Ladies that don't see AA men.....?!

midnite312004's Avatar
Funny someone on here actually said it's not racist, it's her body. And you really believe that. Well that is the very definition of racist. To exclude, deny or prohibit one race from anything while all other races are ok. SMH. I really don't give a F... anyway. It used to bother me but my money is green like everyone else so I will just see someone else with MY money. I refused to beg someone to take my money.
pleasurem's Avatar
No matter what... even if your money is green, it’s not racist!!!
You can believe or feel anyway you want, it’s a woman’s choice!!!
Same token, why does black male/white female seem to be such a big thing in porn? On any porn site, if you click on one you get inundated with thousands of them. And the black males are almost always portraying the role of a dusty thug type.

There is a whole series of two white female cops arresting black criminals and forcing them to have sex.

Maybe thats another topic.
Do what you want ladies. It’s your body, your right to see who you want to see. Cracks me up seeing post from others telling YOU who you should see.
Sure women and men have the right to see who they want to yada yada yada blah blah blah.

But it just seems odd that of all the different types of men out there, AA men and women are the ones that seem to stick out most. Usually by white men and women.

You sometimes see no asians or no mexicans but it pales in comparison.

You see people make it known in public the desire to avoid AA men or women, yet in private, I've had more than a few white women tell me they most desire AA men. Unprovoked. Yet you rarely see that put in public.

The whole "no AA" thing tells me a woman is willing to take a chance to see a fat, balding, stinking white man over a black man that looks like Tyson Beckford or Chico Debarge. AA men are as varied in looks and attitude as anyone else. So the whole thing is just odd.

So if you want to make your desire of "no AA" public, then people have the right to also voice their opinion about that in public.

Like or dislike it, people can see who they want, and same token people can discuss what they want. Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu

WTF another one of these posts. A quick scan of P411 shows 70% of white women have “All Ethnicities Welcome” New Orleans 37 white women, 25 AA friendly. Texas over 700 women over 500 have “All Ethnicities Welcome” Plus the women on here!. Isn’t that enough to keep you busy.
Some of those women aren’t “senior friendly or under 30 friendly” You don’t see posts about them complaining. They just move on to someone who is interested in meeting them.
There are many beautiful AA ladies on here, if I was them I wouldn’t see you either, apparently you have a problem with the color of their skin.
Sorry, but in my opinion Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Finally, some honesty that you are just giving opinion here. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?

Using highly selective sports and music as a proxy for the general well being of 40 million people is asinine at best Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
I selected NOTHING. I just wrote that off the top of my head. How would you explain Jimmy Hendrix, Bob Marley, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Louis Armstrong, Nat King Cole, Aretha Franklin? I could go on and on but these are just a few pre-Michael Jackson examples. These people did it when you only made it to the top on talent alone, not like today's hacks.

Affirmative action exists due to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which Democrats opposed. The Democrats, including Al Gore's father killed it a number of times before 1964.

Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans.

Your ignorance of American History is staggering. The democrats absolutely were opposed to little AA children going to unsegregated schools and Brown Vs Board of education should be a great lesson for you but you won't ever look into it since it doesn't fit your narrative.

40 acres and a mule you say? Look out for those "radical Republicans" and their radical ideas again. Oops, killed by Democrats again.

What's the use. I doubt you will even bother to look at the links I provided. You will continue to use your time to come up with more clever platitudes instead of helping yourself. You live in the greatest country that ever existed but you look to false historical misinformation to find fault. No country is perfect and that includes the US. Do something to make it better instead of tearing everything down.

I'll say this about providers and why some don't see AAs. I have asked a few of them and some even offered info to me without me asking. Many of them do make exceptions if the AAs communicate properly and actually show that they would treat them with respect. If you notice, some say no AA under 40. There is a reason for this. I am not going to spell it out for you either. These days, I am willing to bet their lives would be much better if they say NOBODY under 40. The entitlement mentality is an epidemic bigger than Covid.

Anybody can be low class/low caste. If you find yourself there, work on it! Does that hurt your feelings?
Same token, why does black male/white female seem to be such a big thing in porn? On any porn site, if you click on one you get inundated with thousands of them. And the black males are almost always portraying the role of a dusty thug type.

There is a whole series of two white female cops arresting black criminals and forcing them to have sex.

Maybe thats another topic. Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Turn on TV. Shows like Law and Order: SVU, Blue Bloods, Person of Interest, CSI... all usually make the white guys the bad guys. It is humorous. No diversity there. Maybe porn is just leveling the playing field a bit. By the way, in porn, you do attract thugs. Maybe you haven't noticed but many of the tatted up white guys look like thugs too. Bottom line is in porn they are producing what people want to watch. Obviously people are watching more Thug-type black guy porn then beta male black guys BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT PEOPLE ARE WATCHING!

Obligatory platitude: Maybe the subject matter here is too tough for some people to comprehend. {shrug}
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" needs to invent an imaginary boogieman so that he can defeat it. In his mind he already has been victorious and conquered the monster and we are all in awe of his prowess.
And you really believe that. Well that is the very definition of racist. Originally Posted by midnite312004
Take it a bit further and make it so that if you don't ever date someone outside of your race then you are racist if you are going to go that route.

By the way, all of this discrimination talk comes from the Civil Rights law which is about employment, not who you have sex with. It makes no sense to even make such claims of racism in that context. EVERYBODY discriminates, every single day of our lives. I discriminated against Burger King, McDonalds, Chick Fil-A, and KFC because I went to Subway today. Oh, the horror.

Many women put in their ads to be bathed, clean breath, able to speak in complete sentences. Why do you think that is? If things like that are in the ad then they are there because of past experiences. Personally I ALWAYS bathe right before I have a date, always have fresh breath as I walk up to the door and am always a gentleman. Why? Because it leads to a much better experience, that's why! It is common sense.

I do have a question. I have been on dating sites and see white women who are looking for black men only. Is that racist?
Ripmany's Avatar
It her Right on who she has sex with some money only take care of her problems short term money problems, She not a docker not, a strippers where he sit back, the service is reproduce sexual intercorse, I understand stand If she don't want to see one guy or nother. I seen a post said "I want a black cock up me" I don't have black cock so move on since most are attach to A.A..
BrookeMonroe's Avatar
my own input; as long as you have a reliable reference i will see african american men of any age.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Sure women and men have the right to see who they want to yada yada yada blah blah blah.

But it just seems odd that of all the different types of men out there, AA men and women are the ones that seem to stick out most. Usually by white men and women.

You sometimes see no asians or no mexicans but it pales in comparison.

You see people make it known in public the desire to avoid AA men or women, yet in private, I've had more than a few white women tell me they most desire AA men. Unprovoked. Yet you rarely see that put in public.

The whole "no AA" thing tells me a woman is willing to take a chance to see a fat, balding, stinking white man over a black man that looks like Tyson Beckford or Chico Debarge. AA men are as varied in looks and attitude as anyone else. So the whole thing is just odd.

So if you want to make your desire of "no AA" public, then people have the right to also voice their opinion about that in public.

Like or dislike it, people can see who they want, and same token people can discuss what they want. Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Yeah, if they can tell the difference between a black dick and non black dick in the dark, then their bullshit NBA policies would have merit.

Gotta do what massa say!!! No knee grows means no knee grows!!!

But...who cares. I've banged so many fine ass white, black, Asian, Latina, etc....shiiid it ain't even funny. And I greatly appreciate these ladies, fwiw. They kiss me and suck my dick like they fucking love me and shit. That ol' illusion of passion....ahhhh yeah. Gotta love that shit.

Ohhhh, thank you, ladies. Thank you, thank you.

The younger me used to get so riled up about this NBA shit. But now....aww fuck it. Who gives a shit.

Ok, so their boss or dad don't want them to fuck black men. Ehh. Let 'em be.

But they'll fuck an Indian or Middle Easterner, both of whom can't stand women. What kind of shit is THAT!!

Besides, who wants to see anyone who uses 10 year old pictures anyway.

But it's all good. Y'all got it.
Randall Creed's Avatar
my own input; as long as you have a reliable reference i will see african american men of any age. Originally Posted by BrookeMonroe
Good to know, Brooke.

I've been trying to hit this forever.
Randall Creed's Avatar
No matter what... even if your money is green, it’s not racist!!!
You can believe or feel anyway you want, it’s a woman’s choice!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
Sorry to burst your BS bubble, but when race is the FIRST and ONLY reason why she won't see a guy, then it actually is racist.

You can dance around 'choice' all you want, but, the truth is, it's fucking racist.

If you (by 'you' I mean she) asks what your race is, and if you say black, and she won't go any further, then it's race.

Hmmm, maybe I should try this with an NBA chick.

Try to set up a date, and then when the issue of race pops up, i.e. she asks if I'm black, I'm going to say. I refuse to answer this question, on the grounds that it will disqualify me.
burkalini's Avatar
Why does this topic seem to rile you up? Nobody attacked you personally nor did anyone take an abrasive tone. Nobody demanded you start seeing AA men. I sure didn't because I'm not familiar with you at all. I don't live in nor visit your area enough to know.

This is just a general conversation. To tell AA men to "don't worry about it", or "so what", is asking AA men to not be human.
It is simple human curiosity to ask or discuss this type of thing. And AA men are human last I checked.

And I wouldn't bring RW topics like confederate statues into the discussion. That makes no sense since you cannot know how that affects individuals personally.

And when you say "focus on YOUR Community", who's community are you talking about? Mine? Do I know you? Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu

Do we know you? Been on here a minute and giving advice. She was talking about whatever community you live in.