TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

Dev Null's Avatar
Nobody bats an eye? There was extensive hand-wringing, investigations, reparations, military personnel were suspended and removed from command, and there was a presidential apology from Obama. (Yes, we once had an administration who could admit when they made mistakes.)

The Kunduz hospital airstrike was the result of human error, and nobody in our military would have intentionally attacked a hospital, much less the commander-in-chief at that time.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia's genocidal regime has deliberately destroyed 70 hospitals and health facilities and 1500 schools in Yemen. They even bomb school buses. Over 12,000 civilians have been killed, not to mention 85,000 who died of famine resulting from the war.

Trump supports Saudi Arabia's genocide, and he vetoed a bill that passed Congress with bipartisan support to end U.S. military support for the Saudi coalition in Yemen:

So Ellen's latest meme was very poorly chosen. People who live in glass houses shouldn't bomb school buses.
Precious_b's Avatar
Joe McCarthy's chief counsel during the Army-McCarthy hearings was Roy Cohn, who later worked with Roger Stone during the 1980 Reagan campaign.

Yes, the same Roger Stone who was convicted of 7 felonies relating to his work in the Trump campaign.

The rotten apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Originally Posted by Dev Null
I've been misspelling Roys' name. Been using the same as trumps locked up fixer. But he was the guy threatening the army. And talking about the apple falling, that guy got out of serving in the military too. He and trump must have been wearing the boots in ellens avatar.

"Only a handful of fires were deliberately ignited. But that didn’t stop people from spreading misinformation."

"A false claim that a big wave of arson is driving Australia’s raging bushfires has gone viral this week on social media, particularly among climate skeptics grasping for a counter-narrative about the wildfire disaster."

"The source of the “nearly 200” people being charged with arson claim is a news release from the New South Wales Police Force on January 6, 2020. What the release actually says is that legal action was taken against 183 people since November 8, 2019, for fire-related offenses, including things like improperly discarding cigarettes or not taking enough precautions around machinery, i.e. not arson. Legal action “ranges from cautions through to criminal charges,” according to NSW police, so not everyone is being charged with a crime. And not all of these penalties are for incidents linked to the wildfires."

"It turns out that only 24 people are currently facing criminal charges for deliberately igniting fires in New South Wales, and even fewer have actually managed to start large fires. Remember that this is the number of people charged over the course of three months. There have been thousands of bushfires burning across Australia since September, scorching an area larger than West Virginia. As of Thursday morning, there were close to 150 different fires burning across New South Wales. Many of them are burning in remote, sparsely populated areas. So clearly this is not just the work of prolific pyromaniacs."

When you combine ignorance and dishonesty, then get enough social media bots working for your disinformation campaign, it spreads like, well, wildfire. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Count is over 183 Arsonists now - and growing.

Not to discount the impact of environmentalists that pushed Muh_Global_Warming to get those states to quit doing controlled burns - because Muh_Pollution, Muh_Global_Warming. All while blissfully ignoring the pollution generated by 183+ Eco-Terrorists.

Don't they even email/chat/Grinder each other any more? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Care to stick to those figures that near 200 people were caught dirty lighting fires after Dev quoted source?

- Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Still at the little kids table with the crayons, ducking giving clear concise precise answers to direct questions?

Nobody bats an eye? There was extensive hand-wringing, investigations, reparations, military personnel were suspended and removed from command, and there was a presidential apology from Obama. (Yes, we once had an administration who could admit when they made mistakes.)

The Kunduz hospital airstrike was the result of human error, and nobody in our military would have intentionally attacked a hospital, much less the commander-in-chief at that time.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia's genocidal regime has deliberately destroyed 70 hospitals and health facilities and 1500 schools in Yemen. They even bomb school buses. Over 12,000 civilians have been killed, not to mention 85,000 who died of famine resulting from the war.

Trump supports Saudi Arabia's genocide, and he vetoed a bill that passed Congress with bipartisan support to end U.S. military support for the Saudi coalition in Yemen:

So Ellen's latest meme was very poorly chosen. People who live in glass houses shouldn't bomb school buses. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Ellens' memes are always poorly choosen since her utter exhaustive collapse from taxi dancing around the issues without giving a credible reply.

All of us in this country are complicit in keeping that Saudi Prince close with the USA. It terrible that he isn't accountable for his actions.
Dev Null's Avatar
I'm not so sure that all of us are complicit. Our elected legislators voted to abandon the Saudis' sorry asses in Yemen, and most Americans who voted in 2016 didn't vote for the Donald. He's the only one holding on in favor of the Saudi prince's genocide.

If it weren't for Putin's targeted social media demographics and disinformation campaign in 2016, we might have someone in the Oval Office with half a clue.

It's kind of sad that the Donald is so obsessed with Obama that he has to do everything opposite. I think he may have had a bit of a boy crush going on, and all that birth certificate nonsense was just a cry for attention.

Until he got humiliated at that White House correspondents dinner in 2011, and he realized that he was never ever going to be Obama's boy toy. Which probably explains why he rebounded into the arms of Putin.

If only Papa Fred had accepted him the way he is, he could have had a happy life as the queen of Queens, instead of wasting away in a D.C. fish bowl with his Eastern European glamour beard and their creepy Stepford kids.
Dev Null's Avatar

"Republicans spread lie that Democrats 'mourn' Iranian general"

"One of President Trump’s most vocal defenders in the House, Georgia Republican Doug Collins, pushed the envelope of political commentary by saying Wednesday that Democrats “mourn” the death of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who was killed a week ago by an American airstrike in Iraq."

“Nancy Pelosi does it again and Democrats fall right in line,” Collins told Lou Dobbs in an interview. “They’re in love with terrorists. We see that they mourn Soleimani more than they mourn our Gold Star families.”

"As a candidate, Trump himself attacked a Gold Star family that dared to criticize him at the 2016 Democratic convention."

“I happen to be a Democrat and I prosecuted terrorists for living,” tweeted Preet Bharara, former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. “Sent many to prison for life. I don’t know what Doug Collins has ever done [for] America except preen and sound stupid.”

"Devin Pandy, a retired U.S. Army officer and Democrat who is running against Collins, stepped up with his own denunciation."

“Let me make this absolutely clear! NO ONE is mourning the death of Soleimani!” Pandy tweeted. “This is yet another lie of Doug Collins and the GOP to mislead the American people. Soleimani was a horrible human being who committed unspeakable atrocities.”

If Republicans wish to be taken seriously, maybe they would be wise to back off from all of their dishonesty. But I won't hold my breath. Dishonesty is the only thing they have going for them these days.
Yes, I'm still at the little kids table because I'm dealing with little kids. Now pay attention. I'm going to cut to the chase. Dems are going to get us killed if they keep siding with IRAN. It's shameful and dangerous. I get that folks don't like Trump but to take up for the enemy is being a traitor. However, if you agree with this man by all means go vote for him. I'm voting for the man who has brass balls and that is the one and only - Donald Trump.
nuglet's Avatar
I'd love to hear the explanation for the Diutch Banks exec committing suicide after Trumpy boy decided he was going to pay back the loan that had to be personally guaranteed by the dead banker in charge of Trumps loans, and why Putin stepped up to personally guaranteed by the load to Trump. More will come out as time goes along, but this crook and his family will carry on the Trump tradition.. LOL
Precious_b's Avatar
Yes, I'm still at the little kids table because I'm dealing with little kids. Now pay attention. I'm going to cut to the chase. Dems are going to get us killed if they keep siding with IRAN. It's shameful and dangerous. I get that folks don't like Trump but to take up for the enemy is being a traitor. However, if you agree with this man by all means go vote for him. I'm voting for the man who has brass balls and that is the one and only - Donald Trump. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Well, you act like a kid. So, you are treated like one.
Time to prove you ain't wearing Under Roos and have your granny panties on. Just answer the question specifically how Mexico is going to pay for the Wall. Give us a link to the detailed plan for doing such. I'm not going to consider the phonecall where trump wanted the president of Mexico to pay lipservice saying he mexico would pay (which, I will spare you the mexican presidents reply to trumps begging.)

Don't bring up any other lame responses you've already made because i've countered ALL OF THEM. If you can't present the White House plan for Mexico presenting funds for paying the Wall off, *ADMIT HE LIED*
If you'd reply to all questions cutting to the chase, you wouldn't be so worn out by dancing around the issue.

That's all it would take for me to consider you discoursing as an adult.
I really haven't asked anything to be answered on these boards and I know i've answered alot of your queries directly. And if you find that official White House document, i'll apologize and not bring it up anymore.

Until than, use a proper reference source for your colourings.

Precious_b's Avatar
As for the meme about the lives lost on the airplane, Trump should own it. It was his direct action that caused this event to occur.
Don't tell me that this would have happened anyway if he didn't order the strike on the Iranian general.

Just like the fault falls on Obama for the Fast-n-Furious fiasco (I assume that started with him.) Those people lives on the airplane are lost as a direct result of order. Like you Ellen, trump will never admit fault to that or apologize for it.

You never cut to the chase. Only dance. You don't realize that action against the Iranian general could have been done in the past but the reprecussions were deemed to harsh. There are much better ways than setting up our military men and women to be sent out to be put in harms way. And it is not a matter if *I* like or hate trump. It is a matter of how I few the actions of a man that if I were to do the same things, i'd be in jail.

Ellen, I don't mind that you like him. Being from a military family, I could never respect a person who weaseled out of the draft. Especially a person who looks up to a mentor that also got out of the draft and added insult to those that served their country by threatening the army because they drafted his supposed homosexual buddy.

No Ellen, I won't chide you for admiring a morally bankrupt individual. This is America. That is your right. But I can't pay any respect to a person who has done the above AND MUCH MORE DOCUMENTED ACTS.
winn dixie's Avatar
Global warming= Fake news

Libs go to excuses- racism misogyny bullying and global warming...... Originally Posted by winn dixie
Re reposting for a friend of mine.....

I thought i was blocked?????? lol
Dev Null's Avatar
Dems are going to get us killed if they keep siding with IRAN. It's shameful and dangerous. I get that folks don't like Trump but to take up for the enemy is being a traitor. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Democrats are not siding with Iran. This is another example of dishonesty and deception coming from the right, not to mention fear-mongering.

Also, we are not at war with Iran until Congress declares it. So calling people traitors is also dishonest and deceptive.

Besides, it's not just the Dems who disagree with Trump on this. Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee, both of whom are very Republican, have also been critical of Trump's decision. Rep. Matt Gaetz, who is usually a staunch Trump supporter, urged his fellow Republicans to vote for the Iran war powers resolution.

The Iran war powers resolution passed the House today with 3 Republicans and 1 Independent voting in favor, and 8 Democrats opposing it. So apparently there is room for reasonable people to disagree on this issue.

Again, if Republicans wish to be taken seriously, they need to back off from all of their dishonesty and deception. Maybe a little less fear-mongering would also be wise.
Sounds like some of you all forgot.
Dev Null's Avatar
Nobody has forgotten 9/11. It's the reason that we now take reasonable precautions like airport security checks and locks on cockpit doors, not to mention sky marshals, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Transportation Security Administration. We have also been in an official state of national emergency since 2001.

It's also the reason Germany passed legislation to stop providing safe haven for terrorists to live and raise money in Germany. Just one among many governments across the world who reacted to 9/11 with strong anti-terrorism policies.

The 9/11 attackers were Saudis, not Iranians, lest we forget. Saudis are now responsible for mass genocide in Yemen, and Trump still supports them. He vetoed a bill that passed with bipartisan support to stop U.S. military support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.

Also, let's not forget that Osama Bin Laden had close connections to the Saudi royal family.

Congress passed legislation allowing families harmed by 9/11 to sue the Saudi government for their involvement in the 9/11 attacks. The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act had broad bipartisan support, and it was Congress's first and only override of an Obama veto:

Ellen's latest meme is yet another example of dishonesty, deception, and fear-mongering coming from the right.
Dev Null's Avatar

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has criticized President Donald Trump’s decision to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani as “provocative and disproportionate.” But, contrary to the president’s contention, she did not “defend” Soleimani."

"In fact, we were not able to find any examples of Democrats who have defended or “mourned” the death of Iran’s top military commander, despite such claims from several other Republicans."

"...In a press release put out [Jan. 2], Pelosi warned that the strike “risks provoking further dangerous escalation of violence.” Pelosi also noted that the military action was taken without Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against Iran and “without the consultation of the Congress.”

"But nowhere in the release did she “defend” Soleimani, as Trump claimed in remarks to the press on Jan. 9."

"We asked the White House when Pelosi defended Soleimani, but it did not respond."

"We take no position on whether the president’s actions to take out Soleimani will ultimately make Americans more or less safe. But there is a distinction between criticizing the president’s decision to kill Soleimani and “defending” him, and there is no evidence that Pelosi defended Soleimani or “mourned” his death. In fact, she has made statements directly contradicting that claim."

There you have it. More deception, dishonesty, and fear-mongering from Republicans.

But what can you expect from a president who is such a snowflake that his only response to criticism is to hit back with lies. Very weak.
Precious_b's Avatar
Sounds like some of you all forgot. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yeah. YOU. Tell me why we are dealing with the Prince in Saudi Arabia? You know, the place that bankrolled the the seven Saudi Arabian people that are responsible for knocking down those towers.

Come on, Ellen. When are you going to cut to the chase like you said?