TheDaliLama's Avatar
Originally Posted by WTF
You know WTF..............someday you'll be going to Hell.

And won't you feel like the idiot.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So Assup lied under oath when he swore to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States". Nothing new there. Instead of a King, or other human controllers, our Founders gave us a document to govern us. A document of timeless bedrock principles to insure the people would remain free. It can adapt to changing times, through the amendment process. Not through legal or political sleight of hand.

But it's an academic argument now. Thanks to anti-American, anti-freedom traitors and liars like Assup, the Constitution is virtually meaningless. I don't think it is coming back.

Welcome to Amerika. The United Statists.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So Assup lied under oath when he swore to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States". Nothing new there. Instead of a King, or other human controllers, our Founders gave us a document to govern us. A document of timeless bedrock principles to insure the people would remain free. It can adapt to changing times, through the amendment process. Not through legal or political sleight of hand.

But it's an academic argument now. Thanks to anti-American, anti-freedom traitors and liars like Assup, the Constitution is virtually meaningless. I don't think it is coming back.

Welcome to Amerika. The United Statists. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You, sir, are a fucking asshole and a worthless piece of shit.

Unlike you, I wore the uniform. Unlike you, I took the oath. And unlike you, I did my duty at wartime. How DARE you call me (or anybody else) anti-America, anti-freedom and a traitor?

You are a disgrace to the fucking constitution which you apparently believe was handed down by God, Jesus or whoever the fuck. Millions have fought and died for pantywaist assholes like you. You don't deserve our sacrifice.

On behalf of everybody who served so YOU can run your fucking mouth all day about your precious fucking freedom, you owe us all an apology.

Oh yeah, where the fuck were you during the VietNam war? Hiding in the fucking men's room in Salina?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Truth hurts, doesn't it, AssupLiar? You've already shown your contempt for the Constitution and freedom. That's old news. You are what you are. Don't melt down because I defined it accurately.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Truth hurts, doesn't it, AssupLiar? You've already shown your contempt for the Constitution and freedom. That's old news. You are what you are. Don't melt down because I defined it accurately. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are a liar, a coward and a miserable cocksucker.

The fucking line is ten feet behind you. This isn't cute, funny or relevant. You're stepped in it now, asshole.

Sad that you've contributed NOTHING to our country or our community that couldn't be eliminated with a swig of Listerine.

Every veteran on this board should be insulted by your lies and shameless insults.

Again, you're not worthy of the freedom this country has afforded you.

Hopefully everybody now sees what kind of pond scum you really are.

If not, then I promise to let them know. Maybe I'll start a poll...
Hermosa's Avatar
Thank you for allowing me to believe what I want. I was waiting till you conferred. Don't assume you know anything about me, firstly. Where did the philosophical PRINCIPLES (not principals, as you wrote. the second instance was spelled correctly, assuming you're referring to the people involved. If not, you misspelled that one as well) come from? Some old white men, just like I said. It's not a limited or shallow historical perspective. It's a realistic understanding of what really happened. I don't sweep things under the rug because they're historically unfortunate or make people uncomfortable. And you make my point for me. Throughout history, man has yearned to be free. The constitution didn't invent freedom. I've taken law classes. I don't need the constitution explained to me, but thanks. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Somewhere between focusing on following my train of thought and some sort of auto correct, I might not catch a wrongly spelled work. Hell, maybe I just misspelled! I can live with that. My point has never been to think I have to limit whatever someone thinks is "proper thinking". I was just first, pointing out the understand accepted by the writers of the Constitution which led the to write what they did. Secondly, I do try to point out that so much of our learning today (and our schools are rampant with this also) is presented because of a point of view. Often , it just might be a revisionist view of a revisionist view! The need to learn to research for ourselves and not just accept what is taught is very important today. Finally, this interaction between different perspectives is a good think. That is really, how we learn to challenge our own and other ideologies. I think that's healthy. Except when it reduces itself to childish name calling.
So, peach bro! I'm just thinking out loud!
Explain his thinking. I don't understand it. Como says our rights come from the collective consensus of man. If he is right, then man has no inherent right to be born, live, breath, or otherwise exist. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He was in a debate specifically about gay marriage. He was not referring to anyone's right to be born, live, or exist. I believe what he was trying to say, is that it does not matter if there is a god or not, the right to the tax breaks and benefits of being married in America will ultimately be decided by the opinion of the masses. Personally, I believe that if there were a god, he wouldn't be bothering himself with tax breaks and such in America either. You would either be married in his eyes or not, a piece of paper from a government beaurocracy wouldn't trump that.

Did you know that there are straight millennial's now advertising on CL, and marrying their straight friends and strangers simply for the tax breaks and benefits that come from it? For them, it has nothing to do with a god or rights and everything to do with money. Crazy days, but religion, and religious marriages are pretty much dead within the younger generation.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now, Assup. Get real. I doubt if you've ever served anyone but yourself. I respect veterans who who didn't lie when they took their oath. Can you prove you are a veteran? Didn't think so. You oppose everything America stands for. I think your making this shit up. Let me explain it in language you understand.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Keep showing your ass, Whiny.

I know there are others who served in your stead. Veterans who now argue from both sides of the aisle. Men and women who answered the call, whether they believed in the war or not.

But not you. You weaseled out, probably on some kind of sissy deferment. What was it?

Flat feet? Inflamed labia? Estrogen overload? Perhaps.

Total disrespect and contemp for this country and those who served her, for sure.

ECCIE's biggest asshole? Now you are!

Before you blurt forth your next damning quip, explain why you claim I lied when I was sworn into the Army? And then justify your actions with the rights guaranteed me by the fucking constitution.

Then explain why your rights are more sacred than mine.

Then try and get out of the corner.
You weaseled out, probably on some kind of sissy deferment. What was it? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He was hiding under Mumzie's petticoat's.
I know there are others who served in your stead. Veterans who now argue from both sides of the aisle. Men and women who answered the call, whether they believed in the war or not. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do you mean that his time wearing a Cub Scout uniform doesn't count?

He made it all the way to Webelos.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He was in a debate specifically about gay marriage. He was not referring to anyone's right to be born, live, or exist. I believe what he was trying to say, is that it does not matter if there is a god or not, the right to the tax breaks and benefits of being married in America will ultimately be decided by the opinion of the masses. Personally, I believe that if there were a god, he wouldn't be bothering himself with tax breaks and such in America either. You would either be married in his eyes or not, a piece of paper from a government beaurocracy wouldn't trump that.

Did you know that there are straight millennial's now advertising on CL, and marrying their straight friends and strangers simply for the tax breaks and benefits that come from it? For them, it has nothing to do with a god or rights and everything to do with money. Crazy days, but religion, and religious marriages are pretty much dead within the younger generation. Originally Posted by nwarounder
That is the bitch about talking principles, they need to be universal and not just for one subject. Like the death penalty and abortion. Leftists always try to say that the right argues that babies have a right to life but still support the death penalty. They lie about the argument. The true argument is that innocent babies have a right to life and a murderer who has had due process may be executed for the good of society. If you want to execute a baby then give the baby the same due process that a criminal has. That is a consistent argument.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I see that FuckZup was saying stupid things again. First of all, I don't think anyone here has said that the Constitution was written by God. That is a lie by FuckZup. The founders were inspired by writings in the Bible and writings by men like Locke. They also held their own views developed over time and some of those men were intellectual giants like Madison, Jefferson, and Franklin.
A second mistake made by FuckZup is that they were all aristocrats or slave owners. Ben Franklin was a printer, writer, and inventor. He was hardly an aristocrat as we understand the term (FuckZup....maybe he thinks otherwise).
Jacob Broom's father was a blacksmith and a farmer.
James McHenry was an Irish immigrant.
Hugh Williamson's father was a clothier.
John Rutledge's father was an immigrant and doctor.
Pierce Butler was a British soldier who left the army and married well.
William Few was born into a poor family and he became a self made man.
Abraham Baldwin's father was a blacksmith.
Nicholas Gilman's father was a trader.
Nathaniel Gorman's father was a ship's captain.
William Samuel Johnson's father was a clergyman.
Roger Sherman was a shoe maker.
Alexander Hamilton was an untitled bastard who was apprenticed to a clerk.
Philip Livingston was a merchant.
David Brearley was an army officer who became a judge.
William Paterson was an Irish immigrant.
Jonathan Dayton was the son of a militia commander and merchant.
Thomas Mifflin was a merchant.
Robert Morris was an English immigrant.
George Clymer was orphaned at one year of age. He was to become a merchant.
Thomas Fitzsimons was an orphaned Irish immigrant who started as a clerk's apprentice.
Jared Ingersoll's father was a royal tax collector and Jared studied law.
James Wilson was a Scottish immigrant and teacher.
Hardly the aristocrats that FuckZup says that he hates which is odd. How many modern day democrats are like those hated aristocrats; Harvard grads, rich families, connected. Don't bring up republicans FuckZup because we admire sucess and you don't.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have just made an ass out of yourself twice, JDIdiot.

That's not exactly what I said, was it?

But more important, your undocumented list was spun into oblivion. Do you honestly think you can revise history because your version of the truth is bullshit? Moreover, do You think anybody on here will buy your bullshit because you put it out there.

This debate is about whether our rights were given to us by God or by man. From the rhetoric here, it's easy to surmise that you, like so many other RWWipes, believe that the fucking constitution is a divine document.

You should have studied a little more in writing class, professor.

And don't bring up Rick Santorum, because you Republicans admire success, logic and education and I don't.

No wonder I have you on ignore.

What a fucking loon!
I have not mentioned "God" in this discussion because I don't think "God" had anything to do with the founding of this Country.

As far as the Document we call "The Constitution", time has proven that however the Men who formulated it went about it, they pretty much got it right.

And, they also gave future generations a way, through Amendments, to correct things if found to be "not right" at a later date in history.

This Amendment Proccess was deliberately made difficult so that The Constitution would not yield to the petty whims of the moment. That aggravates a lot of people, but it has, for the most part, served us well.

As for this whole veteran thing that this discussion morphed into, let me say that I have no contempt for anyone who did not serve, has never served, or will never serve. Out of my graduating class in 1965, only about 5 guys (that I know of), were drafted out of about 60 males. I did not personally know anyone whose name is on the Vietnam Memorial Wall, although I do have several friends that like myself, were wounded.

My opinions about that War are based only on my own experiences. I do hold in great contempt the major polititians of that era, in particular Lyndon Johnson and Robert MacNamara. I didn't at the time, because I was just a kid. Keep in mind, like many, I ETS'ed out BEFORE my 21st Birthday. Which was really strange. The day I got out, I was a Sgt E-5, but still could not walk into a bar and buy a beer.

As I got older, and wiser, I realized the utter waste that War heaped upon us as a Country.
It was a bad war. Many got a raw deal. But, the vast majority did what had to be done, (by choice or not), got out, and got on with life.

I have posted a link that gives some facts about Vietnam. It dispels many of the myths.