Tara Reade's walking it back

Chung Tran's Avatar
His bullshit college reform hurts many, many people and flies in the face of one of our sacred freedoms, the right to due process and this "would be" President wants to do away with it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
true this.. hypocritical, and poor timing to boot.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s the main reason why I voted for him. I thought he had a legitimate shot at appointing judges. The deregulation, and tax cuts were a huge bonus. Even building the wall. He found a way to get it done. Originally Posted by bambino
Yup. All these sheep drone on about a Trump cult, when in reality he was elected 100% on policy.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think in terms of years.. Reade's tale is 27 years old, Blasey Ford's is 35. fuck both of them.. don't give me that "she told her friend/co-worker about it a year later", or some shit. stop whimpering about it now.. partisan hacks. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Reade's Lawyer has abandoned her..


what a surprise.
  • oeb11
  • 05-22-2020, 01:55 PM
Of course Biden did not such thing - he said so - in Public.
DPST's gotta Believe!!!

Of course if it is a Republican - alternate reality applies (see Kavanaugh).
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Reade's Lawyer has abandoned her..


what a surprise. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

that article questions Reade's educational background. recall Biden also exaggerated his education. in several of his campaigns. there is plenty of video of him doing it till he got called out for it.

don't hoot too loud Mr. Owl about that law firm recusing themselves. they probably don't have the background for it and since they aren't DC insiders don't want to play the game.

this does not vindicate Biden nor prove Reade to be a false witness.
Lapdog's Avatar
that article questions Reade's educational background. recall Biden also exaggerated his education. in several of his campaigns. there is plenty of video of him doing it till he got called out for it.

don't hoot too loud Mr. Owl about that law firm recusing themselves. they probably don't have the background for it and since they aren't DC insiders don't want to play the game.

this does not vindicate Biden nor prove Reade to be a false witness. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

If you say so.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you say so. Originally Posted by Lapdog

Biden said so



76 of 85.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Reade's Lawyer has abandoned her..


what a surprise. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

It's what any lawyer worth his or her degree would do when they realize there is no money to be made. I believe the statute of limitation has run out on a criminal case and there is little to zero chance of a civil conviction. Why would any lawyer continue to waste time on this?
  • oeb11
  • 05-23-2020, 09:32 AM
Is Michael Avenatti is out on Wuhan virus release ??
he would take the case!
HedonistForever's Avatar
true this.. hypocritical, and poor timing to boot. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

And in this highly polarized state we are in, consideration of this principle is put aside and it becomes an "anybody but" decision for most and that is truly a shame especially if one has a son off to college and you've just voted for a guy and a collection of radical feminist who would sooner put your son in jail rather than give him the due process he and every American deserves.

Nice to see we can agree on something, thanks.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I am not going to get into a battle over which hypocritical statement is worse than another. In the long run, such statements will not matter. In all likelihood they will be long forgotten come November 3rd and people will either go to the polls or mail in their ballots and vote based on which candidate they feel is most capable to lead the country over the next 4 years, based on issues such as the economy, immigration, foreign policy, etc.

Trump supporters will overlook his flaws. Biden supporters will overlook his flaws. Those voters who are currently undecided will more than likely vote on the issues, not the character of the two men.

A handful of voters minds will be influenced by the hypocrisy shown by the candidates in their past. My opinion. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I think it will be more than a handful or should I say "I hope it would be more than a handful" but I take your point.

I think if we put up a list of things Trump has changed his opinion on ( and he has no doubt ) compared to the changes in Biden, Trumps list would be much shorter. I think the other candidates who debated Biden made that very clear but that's just my opinion. Thank you for yours.