You guys still say Christians are Peaceful????

So I wonder if the boards at the nation's theological seminaries are exploding with topics like who has the tightest, wettest pussy, who is the prettiest provider under 30, which churches to avoid because of LE activity. Those topics would be just as valid and beneficial there as a Christianity topic is here.

Christians aren't perfect (and shouldn't claim to be), just saved. We try to tell others about Christ because we believe in hell. Where most Christians mess up is not doing as Jesus commanded, which is to shake the dust from our sandals and move on if people do not want to hear the good news.
Who would Jesus kill? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Apparently nobody. Mohammed on the other hand...

Kinda hard turning the other cheek when it's not attached to your neck.
Because the old testament provides historical context. You must have it to understand from whence we came. But the new testament is the teachings of Christ which is what Christians believe and follow, hence the term Christian derived from Christ. But like most Atheists you choose to condem something you obviously no nothing about. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I know how to spell 'know' goddamnit. Historical context my ass. The Bible isn't a history book. The first Christians were Jews you ignoramus. I was a follower for 30 years. Wasted 30 years of my life on that shit. Don't assume you know anything about what I do and don't know. In any argument, on any subject, religion loses. Every time.
So I wonder if the boards at the nation's theological seminaries are exploding with topics like who has the tightest, wettest pussy, who is the prettiest provider under 30, which churches to avoid because of LE activity. Those topics would be just as valid and beneficial there as a Christianity topic is here.

Christians aren't perfect (and shouldn't claim to be), just saved. We try to tell others about Christ because we believe in hell. Where most Christians mess up is not doing as Jesus commanded, which is to shake the dust from our sandals and move on if people do not want to hear the good news. Originally Posted by filbone
Go here and read his response to the bible. If you still believe after that, I can't help you. Read it and let it really sink in how fucked up it is. Truly and utterly fucked.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Go here and read his response to the bible. If you still believe after that, I can't help you. Read it and let it really sink in how fucked up it is. Truly and utterly fucked. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You're an atheistic, communistic POS, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Author Eric Hoffer describes your lot to a tee, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. He wrote, in True Believer, about how your ilk are enticed by the essence of Communist theory and how it “holds a following not by its doctrine and promises but by the refuge it offers from the anxieties, barrenness and meaninglessness of an [your atheistic] individual existence.”
dirty dog's Avatar
I know how to spell 'know' goddamnit. Historical context my ass. The Bible isn't a history book. The first Christians were Jews you ignoramus. I was a follower for 30 years. Wasted 30 years of my life on that shit. Don't assume you know anything about what I do and don't know. In any argument, on any subject, religion loses. Every time. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Well then you should know the difference between the Old and New Testament and the teachings of Christ supersedes the Old. the first Christians were in fact Christian and formally Jewish, since Jewish is a religion not a race. They became Christian when they began following Christ's teaching which begins in the new testament. Prior to that they followed Jewish law as they followed the teachings of the old testament. Again because your real slow, the word Christian is derived from the word Christ., so its impossible to be a Christian before the arrival of Christ which comes in the new testament, and it is a history book, it covers religious history. As for the 30 years being wasted, its my opinion that your breathing is a waste of time now go fuck yourself with a toilet plunger fuckwad. Heres a feew typpos for you, as you seem to be real interested in them.
...that's where the fuck ups start.. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
This you would be qualified to know.
I know how to spell 'know' goddamnit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Don't use that word, undercunt the atheist. Use Stalindamnit, Maodamnit or charliemansondamnit... You KNOW, shit you believe in...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm sorry. This thread is funny. A bunch of "born again" hobbyists lecturing us on the Bible. Unrepentant sinners defending Christ. Jesus doesn't need your help. He didn't have much time for hypocrites. Sinners who boldly announce their sin really have no credibility.
  • shanm
  • 03-07-2015, 12:49 AM
^^^Listen to your papa. He was alive when Jesus was moon walking on water.

B.C actually stands for "before CuteOldGay" and that was over half a billion years ago
dirty dog's Avatar
I'm sorry. This thread is funny. A bunch of "born again" hobbyists lecturing us on the Bible. Unrepentant sinners defending Christ. Jesus doesn't need your help. He didn't have much time for hypocrites. Sinners who boldly announce their sin really have no credibility. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG its not about defending Christ for me its about rebuking stupid statements. Personally I could give a shit what you believe. I do however find it ironic the amount of venom that Atheists have, can you not just let believers believe without the "fairytale" comments. Its funny to me that Atheists scream all the time about Christians discussing their religion, yet have absolutely no problem discussing theirs and forcing it upon others.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm sorry. This thread is funny. A bunch of "born again" hobbyists lecturing us on the Bible. Unrepentant sinners defending Christ. Jesus doesn't need your help. He didn't have much time for hypocrites. Sinners who boldly announce their sin really have no credibility. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Then Jesus wouldn't have much time for hypocritical atheists who boldly announce their belief that something was created from nothing while pretentiously ridiculing Christians for their belief that something was created from nothing. But alas, maybe the answer is to be found in the stars, you know, astrology; another one of those preeminent "sciences" that held sway over men's minds for thousands of years.
You're an atheistic, communistic POS, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Author Eric Hoffer describes your lot to a tee, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. He wrote, in True Believer, about how your ilk are enticed by the essence of Communist theory and how it “holds a following not by its doctrine and promises but by the refuge it offers from the anxieties, barrenness and meaninglessness of an [your atheistic] individual existence.”
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
This from a guy who takes refuge in a fairytale. Hoffer was an atheist you fucking idiot. Everyone's existence is meaningless. You just choose to spend several times a day talking to yourself (praying). Sounds like you're the crazy one. Life without God is anything but barren. That's when your true life begins. You're just mad that you don't have the fucking balls to make the same choice.

The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not.
-- Eric Hoffer, The True Believer (1951)

Take man's most fantastic invention -- God. Man invents God in the image of his longings, in the image of what he wants to be, then proceeds to imitate that image, vie with it, and strive to overcome it.
-- Eric Hoffer
COG its not about defending Christ for me its about rebuking stupid statements. Personally I could give a shit what you believe. I do however find it ironic the amount of venom that Atheists have, can you not just let believers believe without the "fairytale" comments. Its funny to me that Atheists scream all the time about Christians discussing their religion, yet have absolutely no problem discussing theirs and forcing it upon others. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I'm not forcing shit. Christians on the other hand, do a good bit of forcing and love to play the victim when it suits them. As for fairytale, it's no different than if I believed winnie the pooh was real. The Bible isn't historical. It's literal when you want, metaphor when you need it and no one can seem to agree which parts are which most of the time. You would think God would make his ONE book more easy to decipher and get his message across. Instead it's a mish mash of parables and a series of gospels that contradict one another.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This from a guy who takes refuge in a fairytale. Hoffer was an atheist you fucking idiot. Everyone's existence is meaningless. You just choose to spend several times a day talking to yourself (praying). Sounds like you're the crazy one. Life without God is anything but barren. That's when your true life begins. You're just mad that you don't have the fucking balls to make the same choice.

The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not.
-- Eric Hoffer, The True Believer (1951)

Take man's most fantastic invention -- God. Man invents God in the image of his longings, in the image of what he wants to be, then proceeds to imitate that image, vie with it, and strive to overcome it.
-- Eric Hoffer
Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
But you're the atheistic jackass posting in this forum, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion, and you personify what Hoffer characterizes as the immature "follower" with an innate personal sense of incompleteness who willingly exchanges your personal freedom in order to become one with the "masses" who follow charlatans proffering their intangible and false message of "hope".