Bashing Leslie Lane

nuglet's Avatar
BS gents. absolutely no one has done a review or even seen her in person that we know of. Everyone is lusting over a pic that has no cred as even being of her. As far as we know LL is Humpy Dumpty.. notice how she showed up when he disappeared? coincidence? maybe. For you whining little WK's, GROW UP BOYS! I'm ashamed to be a part of such a spineless group of whiners! Well, to be more accurate, I'm NOT part of that group. I called quack when she first showed up and so far there's no reason to change that stance. Her $$ isn't my issue. I've spent that much before and probably will again, but it was for a REAL girl, not this PT.. I love how she's strung you along but obviously, some of you guys haven't had pussy before, and she is just sooooo entertaining that you are saving your virgin selves for her.. pFFTST..!
As for her "beauty, wit and charm".. what a load of garden fertilizer!! What beauty? Who can prove it? certainly not her.. if it's even a "her".. evidence indicates otherwise.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Yes...I'm humpty dumpty....and I will pumpy all over you.

Oh, good lord. Now I'm getting on my own nerves.

atxbrad's Avatar
Gotta love the Nug!
blenderhead's Avatar
Yes...I'm humpy dumpty....and I will pumpy all over you. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
At least we know you're not Humpty, there's only one place he likes to pumpy.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
No offense, Nug, but I think you're wrong. My witchin' stick's atwitchin' and, just like I love the smell of napalm in the morning, I'm catching a lovely whiff of some powerful stuff going into the crepuscule.

Something tells me this LL chick's real, and real fine, and real gone - dammit - for poor ol' unkie donny. I guess I ain't supposed to miss something I never tasted but I'm missing it anyway....

rrrabbit's Avatar

Humpty Dumpty sat on a face,
Humpti Dumpti had a great O;
Threescore hobbyist and threescore more,
Couldn't get Humpty to post on ECCIE again
LatinMan's Avatar
What the fuck? No one has actually seen her? I thought there were a few men like Woody who were going in. Man I knew this stank but I'm another fool who fell for her bs. Reminds me of the gloryhole bs thread. reminds
BS gents. absolutely no one has done a review or even seen her in person that we know of. Everyone is lusting over a pic that has no cred as even being of her. As far as we know LL is Humpy Dumpty.. notice how she showed up when he disappeared? coincidence? maybe. For you whining little WK's, GROW UP BOYS! I'm ashamed to be a part of such a spineless group of whiners! Well, to be more accurate, I'm NOT part of that group. I called quack when she first showed up and so far there's no reason to change that stance. Her $$ isn't my issue. I've spent that much before and probably will again, but it was for a REAL girl, not this PT.. I love how she's strung you along but obviously, some of you guys haven't had pussy before, and she is just sooooo entertaining that you are saving your virgin selves for her.. pFFTST..!
As for her "beauty, wit and charm".. what a load of garden fertilizer!! What beauty? Who can prove it? certainly not her.. if it's even a "her".. evidence indicates otherwise. Originally Posted by nuglet
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
What the fuck? No one has actually seen her? I thought there were a few men like Woody who were going in. Man I knew this stank but I'm another fool who fell for her bs. Reminds me of the gloryhole bs thread. reminds Originally Posted by LatinMan
OR, maybe those fortunate few are Bogarting her.
blenderhead's Avatar
Maybe those that have seen her haven't made it back alive. Maybe her freezer is full of chopped up hobbyists? Makes sense that she would retire at the end of the month. She's not a big girl, she can only eat so much.
LatinMan's Avatar
+1. The faux lady is creepy.
Maybe those that have seen her haven't made it back alive. Maybe her freezer is full of chopped up hobbyists? Makes sense that she would retire at the end of the month. She's not a big girl, she can only eat so much. Originally Posted by blenderhead
Leslie Lane's Avatar

Ssshhh, between you and me...Lil chicken nuglet is right. Why???Because...umm...well, he told you so...that's why.

Gentlemen, I am real. I am UTR. Anyone who has seen me has signed a confidentiality agreement. So, there will be no reviews allowed. Absolutely none. Notta one., put your popcorn away. Those are my rules.

Now let it rip Bulldogs!!! Go fetch that bone!!! RUFF!!!

nuglet's Avatar
Yes...I'm humpty dumpty....and I will pumpy all over you.

Oh, good lord. Now I'm getting on my own nerves.

L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
Good luck sweetie, You think you want to "pumpy all over me?" YOU can't afford me.. Better start saving all that $$ you get so you can afford to come try a real man. I'll even give you newbie break if you're good.
rrrabbit's Avatar

Anyone who has seen me has signed a confidentiality agreement.

L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
LatinMan's Avatar
Hey LL, quit wasting our fucking time. You are probably a fat nerd like me or an overweight provider or providers with plenty of time on your hands. This is a board meant for information and is fun for us, but I see you active in two major Co-Ed threads all of the time.

Men I apologize for defending this imaginary person. I should have known it was tgtbt. I'm buying nuglet a beer and woody what the he'll are we going to do? I'm concerned like blender, is woody alive or did the big fat lady eat him?
LatinMan's Avatar
Originally Posted by rrrabbit
+1. Leslie this is a review board and if you participate you have to accept that men are allowed to review you. That's the whole purpose.