Would you marry a sex worker

  • V31L
  • 06-02-2023, 10:11 AM
Bad idea you would not buy a rental car would you? Same goes for pussy. They are rent a hole for a reason daddy issues bi polar drug users etc. The crazy ones have the best pussy you don't buy that headache you cum and go
Bad idea you would not buy a rental car would you? Same goes for pussy. They are rent a hole for a reason daddy issues bi polar drug users etc. The crazy ones have the best pussy you don't buy that headache you cum and go Originally Posted by V31L
I respectfully disagree. Comparing a woman to a rental car in this way implies that you can get the exact same woman with “less miles”.

Everyone comes into this hobby for different reasons, and goes about it in different ways. I’m an older gentleman, and I’ve learned to appreciate that there’s more to these women that just a hole - and we can learn a lot from that.

Just my 2 cents. There’s no wrong answer - just opinions.
Ripmany's Avatar
I respectfully disagree. Comparing a woman to a rental car in this way implies that you can get the exact same woman with “less miles”.

Everyone comes into this hobby for different reasons, and goes about it in different ways. I’m an older gentleman, and I’ve learned to appreciate that there’s more to these women that just a hole - and we can learn a lot from that.

Just my 2 cents. There’s no wrong answer - just opinions. Originally Posted by Goose7093
"It a good comparison you want a good chick that loses her virgianty to you on you wedding night at 22 years."

Honestly there all use reguarless if she gave it up because was at bar and wanted it or few $$ change her mine. Many prostitutes have the money and take good care of themselves. Just like rental cars the oil is Chang on time, breaks, plugs, pvc, tired rotated. The car wash and waxregularly.
The all recommend PM is done on time..
Just think it has foot rotation it not going to have floor board whole under the pettles.

Most women are over test driven before making to marriage lot. I used to be a test driver if car had lot of we had to take it on a track some cars had as many as 50 miles before hitting a new car lot. That just like collage and HS sex.
TailHooked's Avatar
Every girl is different, like everyone else. Most do get into a relationship as they get out of the hobby. The point is that most don't know what they did. If you are both mature enough, then you will be no different than the millions of other couples who marry. If not, then the grave you dig, will be your own. I actually knew one guy who did this. They eventually got to fighting. He had to leave his home he owned before they met. She sold off or traded most of his stuff before the divorice. He quit paying the mortgage. She left with more than she brought to the marriage. He was left with actually nothing. All his stuff was gone. Tools, furniture, pictures, etc was gone. House foreclosed on. Credit rating took a big hit.
Ripmany's Avatar
Better would you LTR a sex worker. Would you let her be you parnter, trust me marriage is dumb and 50% of all John's. Are married on this board there 50% married John's then the rest sex workers.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-03-2023, 04:48 PM
that there’s more to these women that just a hole - and we can learn a lot from that.

Just my 2 cents. There’s no wrong answer - just opinions. Originally Posted by Goose7093
Tell us about these women that suck and fuck for $, the rental car comparison is a good one. Most wouldn't want a abused high mileage old vehicle, a few lonely guys wouldn't mind the companionship and settle for whatever. Do what makes you happy
bambino's Avatar
Do rental cars get viruses? Like computers and vaginas?
I wouldn't marry anyone. Marriage and relationships are a waste of time and money. It's a trap and a scam from the system. Down with the Matrix.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-04-2023, 12:15 AM
I wouldn't marry anyone. Marriage and relationships are a waste of time and money. It's a trap and a scam from the system. Down with the Matrix. Originally Posted by dormGE
I seem to lose interest after I nut, and want them around when I'm horny again. I'm not built for a committed relationship these days
Ripmany's Avatar
Do rental cars get viruses? Like computers and vaginas? Originally Posted by bambino
You would want to ride in my van, when I young keep my car clean even my sister had me clean hers but now spilled pop every, mold, yeast infection as well as worn out,
However a rental car there a cleaning fee rather you pay it hezts call the cops, rental cars allies clean for the next guy at any good rental service.
Some low end rental car companies I have heard stories however.
Rental a ladys use covers and get checked out reguraly..
burkalini's Avatar
I lived with one for a year. She stopped working when she moved in. Even though she told me she loved me truthfully I never could get over the feeling that she was gaming me. Needless to say A year can be a looonnnnng time.
Michael8219's Avatar
I lived with one for a year. She stopped working when she moved in. Even though she told me she loved me truthfully I never could get over the feeling that she was gaming me. Needless to say A year can be a looonnnnng time. Originally Posted by burkalini
A SW or a rental car? A year is a long time to rent a car unless you get a lease with a good mileage allotment.

You have to look closely at the fine print in a lease and you’re still responsible for maintenance. Some of those high end cars require a lot of maintenance. And nowadays there’s a lot of recalls where the shop guy is just plugging his dongle into your car and downloading his junk to update her soft wear.
dfwtsfan's Avatar
I seem to lose interest after I nut, and want them around when I'm horny again. I'm not built for a committed relationship these days Originally Posted by BLM69
You nailed it.

It seemed like my marriages were a constant mixture of them nagging, complaining, or them doing other things that annoyed the fuck out of me, or them wanting endless attention, or them constantly talking too damn much.

How the fuck are we supposed to have any piece of mind after working all day, immediately coming home to all that bullshit? Why can't they just be quiet when a guy gets home from work? Or does a guy have to constantly stop by a bar first, or think of other ways and reasons not to immediately run home to them, just to postpone walking in the door to all that bullshit?
dfwtsfan's Avatar
Marry a SW? Maybe if they didn't annoy me. However, they would have to agree too having sex with me whenever and however I wanted, to compensate for the unfair amount of sex, and unfair amount of sexual partners, they were having daily. Plus they'd have to agree too always acting like they were totally into it with me, like they have to do with their clients. How many SW's would agree to all that and is that a relationship worth having or a healthy one?

As for the the standard monogamous marriage, I think it's severely flawed and doomed. The typical female expecting 100% sexual monogamy, is like forcing a guy to eat the same food for every meal the rest of his life. Most guys will eventually get so sick-and-tired of that, to where they feel like they're dying a slow death inside. Men aren't wired for long-term monogamy.

I've been my own worst enemy in marriages, relationships, and with escorts. I quickly wear out the new and exciting stuff (sexually), until it becomes the old and boring stuff, and once that happens I value that person differently. Now applying all that to marriage or relationships, once either party is valuing or treating the other differently, it's in trouble.

For some guys, maybe they should avoid marriage, and if they need companionship, should consider getting a dog and having a few close friends. And for those that want sex to always have that incredible new and exciting feeling, stick with escorts, and if it's an escort they really like, maybe see that one a little less frequently than you really want too, so you don't get burned out on them.
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  • BLM69
  • 06-24-2023, 09:12 PM
Nobody on this site can ever be loyal