You see JL, when you are getting challenged, you start calling people names. But it is ok, maturity doesn't come overnight, and in your case I suspect it will take some time. But back to the issue, I was under the impression that it was not a compliment when you called Harvard a liberal bastion, that is straight from Limbaugh's playbook, but hey if you believe liberals are smarter, who am I to disagree with you. I hate to break it to you but selectivity doesn't ensure success, opportunity does. And that is the reason why millions of people from all over the world want to come to the US of A, just like your parents or grand parents before them so they could provide better opportunities for they own children. You believe that everybody can do the jobs immigrants are doing now, well here is the link of an article that should illuminate you.
As you can see, it is a Forbes article, I could have gone msnbc all the way but I decided to go easy on you, no need to thank me, really. One more thing, only someone who is truly fucked up would think that mowing grass all day long above 100 degrees is FUN. You do that when you need to provide for your family. I guess my definition of fun is different from yours but I have an offer for you, why don't you come over and mow my lawn, you will have fun and I will save a few bucks, you see it is a win win situation.
Originally Posted by frenchybruno18
In this case, calling Harvard a liberal bastion wasn't meant to discredit it but instead to create an unimpeachable reference in the opinion of most liberals, and I listen to Mark Levin, not Limbaugh.
Opportunity alone doesn't ensure success, hard work and ability plus luck needs to go with it.
I fully understand why millions of people come to the USA. I don't understand why we let them fuck us for free.
300 per hour, including travel time and expenses to mow these days, amigo.
p.s. Fuck Forbes and its apologia for rampant exploitative capitalism. One year is not a good sample size for labor force trends which have taken years to develop. Obviously, the fucking farmers who got cheap labor are banging the drum for cheap labor, but fuck them - they need to pay the market wage for authorized American workers, and so what if we pay more for our food - most American are too fucking fat, anyway. Americans would do the job if no one else is around. You liberals don't trust oil company scientist's opinions on global warming, so why take farm industry "economists" opinion on availability of labor?