, but those should have been delt with by the powers that be..... either way, the "deplorable" people here in town could be EASILY avoided on her part if she was so booked...... and if she was so booked, then she would have KNOWN that the silent masses have shown themsleves as such......

This is where folks disagree. It is like discussing what is pretty and what is not. You are not changing minds and nobody is changing yours.

I personally think it is a form of advertising when you are planning to visit that city!

I think it is safe to say that as of now yours are not!

You gotta let it go though....or not. Originally Posted by WTF
Thank you! LOL Originally Posted by Valerie

So that is an agreement that it was in fact advertising? That is ALL anyone was saying in the first place! The difference is you did not get all offended this time around....... I am so confused by why this is! Again... when it works for you it is just fine.... when it is said not completely with you it does not work and is in fact an attack or harrassment?

Its like the kid in the movie Big Daddy.... every game is an "I win!"?

You guys are the ones who keep on questioning my intelligence level...hmmm, do I really give a sh*t about what a bunch of boys who sit around posting pictures of cats on the internet all day think of my level of intellect?....That would be a big hell no, so don't flatter yourself thinking I care what you, boardman, think of me...
Originally Posted by Valerie
But evidently you most certainly do..... sad but true....... and unfortunate to boot....

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-14-2011, 03:14 PM
Although I see how that may have been misunderstood. I wasn't suggesting that you wanted to overpay. I've spent enough time around you to know you are much more savvy then that. Originally Posted by boardman
You can say it....I'm a cheap fuc'er!

But I been saving up my pennies for this one...

and if you show up, you will have a hell of a good and profitable time....... Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I agree with this, but no more teasing us! If you change your mind, put up some more threADS.... if not let's move on before Blowpop books a session!
train wreck. feel sorry when smart people don't give up when they say they don't care and dig bigger hole for themselves

Calling anybody "white trash" is not kosher when people want respect for themselves Originally Posted by proper
Oh right...I forgot, it's ok for you guys to say rude things about certain providers, but not anyone else....
TexasGator's Avatar
proper said it best! Before I get called a WK for getting pissed off about that "white trash" comment, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was made in the heat of the moment.

So, here's my proposal, Valerie..........

Surely, one who demands respect and common decency (to paraphrase all you claim to seek) is capable of recognizing when she has stooped to a level beneath that of which she complains?

I'll give you some time to reflect and make appropriate amends before my next post. Common decency will dictate if and when I am so compelled. Trusting the necessity to do so will not present itself, I remain.........

Respectfully yours,