Is it OK to talk about federal law enforcement on here?

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Only half. The ones stupid enough to believe what they print. Originally Posted by lilylivered
most seem like yelling fire in a crowded theater even if no fire.

in hope the theater will burn by wishing it
Next Best Thing's Avatar
100 times more complicated than this, and a lot more insidious to boot.

It's about the normalization of radical thought and behavior.

If you do not believe in the overt demonization of white males you are a member of the Nazi Party.

If you do not believe you are responsible for housing, providing medical care, and forking over tax revenue in the form of subsidies to illegal aliens you are a xenophobe.

The worst thing in the world you can ever do is say something nasty about minorities of any kind, this you will pay for by foregoing your livelihood.

It is common occurrence and a preservation of civil rights to disinvite white students from a publicly financed university for an extra-special day so we can all understand how important everyone (other than white folk) is.

Democratic Socialism is the future.

If you can't go along with these types of things you are a deplorable.

Blow me.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
preaching to a bunch of fellas who fork over their money to have sex with traditionally non attractive females. After being heavily screened. Whew
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I know but since the Gay Mens Club and the entitled whores are afraid to come here anymore I figure we're down to about 75% male lesbians, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
jokacz's Avatar
lilylivered's Avatar
Thats me "Libtard"
jokacz's Avatar
Thats me "Libtard" Originally Posted by lilylivered

Nope, this is closer to your package.

Goes with the truck.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
hay libtard jo,
did ya

just askin
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'd say close to 100% of the white trailer park folks instinctively vote against Democrats. It's mostly because fake news CNN and MSNBC come across as effeminate whiny victims and the trailer park people prefer that this not be their collective role model.

I'd also say that close to 100% of the inner city minorities instinctively vote against Republicans. This is mostly because they hate whitey and this is their small way of exacting revenge.

Both groups are the lowest common denominator of the American electorate.

Straw man argument.
they can certainly vote out that hag susan Collins not son enough stuttering rino looking fo sympathy
trojantide's Avatar
Next Best Thing's Avatar
It should be obvious... Originally Posted by trojantide
Sure but the male lesbian who wrote that did not make one single point.

It's like reading the opposite of one of lilylivered's nonsense posts.

I think that the Democrats who like to spew about Trump losing the country should take a look at Fox News ratings vs CNN and MSNBC, it's really eye-opening.
trojantide's Avatar
Sure Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
He actually made a lot of good points. But that wasn’t mine, I really don’t care about his. Mine was that you’re a cuck....glad u agree.
Plastic Man's Avatar
go burn ...a flag ya commie shit ...bags
Next Best Thing's Avatar
He actually made a lot of good points. But that wasn’t mine, I really don’t care about his. Mine was that you’re a cuck....glad u agree. Originally Posted by trojantide
If you think those are points you are a typical hysterical rustled liberal.

Democrats are so preoccupied with the beating Trump put on them that they spend 100% of their time trying to soothe themselves by personally attacking him, and 0% of their time developing an agenda based on policy. This is how you idiots wind up nominating socialists for election into the House of Representatives.

Normal Americans are as appalled by this as they are by overweight prostitutes.

What that article amounts to is a series of unsubstantiated declaratives which ignorantly reaches an ultimately (and predictably) preposterous conclusion. There are people out there dumb enough to think this way. This is not as bad as it sounds because it's further evidence that The Donald is a lock in 2020. How these poor people don't see this is a commentary on the Democratic Party.

Keep digging please.