Dadnlilsis: A Husband and Wife Team

Invisible1's Avatar
Dad & Sis: All interesting stuff....good luck!...Happy humping be it MFM, FMF, an orgy or in front of a crowd at a swinggers club. To each his/her own as long as you are not hurting anyone else in the process. Please don't fool yourself into thinking you are going to change any minds about what they think about any topic here. Some are gonna accept you as you are and some are gonna question your existence.......Me? I don't really care how you and Sissy met; What you weigh; What your average copulation count with Sissy is every day or that Sissy cums and cums after eating candy bars. For most, I think a menu of 1-1 and MFM activites offered would be much more useful information. You two don't seem to be harming anyone, so have at it and have fun, whatever it is that you do BCD or in a swingers club. Some people, after being offered enough times, will try Green Eggs and Ham.....and really like it or decide not to try it again. Other's won't ever try it and will never know what it tastes like....But thank you Dad and Little Sissy for being yet another "Sam I Am" on this Escort Client Community Information Exchange (ECCIE) web site and asking us to consider yet another flavor of potential sexual bliss.
Glad you guys enjoy your lives
Do I hear banjo music? Nah WALDT
I...boy makes up '70's era CB radio names for both, ....We got ourselves a fuckin' convoy. Originally Posted by eccienewbie
Love your wit!! This is so clever and accurate
TakeDownMyPants's Avatar
Wow,,, I have not checked out the "WELCOME" wagon here in a long time and boy have things changed.

I used to think that the mods went overboard insisting that no one be allowed to make negative comments in the welcome wagon but now it appears they have taken it to an extreme in the other direction.

IMO, the OPs have been very honest and straightforward. I appreciate that.

Why is is it that people feel free to cast doubt, throw your negativity at, and piss all over this couple, but when photos of new "18" year old appears, you trip all over yourselves to be the first to risk arrest as a child as a child predator, or being robbed by her pimp?

This thread is in serious need of some "guidance" by our moderators.

Edited note: I just noticed this thread is in co-ed so I suppose all bets are off. I am not sure whether this thread originated here or was moved here.. (my apologies to Torito because I am the one who hit the RTM button)

anyway, my position still stands: I see a lot of questionable new providers appearing on ECCIE but the OPs do not appear to be one of them. Be nice.
Torito's Avatar
I have not been following this thread and I apologize for that. It is so far off track from a Welcome that I don't know what to call it. The points bucket might not be big enough to go around, so right now let's change the tone. If you have a WELCOMING post, please say it. If your thoughts are not welcoming, keep them to your self or put them in a PM or another, more appropriate forum. Stay on track. The track is Welcome.

Duke of G's Avatar
Yourself, you need to check the location. This thread isn't in the welcome forum. It was started in co-ed, and has more latitude for comments than the W&I forum.

However, folks should remember guideline #3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself...

I don't know the OP's intent with the post, as this isn't a swinger site, and the community tends to react strongly to "arrangements" or "management." I can surmise that some of the snarkiness comes from there. That's OK...people get to have opinions.

That said: let's please keep it civil.
Torito's Avatar
When this thread was brought to my attention I understood that it was in the W&I forum. It was not and I did not bother to check that. I had my head stuck where the sun don't shine.

With that said, Duck of G is right on the money.

not your fault Torito.. I was the one with his head up his ass when I hit the RTM button. I found the thread by following a link from the ML.. It read like a WW post so I just ASSumed. Again, I apologize.

But to the rest of you: stop being so BAD. slap yourself on the wrist (pun intended) ., go sit in a corner and think about how you would feel if you were in the OP's shoes. There are a lot of people on this site that do things I am not interested in but I do not find it necessary to publicly belittle them for it.

I may, and often do joke about some of these practices in general but I think everyone should afforded a certain degree of respect and tolerance. My impression of the OP's is that they are a lot more honest about who they are and what they really want than most of the people on this site. That ia pretty admirable.
pmdelites's Avatar
... I had my head stuck where the sun don't shine.
Torito Originally Posted by Torito
not your fault Torito.. I was the one with his head up his ass when I hit the RTM button. ... Originally Posted by yourself
so, may i respectfully suggest that each of you put your own head between some woman's legs??

you still might not see the sun, but you may get a shower or two, if not experience a mini-quake.
pyramider's Avatar
I have a note from the quack that performed my colonscopy that my head is not and never has been up my ass. I gave a copy to be boss when we were going over my review.
novacain's Avatar
I have a note from the quack that performed my colonscopy that my head is not and never has been up my ass. I gave a copy to be boss when we were going over my review. Originally Posted by pyramider
You sir, could never get your head up your ass, you'd be too busy staring at your taint to finsh the job!
funseeker's Avatar
If they are swingers why are they trying to get clients? Swingers just find partners to 'play' with. It's in the swinger's handbok. Hah
pyramider's Avatar
You sir, could never get your head up your ass, you'd be too busy staring at your taint to finsh the job! Originally Posted by novacain

Good one ... Alas, even I have taint preferences ... I only admire the taint of lovely ladies.