No actually you can't stay focused on what I am saying...you are so desparate to be the "voice of the girls" that you don't get I am quite succesful in who I WANT to see...please read again until you understand what I am saying...And you are paraphrasing what I said with stupid assumptions...IE that I "don't do my research" or I am "constantly Emailing"...those are the dynamics of a person desparate to win an argument when no argument actually exists...

Pot meet kettle... Originally Posted by Toyz
Lmao, again guy, soooo very wrong.... But I'm sure you've heard before that the condescending card gets you no where. Lmao!!! Voice of the other girls.... You're way off base you're now just embarrassing yourself. I can see that you're getting angry simply because your point is not becoming any more valid. Give it up. Nite. We'll finish up Tom, seeing how you can't resist.
Contradict yourself often?

Here was your statment just last night...non-paraphrased or any assumptions made on my part.

"despite contradiction, i would bite.... my reply would be, (since full screening is there)... give me a time and date and well go from there.... have had many of these...and even though I firmly request for time and date... I would still email back. I do take into consideration the effort that is a complete fill out of refs, reviews, contact info etc...so its still good enough. "

So last night I was "still good enough" but today I am "how wrong I am for yourself & many ladies I know"

Are you seeing a pattern of dis-connection from reality like I am? Please think your next responses through & separate fact from {your} reality prior to posting....you'll look better if you do.

The mistake you make is assuming that all 300 available ladies think exactly as you...which I will assure you some of the best & brightest do not... The simple difference is you have a need to control the process to the Nth degree...legal froms filled out A-Z, double spaced, in triplicate...

Not everyone enjoys communicating on that cold impassionate level... you come across like it is a priviledge to touch you, when in fact it should be a shared experience...and I'm certain you have a clientele that reacts in the manner you specify...but simply because they do, doesn't mean everyone does... Originally Posted by Toyz

Okay please try to focus, your FAKE INQUIRY was good enough not YOU, YOURSELF. You were being hypothetical. Correct?? My reply also was a hypothetical answer. And yes hon, you're still very wrong in trying hard to "know" all about the ladies' ads. Lmao

And desperate??? Yes, you're sooooo right, I was soooo desperate in convincing you otherwise. Babe, seriously, you're words are becoming a mere joke now.

And may I suggest YOU reread until you understand, not once did I imply you were wrong FOR any lady. However very Wrong ABOUT the ladies and their ads. This time try to take your sweet time in reading before jumping the gun. Hmmmm, weird how the condescending card played so well for me....lol.
You two stop being so mean. Toyz is a different kind of cat. He openly admits he doesn't connect with all the women he sends that too and is cool with that. He only wants to see the girls he can connect with before hand and enjoy their personallity. That's what makes him happy and that who he should see.

You are saying you don't operate that way which is good for you and keeps you happy so you should continue that.

Everybody is happy with how they do things and who they see because of that, good for everybody.

What's this world coming to when Homie has to be the voice of reason.
sixxbach's Avatar
Okay please try to focus, your FAKE INQUIRY was good enough not YOU, YOURSELF. You were being hypothetical. Correct?? My reply also was a hypothetical answer. And yes hon, you're still very wrong in trying hard to "know" all about the ladies' ads. Lmao

And desperate??? Yes, you're sooooo right, I was soooo desperate in convincing you otherwise. Babe, seriously, you're words are becoming a mere joke now. Originally Posted by ExoticEzra

Ezra, sometimes less is more. I get you have to stick up for yourself.. blah blah blah but you come off now not much different than me or the other so called "drama posters" ijs

Btw, you do realize you called your best and brightest girls, stupid and pimp controlled right??! Yes hon, I'll give you one thing you were right about, pot meets very visible loud obnoxious kettle.
You two stop being so mean. Toyz is a different kind of cat. He openly admits he doesn't connect with all the women he sends that too and is cool with that. He only wants to see the girls he can connect with before hand and enjoy their personallity. That's what makes him happy and that who he should see.

You are saying you don't operate that way which is good for you and keeps you happy so you should continue that.

Everybody is happy with how they do things and who they see because of that, good for everybody.

What's this world coming to when Homie has to be the voice of reason. Originally Posted by homer13

Lol. You're right. I can't keep engaging w stubborn POVs. But I do wish them and their " objectives" all the best.
Ezra, sometimes less is more. I get you have to stick up for yourself.. blah blah blah but you come off now not much different than me or the other so called "drama posters" ijs

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
See, I've noticed that coming off a " certain way" seems to be very important to certain men.... I really don't mind being the targeted, for " sticking up for myself" if I get pounded by a bully... Ill still stand my grounds, and attempt at stating my point. End of story. The guy has been aiming since page 1. Honestly, it was long overdue for me to bite back. besides, I have no problem being compared to you.

Besides, due to the severe sexism here on the boards, it's a lose lose for us ladies. We are always labeled " drama posters" if we tear a man apart for his crass behavior. It's inevitable. So again, if this takes place I'm going to milk the unnecessary label. No prob bob. Lol
sixxbach's Avatar
besides, I have no problem being compared to you. Originally Posted by ExoticEzra


I will take a compliment when I can. Too bad we didn't meet very recently but you know how to get ahold of me

Tarlon125's Avatar
You two stop being so mean. Toyz is a different kind of cat. He openly admits he doesn't connect with all the women he sends that too and is cool with that. He only wants to see the girls he can connect with before hand and enjoy their personallity. That's what makes him happy and that who he should see.

You are saying you don't operate that way which is good for you and keeps you happy so you should continue that.

Everybody is happy with how they do things and who they see because of that, good for everybody.

What's this world coming to when Homie has to be the voice of reason. Originally Posted by homer13

Amen Homer,
I knew drinking all of that duff beer made you a wise man !!!!!!!
Peace out

I will take a compliment when I can. Too bad we didn't meet very recently but you know how to get ahold of me

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
I knoooow..... Why weren't you there? I was really hoping to finally put a face to your craziness. Space told me briefly but I forgot. I'll txt you Tom. If I don't, txt me please. Nite 6
sixxbach's Avatar
I knoooow..... Why weren't you there? I was really hoping to finally put a face to your craziness. Space told me briefly but I forgot. I'll txt you Tom. If I don't, txt me please. Nite 6 Originally Posted by ExoticEzra

I was not there because I had an unexpected house repair that needed hobby dollars and a co worker had their dad pass and we were short handed already... just not a good week.. wasn't meant to be...

If u dont text me, I will be sure to text ya....

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-26-2012, 06:02 AM
You two stop being so mean. Toyz is a different kind of cat. He openly admits he doesn't connect with all the women he sends that too and is cool with that. He only wants to see the girls he can connect with before hand and enjoy their personallity. That's what makes him happy and that who he should see.

You are saying you don't operate that way which is good for you and keeps you happy so you should continue that.

Everybody is happy with how they do things and who they see because of that, good for everybody.

What's this world coming to when Homie has to be the voice of reason. Originally Posted by homer13
Yeah Homie, you nailed it...am done with her as its just an escalation path with someone incapable of compromise...She really minds me of my exe...keep spinning the issue to make herself look good. I answered on all points...there is nothing else to really discuss. Will let her have the last statement 'cause this will go on ad nauseum if I don't...
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-26-2012, 06:15 AM
Ezra, sometimes less is more. I get you have to stick up for yourself.. blah blah blah but you come off now not much different than me or the other so called "drama posters" ijs

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Yep Sixx...she will take this too far since I don't just roll over and die. Now playing the "victim" role even though shes the escalator. Putting down the ladies I see without having a fucking clue who they are....
BTW YOU know who my UTR's & ATF is, and am adding one more to the group right now which includes social activities outside the hobby. Sometimes you just connect with a person inside the provider...and you know I am laughing my ass off at her right now.....

And to think she "tore me apart for my crass behavior" is just another statement to delusion. I stated my case, backed it up with examples, proved her hypocrisy as well as her escalaton path of delusion. IMO she looks like an angry fool. No war with the whore...I'm done.
Hahaha!!! Just now seeing your very bitter and again, one sided remarks, ok obviously my stubborn remark still stands. Hon, as much as you assume you did well at succeeding at such a biased argument, we all know better. " I'll let her have the last word" statement??? Really, yet you just keep rambling ooooon.... Oh my god, you sound like my gender. Lmao, then again it isn't the first time you've been compared to a broad... Really babe... Stop crying over your booboo and accept that not everyone agrees w you. Lol.
Btw, if you weren't all torn the eff up, you wouldn't still be crying over it. Put some ice on it. Mmmmuah.