A Question to the GOP- who should pay this man's medical bills????

wellendowed1911's Avatar
No, but I'm not claiming to be a God Fearing Christian. Nor am I asking others to reinforce my claim to be a GFC while withholding information that might effect their response. You're simply a liar. Or a gamer. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I am very sorry if you want to hold on to this agenda that you have with me- I am not bragging I am just being honest. I am very sorry if you can't accept the fact that I love being Christian. Would it make you feel better if I were on here and told you I was a jew/muslim or atheist? You have a deep personal agenda with Christians and that's right from your mouth. There are 2 billion Christians in this world and because you had a bad encounter with a handful you want to judge all of us? God will be our judge COG not you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The bad encounter is with you! What is there in your life that would make anyone want to be a Christian? You even admit to living a double life. You're a Christian on Sunday, and fornicating on Monday. You are even afraid to admit your failings to your Christian friends. If you want to pretend to be a Christian, go ahead. When you do it on here, I will remind you that you are not. You even look forward to me going to hell. How Christian is that? Don't worry, I'm not going there, and neither are you, since it doesn't exist. You'd expect someone professing to be a Christian would exhibit the love of Christ. You don't. You bitch, you disparage, and you brag about your sin.

I still have the feeling you're gaming us, or at least me. No one could be as hypocritical as you unless they hold elective office.
I am very sorry if you want to hold on to this agenda that you have with me- I am not bragging I am just being honest. I am very sorry if you can't accept the fact that I love being Christian. Would it make you feel better if I were on here and told you I was a jew/muslim or atheist? You have a deep personal agenda with Christians and that's right from your mouth. There are 2 billion Christians in this world and because you had a bad encounter with a handful you want to judge all of us? God will be our judge COG not you. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
What do you think of the fact that ONLY muslime ME refugees are allowed in the USA? Do you think some one at the top has an "agenda"?

WE1911? Flighty? Assup? BigKotex? WTF? Where's your pledge to match my donation? After all, ya'll were huge proponents of Obamacare and the supposed good it did. Don't tell me you are uncaring individuals? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Not only did you get caught in your own trap thread, you trapped all your reach around crew cohorts in it. C'mon! Ya'll we're the folks who said OCare was so great! Ya'll are the compassionate Dims, let loose of some of that money you saved. You saved money like you claimed?

I am a Christian and I feel I am obligated to help but God helps those who help themselves - if the gentleman in question will publicly announce that he made a mistake and admit that Obamacare has done some good than I will contribute, but first he must repent and admit his mistake. He's made a lot of mistakes - 300,000 home and 9000 in savings??? That's like driving a 2015 Benz and living in a trailer park. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Not only did you double down on stupid, you quadrupled down! His mistakes shouldn't make a difference according to Obama. I bet if he was a black Democrat they'd find a way for him to be on Ocare and a ton of govt programs.
[QUOTE=CuteOldGuy;1056730489]The bad encounter is with you! What is there in your life that would make anyone want to be a Christian?

WOW, Mr COG, I fall back on my Libertarian school of thought (as long as you don't hurt anyone or anyone's property it is not yours or the government's business what you do/think). You might be an agnostic (which by the way, is an atheist, that just doesn't have the gonads to say so) or an atheist, honestly, it really doesn't matter either way. What you said to this gentleman, is totally uncalled for, he has a right to believe in the faith that he chooses, without being called out by someone who is not of the same political persuasion.

Mr WE, I totally applaud you for standing up for what "you" believe in.

I believe an apology should be in order to MR WE. You know what, you both might even start out with a clean slate. Imagine, how powerful that might be.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The bad encounter is with you! What is there in your life that would make anyone want to be a Christian?

WOW, Mr COG, I fall back on my Libertarian school of thought (as long as you don't hurt anyone or anyone's property it is not yours or the government's business what you do/think). You might be an agnostic (which by the way, is an atheist, that just doesn't have the gonads to say so) or an atheist, honestly, it really doesn't matter either way. What you said to this gentleman, is totally uncalled for, he has a right to believe in the faith that he chooses, without being called out by someone who is not of the same political persuasion.

Mr WE, I totally applaud you for standing up for what "you" believe in.

I believe an apology should be in order to MR WE. You know what, you both might even start out with a clean slate. Imagine, how powerful that might be. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thank you Cherie, but I won't expect an apology from COG- he has an agenda with me for personal reasons and he will not let up- he's even encouraged other members to seek out an agenda against ,e. All I can do is pray for him- I don't wish him any harm, but apparently COG despises the fact that I openly profess my belief in Jesus. Thank you for your understanding and support Cherie and may God bless you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not going to apologize. I'd like the question answered. WE is a phony. He's not standing up for anything but hypocrisy.

Oh, I am neither an atheist nor an agnostic. I also have no agenda on here but to have fun. Hypocritical Christians are the funniest, the way they squirm and turn themselves into pretzels to justify their sin. Now I know there are backslidden Christians, and struggling Christians on here, and I get that. But when an open and unrepentant sinner claims his post is more valid than others because he is a "GOD FEARING CHRISTIAN", you gotta admit, that's FUNNY!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I'm not going to apologize. I'd like the question answered. WE is a phony. He's not standing up for anything but hypocrisy.

Oh, I am neither an atheist nor an agnostic. I also have no agenda on here but to have fun. Hypocritical Christians are the funniest, the way they squirm and turn themselves into pretzels to justify their sin. Now I know there are backslidden Christians, and struggling Christians on here, and I get that. But when an open and unrepentant sinner claims his post is more valid than others because he is a "GOD FEARING CHRISTIAN", you gotta admit, that's FUNNY! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As I stated Cherie it's apparent that he has an agenda with me- hence his refusal to offer an apology. COG would rather keep up his agenda because that's the type of individual he is- I have extended an olive branch to him several times, but he rather stir up the Eccie crap pot because he's a spiteful man- I can only pray that he becomes a better person.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As I stated Cherie it's apparent that he has an agenda with me- hence his refusal to offer an apology. COG would rather keep up his agenda because that's the type of individual he is- I have extended an olive branch to him several times, but he rather stir up the Eccie crap pot because he's a spiteful man- I can only pray that he becomes a better person. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
BigLouie's Avatar
Seems the person this is all about has spoken:

“I put the blame on everyone — Republican and Democrat. But I do mainly blame Republicans for their pigheadedness,” Lang said. “They’re blocking policies that could help everyone. I’m in the situation I’m in because they chose not to expand Medicaid for political reasons. And I know I’m not the only one.”
Lang said he’s read almost every comment on his GoFundMe page. He acknowledged that a lot of people have criticized him for waiting until he got sick to think about purchasing insurance, which is not how the health care system is intended to function. But he insists that he and his wife have been discussing getting coverage now that they’re getting older, and notes that he tried his best to navigate the law last year.
“I know we didn’t do it the right way,” Lang told ThinkProgress, explaining that he’s hoping to figure out the situation with his fluctuating income so he can be the first in line to sign up for a plan during the next open enrollment period.
He said he’s always tried to take responsibility for his own bills, but he also believes that the United States should move toward a universal health care system that makes coverage available to everyone regardless of their income level. He said he “one hundred percent agrees” with the people who commented on his crowdfunding page to argue that health care is a human right.
Seems the person this is all about has spoken:

“I put the blame on everyone — Republican and Democrat. But I do mainly blame Republicans for their pigheadedness,” Lang said. “They’re blocking policies that could help everyone. I’m in the situation I’m in because they chose not to expand Medicaid for political reasons. And I know I’m not the only one.”
Lang said he’s read almost every comment on his GoFundMe page. He acknowledged that a lot of people have criticized him for waiting until he got sick to think about purchasing insurance, which is not how the health care system is intended to function. But he insists that he and his wife have been discussing getting coverage now that they’re getting older, and notes that he tried his best to navigate the law last year.
“I know we didn’t do it the right way,” Lang told ThinkProgress, explaining that he’s hoping to figure out the situation with his fluctuating income so he can be the first in line to sign up for a plan during the next open enrollment period.
He said he’s always tried to take responsibility for his own bills, but he also believes that the United States should move toward a universal health care system that makes coverage available to everyone regardless of their income level. He said he “one hundred percent agrees” with the people who commented on his crowdfunding page to argue that health care is a human right. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Interestingly he chooses to blame everyone but himself. We live in a society today where no one wants to take responsibility for their own lives, it's much easier to blame external forces. Well then, we learn nothing. Mistakes are a very necessary part of human, society, country and our own world existence.

Why should I, a tax paying citizen , be responsible for his or anyone else's short comings. When we exhaust the tax payer, and we will, eventually, either by them giving up and saying, "heck, I might just as well go on the dole to" or getting to old to work, etc there will be no more money to fund these free loaders, (you certainly don't think your Hollywood idols will be paying for them do you, not by a long shot) all because they chose not to take responsibility for themselves.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's like buying car insurance after the wreck.
It's like buying car insurance after the wreck. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That was supposed to be the beauty of Obamacare. Get sick, just sign up! Heck the open enrollment period was extended again this year. There may not be an open enrollment next year due to funding issues in certain states. My brother already got a cancellation notice from his insurance company saying they were pulling out of the program next year.

How much BigLouie did you contribute of the $2500 that you saved to this man medical plight?

Thanks Obama!